Should Freddy be able to teleport to triggered Dream Snares

Don't get me wrong, I'm glad sweater boi is no longer trash tier. However, it just naturally seemed to follow in my mind that he should be able to use his channel to teleport to dream snares as well as generators. The way I see it now, while Dream Snares are good for shortening loops, they require the target to already be in the dream world, and the screaming effect is rather useless as Freddy, even with his new oppressive gen teleport, can't really capitalize on it unless he both has his teleport up and the Snare is close enough to a generator that he can get over there. Not only that, but it requires them to be asleep; which is, granted, more common now than ever, but is something to consider. The way I see it, this ability would be balanced by a couple of things:
- Snares are far more visible than the Hag's mud hexes ever were. A bright red pool of blood shining brightly on the ground.
- Freddy has a cooldown on his channel, and a longer channeling time.
- Dream Snares have a smaller activation radius than the Blackened Catalyst.
- Dream Snares are only triggered if the Survivor is in the Dream World.
The only problem I see directly with the ability itself is that the Snare already hinders survivors, meaning it you may not get enough of a headstart on the stabby boi but the channel time is long enough that I feel this won't be an issue. Thoughts?
While the inability to avoid triggering dream snares by crouching may be a sticking point, I feel as though the long channel and recharge time make up for this.
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You just should be able to put them instantly like pallets.
The only thing needed to be changed in freddy.
And his blocks ofc, they are awful
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I do not think he should be able to teleport to them. Is there an add on that makes survivors reveal their aura after stepping on a snare? If not that would be a good block add on. I know that survivors normally scream after stepping on one though
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Block addons are just plain bad, period. Which is a shame because most of his other addons are all very useful. Reduced actions speed in dream world and sometimes even out of it, dream pallets, reduced teleport cooldown, harder to escape dream world. I am disappointed not many of his addons are game changers like pallets, but snares, while not as useful for actually hitting the survivor in a loop, do allow you to keep loops down to two circles at max but mostly one.
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Why not just play Hag instead, if you wanna be able to teleport to triggered traps?
Its kinda her thing, you know.
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No, he can set them so easily that there's no way to justify that, he'd legit just be a better Hag then.
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The concept of snares is that they are not really powerful, but they have their uses, and you can (and should) spam them as much as you can, since they don't take long to place at all. And anyway, it would be almost the same power as Hag's. So no, I don't think it's a good idea.
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I don't think so that's good either.
I agree that the snares are more visible than mud hexes but you can place them in such a place that even though a survivor see them he has to go through them. Like in those large sheds in Huntress forest where mostly bunkers are or are present on the edge of map with jenny and pallets.
Plus you can place them at windows like trappers traps.
Because Freddy also has the ability to telephoto to a generator. So If I was a smart freddy then I would just injure a survivor so the others think I'm after him and then teleport to them because they least expect it.
So in my defence Freddy is already buff and your power up would just make him super buffed
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The thing is, the only areas where a survivor "has" to go through them are at generators, and Freddy can already teleport to generators. This ability would basically only be to punish people who are careless while walking around (though trapping both exit gates in the endgame would be a little too punishing, I will admit.) The channel time is already lengthy enough that he wouldn't be able to use it to immediately slap a survivor, unlike the Blackened Catalyst which is short enough that she can. And once again, I feel like all the disadvantages I outlined above would be enough. All they'd allow him to do are find survivors more easily and mindgame a couple loops.
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That would be a yikes from me. You would basically have an on demand 4.6m/s hag that can place traps on the go. If the survivors wake up, you would teleport to a trap that they can't even see (or disarm). You would actually want to stay asleep at that point.
He's already performing very well, that would push him way over the top.
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I see I neglected to specifically mention in my post that in this hypothetical situation, Freddy can only teleport to triggered Dream Snares, same as the Hag; my mistake. With this in mind, I don't think the being awake point you made applies, unless I'm missing something. And unlike the Hag, Freddy's trap teleport would see little use in chases and less useful overall than the Hag's - same way that the Cannibal's chainsaw is both different and less useful than the Hillbilly's.
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NFW. He’s already pretty deadly in the right hands. The last thing we need is him being able to throw them at gates or any other hot spot he wants to cover. Killer mains are already living the good life with EGC.
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You are correct he's a good killer, but he's not a top tier killer. SInce the gold standard for balancing is yet unclear to me as I have been offered numerous differing opinions, this was just another discussion in order to try and gauge that.
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Yeah that would be insane. Snares are actually useful in a chase, and you can pretty much negate most window loops and the majority of pallets without dropping speed. (The snares are visible, sure, but they also thicc, if you put them in the right places (not even then, because you can just spam them.) survivors can't run around them or disable them like they can with hag or trapper, they just have to either take it or abandon that route.
They could be a little smoother in placement, but they are fine.
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I never said Snares weren't useful in a chase, they're one of the better non - Billy or Nurse powers (I would say top 5 but that's an entirely different debate). What I said was the teleport would be useless in a chase because of, once again, all the disadvantages I outlined in my initial post.
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If you know how to use them, snares are pretty damn good as is. He doesn't need any buffs period.
EDIT: and he already has map pressure. Stop trying to overload killer kits, focus on asking for buffs for killers who aren't this good.
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I would say his blocks add-ons needs buffs, a purple add-on should not give Hemorrhage period.
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Yeah but add-ons are a different story.
Base kit he needs nothing.
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But have you considered that freddy would be able to go through snares all the time and survivors won't be able to see them because they are awake
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No. Freddy is pretty solid where he is, giving him the ability to teleport to traps would be insane and make hag pointless.
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Too powerful. Freddy is fine the way he is now