In order to fix NoED...

SpaceCoconut Member Posts: 1,962

We need to know WHY it's bad in your opinion.

I personally think it's fine, but I'm interested in hearing why people think it should be changed.

I'll be paying attention to the well written and least "ragey" posts since I'm looking for a reasonable conversation.

Feel free to rage though.



  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    For a moment I thought your post was just going to be " must BECOME NOED"

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 537

    I think what mostly bothers people is that many times NoED helps a really bad killer that is having a bad match to actually end up having 1 or more kills the he "didn't deserve".

    Some people had thought that maybe NoED should activate at the end of the match only if the killer did a minimum amount of hooks at least.

    In general there's a lot of divided opinions about this perk, I guess is just the fact that survivors hate it and killers love it. Something similar happens with adrenaline, survivors love it, killers hate it.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I think noed is fine.

  • Jago
    Jago Member Posts: 1,742

    The thing I don't like in it's concept is that it's too easy to acquire it's buff, you basically have nothing to do to get a god mode on endgame.

    Yes it got a counterplay "do ur totemz u scrubz", but it's not the point, that goes aswell for those "omg but adrenaline bruh its so broken". We re talking about Noed, nothing else.

    Noed is a bit OP, it shouldnt work like this. Truth is, if you run noed, chances are you're not confident enough to kill multiple survivors before all gens are done. You rely on this perk to have a chance of a comeback, and TO ME, this mentality is bad for a killer. You got to struggle. You got to be frustrated. You got to improve your gameplays and mindgames to get better at the game.

    Noed just give the illusion that a bad trial was actually not thay bad since you managed to do 2 kills with it. It was a bad trial, you got to deal with it.

    People just want an easy life easy game and are sweating for the 4k constantly cause of toxic streamers that teach them how to play "optimally", without talking a single time about FUN, or challenge.

    You run Noed ? Fine, I dont care. In my opinion it should work with a token based mechanics, for each survivors hooked to gain a stack of Noed cause the entity enjoys your ability to kill. Each stack can be used at the end of the trial and for each insta shot it consumes a token.

    This way you give more credit to the perk, and learn to not be dependent with it.

  • sluc16
    sluc16 Member Posts: 537

    I like the tokens idea, although I don't see the devs applying it :(

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    And the Trials have foretold

    Of burning totems in the cold

    That when gates become powered, killers become bold

    NOED, bane of survivors

    Ancient Hex unbound

    With a hunger to swallow all hope

    @Orion the Graybeards have summoned you, answer their call and grace our prayers. Only by the power of YOUR voice can the forums be tamed!

  • DrDeepwound
    DrDeepwound Member Posts: 2,557
    edited July 2019

    NoEd is totally fine.

    One thing I have noticed in my 2 years playing this game is people like to try and shame/bully killers for running Noed, youll see it in every thread "rewards bad killers" type of posts etc,... which is not true. It's just groupthink way to try and shame others.

    NoED has been worked, and reworked, changed, and nerfed until its now completely counterable before it even procs.

    What NoED DOES do is trigger bad survivors, who think just because they did 5 gens the game is over and they won. No, until you walk out the exit gate game is not over. If you doing 360s at exit gate waiting for your friends and get hit with noed, whos fault was it? You shouldve left. Killer sacrificed a perk slot for an end game perk you have complete control over, its your fault.

    The way I see it, a perk is a perk. Unless you play perkless you shouldnt be shaming another player for running noed because all perks are basically crutches that reward players. Self care is way more of a crutych than noed, but you never see survivors shaming other survivors who run self care do ya?

    Look in the mirror before you shame another player.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    @sluc16Member I don't think that killers 'like' it as such, it's just that survivors have on average got two new 2nd-chance perks a year; it always sounds hypocritical to hear them call NOED a '2nd-chance perk' as justification for further changes that they want.

    I don't regard NOED to be a 2nd-chance perk because I have a specific definition for what I consider a 2nd-chance to be. It does however share another category with survivors 2nd-chance perks: that of a rubber-band feature.

    A rubber-band in terms of game design originates from racing games where the difficulty was moderated by applying a 'rubber-band' to AI drivers; they were restricted in how far ahead they could get ahead of you, allowing you a real chance of winning until a certain point imposed from the top-down by the game designers. In the context of most games, it can be considered to have the opposite function of a snow-balling feature. A capture-point game where the points are faster to be captured the closer one side is to winning is one that is promoting snow-balling for faster-paced matches.

    The problem is survivors 2nd-chances can be both rubber-bands and snow-balls: if survivors do well these perks help them and if they are behind they can turn the tables just as effectively as NOED can, but with less risk and investment. Killers complain about those 2nd-chance perks, but individually most of them are not that bad; the issue is they are so stackable and high in synergy, with each one equipped reducing the risk that all will be needed.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    I noticed right away where I went wrong at the start of my post, but I ain't touching that edit button.

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Survivors: We hate NOED. Its a perk that only bad killers use. It's not a fair perk. Its a crutch. It's to OP.

    Same survivors load out: adrenaline, sprint burst, DS, MOM, BT, purple tool boxes, spine chills, ooo, and mics, of course... Lmao

  • Slayer
    Slayer Member Posts: 1,148

    Takes too long to cleanse them all survivors dont have time for that. Simple. Also rng part . But on the other hand if noed gets activated its nothing really. Maybe some killers are dangerous with noed maybe hag i dont know.

  • dragobv
    dragobv Member Posts: 304

    noed is in a good spot if survivors wanna hang on gens all game and ignore totems its always their OWN FAULT if it pops this perk can easily be disabled if you take the time for it i dont see it much cause i just cleanse totems before i do gens

  • yikesgoodjob
    yikesgoodjob Member Posts: 3

    NOED is a crutch perk. Do survivors have crutch perks? Yes. But ... aren’t killers inherently stronger? Aren’t good killers SUPPOSED to 4k? That’s what you’re told when discussing Nurse, Spirit, etc. In that case, survivor perks are a crutch for disadvantaged players to try and level the playing field.

    So, why are killers, already in an advantageous position, rewarded for not completing their objective before survivors do? They’ve (survivors) managed to outplay the boss. So reward said boss with, in many cases, a sure kill?

    “Cleanse totems nub,” yadda yadda. Earn your kill. That’s all. Token system is a start.

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022

    What if, for every hook you make, you add a token. Each token allows for one insta down when NOED becomes active. That way if you only manage one hook, you get one 'free' hit. If you manage eight, then they're all dead.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 700

    If survivors can bring 4 toolboxes and do 5 gens super fast, is the killer bad because they can't get 4k in 5 min. If NOED is a crutch perk for bad killers shouldn't the survivors be able to escape regardless because the killer is so bad?

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    How do people actually define the words they use? What is a 'crutch' supposed to mean in this context? I have a clear definition, which is consistent: a crutch in DbD is any option where there is no reason not to use it, to the point that it would be really detrimental if it were gone.

    Obvious ones are justifiable: killers doing melee is a crutch, even if those like Billy and Trapper have alternatives, it's not reasonable to expect them to rely on those abilities exclusively. Survivors have pallets, which were justifiable until they got uber-buffed into foolproofedness a few months after launch and made pallet-looping a thing.

    NOED is not a crutch. It's a heavily rubber-banding perk with no general purpose and poor synergy even with other perks that share a rubber-banding purpose like Blood Warden, focused entirely on the last moments of the game. Bitter Murmur is better now it has more general use throughout whilst still synergising with NOED, but NOED itself is useful only at the end and only if there is an available totem.

    NOED is massively counter-productive when ever any snow-balling perk is used for killers, especially other Hex perks, but especially the most popular: Ruin. You will see almost no killer hedging their bets by taking Ruin and NOED together. Ruin means one less available totem, it prompts survivors to go seeking totems from the start and if it does its job it also means NOED is a wasted perk-slot rather than an insurance card. This more than anything makes NOED not a crutch: it's an option with a very clear reason not to use it. It's always better for a killer to bet on winning with Ruin than clutching with NOED.

  • Seltas0208
    Seltas0208 Member Posts: 1,056

    I also think noed is fine, but if they're gonna mess with noed then adrenaline should be changed as well

    Actually. Maybe most of the "win more" perks should be changed

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    Mainly because it rewards killer without an actual COUNTER, I agree that you should just cleanse totems and there's no problem but there are a few things difficult about that.

    1) Unless you're playing SWF, there's little way to tell whether or not anyone else is doing totems, making it more difficult to decide whether to keep finding them or not.

    2) As totems now usually have very good spawn locations, unless every single survivor actively tries to look for them (which many don't), it's unlikely that all of them will be broken before the exit gates are powered.

    3) All of this has to be done just in case the killer has NOED, there is no way to tell they have it until it is activated and if they don't end up having it after all totems are cleansed, a large amount of the match has been wasted and can often lead to the killer getting a sacrifice because you took a precaution you didn't need to.

    Other than that, I don't really care all too much about NOED, definitely a bit annoying to play against but what part of this game isn't annoying?

  • indieeden7
    indieeden7 Member Posts: 3,446

    I'm sorry but how can you complain about perks like sprint burst after exhaustion nerf, DS after rework, BT after rework, MoM after it was nerfed to the ground, and SC which just tells the survivor that you're coming towards them?

  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    Because survivors are complaining about a perk they can literally disable, just don't want to take the time to do so. Killers can't go cleanse something and completely take away one of survivors perks. Anyone who complains about NOED is just salty because they got downed by it and their team failed there OTHER objective. I play both sides and fully understand how powerful and toxic SWF can be. If your that bothered with NOED, run small game and just cleanse the totems...