Well, here we go again. Salt&Rant


->Freddy release

->First week since release

->Nerf freddy, reee, too strong, too op, can`t win

->M1 Killer who had no tools to help him in chases (let me remind you, this was BEFORE spirit fury and bamboozle)

->7-3 seconds waiting before hitting survivor.


->Really blind (fog inside dream world made it harded to spot survivors, btw)

->At least he has slug potential and has some repair speed debuff which could be easily dodged, though.



->Freddy B R U T A L L L Y nerfed into oblivion.

->it`s okay, we still have nurse




->1.5 year later he finally receives his long waited rework.

->First days since release

->Wild animals haven`t adapted to him, but they have adapted to crying on forums

->Nerf freddy, reee, tooo strong, too op, can`t win

->Useless(almost) snares

->Still pretty easy to escape dream world

->No wallhack

->No slowdown

->DreamProjection takes a few seconds to be finished, so you can just quietly leave without running

->Fake pallets can be a nuisance, though




->k, but don`t complain about constantly seeing nurse, hillbilly and spirit



  • TrapperKeeper
    TrapperKeeper Member Posts: 22

    I laughed so hard at this, and the scary thing about this post... is that it's so true. LOL! Can we be friends? xD!

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    So 2 years and you still havent found a decent killer to play? Wild boy? it seems you really want to get things the easy way.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    I honestly don’t know why people wanna nerf him so early.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    @GrootDude They either want to see if devs do the same thing again (which i doubt) or just are too trigger happy.

    (remember when Legion was fine if not too weak on ptb?)

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270


    "Wild animals haven`t adapted to him, but they have adapted to crying on forums"

    An accurate description of 90% of forum posts. Well done :)

  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    If new Freddy actually get's a nerf this week/next week I will laugh because they are basically just repeating history at this point then.

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Why an I seeing more posts of this kind than actual complaints about Freddy? You guys need to seriously calm down.

  • Stinky
    Stinky Member Posts: 45

    I don't know if i think he's OP as such.

    But I feel like it would be nice if there were more Survivor Changes to reflect the Killers Evolution, as it seems they are getting more abilities to play around with.

    Like being able to use the Flashlight for more than just Blinds and Hag Marks. If they work of Freddy's marks and pallets to, that'd be cool.

    It's like Ghost Face just being a better version of Myers, as he can continuously stealth after Exposing someone and he sneaks faster that Survivors can sprint.

    Seems OP, but mostly because there isn't a real counter to it other than looping. I mean looking at GF just gives him back his Terror Radius, it doesn't stop you from being exposed or anything like that.

    It's same, same.

    My personal stance is still that as Killers keep getting more advantages in abilities, the Killer Mains will just keep getting worse because they are relying too much on the abilities (and perks) and not getting better at the basic gameplay.

  • ReikoMori
    ReikoMori Member Posts: 3,333

    Ghostface is not a better Myers. In terms of stealth Ghostface has that on him as he has true stealth at will. Myers stealth requires staying at T1. Ghostface has worse exposure. It's single target and contingent on him being in stealth unlike Myers who just gets to expose an entire team for getting to T3 and if you run iri tuft of hair and j. myers memorial they stay exposed. Outside of having true stealth everything else is a more conditional less efficient version of myers. Ghostface has the better mori kill though.

  • Stinky
    Stinky Member Posts: 45

    Well, add-ons help. But Myers seldomly get all (or even most) survivors on a single Tier 3 EW without them. And as far as i can tell, GF can charge up exposed on indidvidual survivors. It just takes a little bit of prep-work and patience, but you should be able to do something akin to Tier 3 EW, and without the Terror Radius.

    But that's beside the point.

    I was more interested in having a few changes to some of the more worthless Survivor Gear and Perks, to reflect all these extra abilities they seem to be giving Killers.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919
  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    @se05239 Don't say these things.. -sad oink-

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    @ElusivePukka They made it so that the dash attack no longer counts as a basic attack, which means it no longer trigger exposure or any other status effects.

    Some people consider it a buff though, as it means you can dash attack your obsession without losing Save the Best for Last stacks.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Killer: Not even released yet.


  • FredKrueger
    FredKrueger Member Posts: 265

    So wait, are you saying the dash attack just causes deep wounds now or can you still down injured people with it? Haven't played with pig yet...

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599
    edited July 2019

    @FredKrueger @se05239

    You can down injured people - and some status effects do trigger, such as deep wounds from Borrowed Time. You really just can't benefit from the exposed status, which doesn't inhibit my playstyle as a Pig main.

    I don't use my ambush for anything other than the first hits on a generator and loop control, anyway. It's faster to just stand, and you have the advantage of no roar or terror radius for a moment.

    Overall, Freddy just needs a little adaptation from both killers and survivors. He'd not OP, he's just finally not trash (except in the hands of people who've invested proper amounts of time). His Z and Unicorn Block addons could use some work, and I wouldn't care if his tokens got reduced, but QoL changes are the only things he needs - they're getting better with the post-release tweaks, even if Ghostface was still slightly too harsh.

  • Tzeentchling9
    Tzeentchling9 Member Posts: 1,796

    This is what happens when you cater to crybabies and set a precedent of rewarding bad behavior with Killer nerfs.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    What are you talking about? I`m hag main, I am observing this circus from shadows

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Well, you are right.

    But it hurts to see fred`s approaching death once again

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    Sure, because MoM nerf, map rework and Freddy rework are obviously a buff for survivors. I'm so sorry for killers, only the receive nerfs.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    1) MoM was extremely OP when it came out. This nerf was necessary because this perk was broken. If you think that MoM was balanced before nerf, then I have bad news for you.

    2)They increased amount of pallets in new versions of badham. You just can`t brainlessly abuse safe pallets and loops now.

    3)Freddy was the second worst killer in the game, especially after his nerfs in 2017 and this rework just gave him what he deserved. In a few weeks people will adapt to him and he`ll be in A-B tier.

    And yes, killers are the one who receive nerf without any serious reason (with few exceptions, like machinegun combo, etc) while most of survivors` nerf are to remove broken and OP sh*t: 20 seconds sprint, infinites, Decisive strike, bnp, sprint&BL combo (before exhaustion), exhaustion cooldown while in chase, double/triple repairing speed when repairing with someone else, should i continue?

    And as for killers` nerfs: bloodlust, nurse in 2016 (3 blinks, 4.6 speed), brutal strength, noed(several times, now it is quite balanced and has counterplay), shadowborn, freddy (why!?), pig (why!?)

  • Virayn
    Virayn Member Posts: 9

    @JAWS_BDSM Who was the worst killer? I'm guessing Hag, but I honestly think Freddy pre-rework was the worst killer and a form of cruel and unusual punishment

    Also, the rest of your comment is a truth bomb, preach

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Hag, statistically, gets the most kills of any killer. I'm also wondering who was supposed to be below Freddy Classic.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Bubba. His basekit is poor, he lacks mobility and is effective only if you start camping (currently really useless, unless you are pig or ghostface). His saw hinders him during chases and acceleration is low. He surely can do quick instadowns, but it rarely happens and usually he is just a M1 killer who eats pallets fast and kills noobs.

    However basement bubba is really funny if you are not trying to get 4k every game.

    I can be wrong, but it is my opinion on the worst killer in the game. Other killers have more effective tools to either apply strong pressure on survivors (hillbilly, pig, nurse,etc) or finish chases really fast (nurse, spirit, plague, etc). Some of them have high mobility like hillbilly or new freddy.

    Bubba doesn`t have anything of that. He cannot apply much pressure on survivors. He cannot move fast around the map. He barely can end chases fast, as it is easy to kite him around obstacles or just use nearest window or pallet.). His chainsaw works effectively only when survivors make huge mistakes or do not have sprint burst.

  • Virayn
    Virayn Member Posts: 9

    Hag before she got some sick buffs was generally considered the worst killer, which is why I said that, but Leatherface definitely isn't a strong pick unless the survivors are extremely altruistic, and even then it's not difficult to kill off overly altruistic survivors normally. I wouldn't say Leatherface is worse than pre-rework Freddy, but he really does have more cons than pros.