Pig Nerfs???

Are they really planning on nerfing the Pig again? ... seriously??
I literally never hear anyone complain about the Pig. In fact, the opposite happens. People say Pig is fun! So what the heck is up with nerfing her, an already lower-tier killer? What about Nurse or Billy, why not nerf them instead? I hear lots of people complain about those two, and for good reason. They're too strong. Is Pig somehow too strong and I just haven't noticed?
Someone please tell me I'm wrong about this and they're not nerfing her, and that I just heard wrong or something.
Idk, Piggy is getting the Legion treatment unfairly :(
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@Ember_Hunter https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/77429/pig-and-legion-unnecessary-nerfage#latest
Justice for Legion and Amanda!
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Its more like this
Survivor's: We want a nurse nerf
Devs: Were Listening to the community
*Devs nerf pig*
Amanda: Am i a joke to you?
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I didn't want Nurse nerf, but pretty accurate
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Some people wanted nurse to be nerfed there was a big thread about it
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I saw it, I intervened it to talk about Bubba xD But I see nothing OP about her, been making her my 4th main, she is very hard to time.
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Where did you hear this? It sounds absurd.
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Pig's ambush no longer counts as normal attack.
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It really is jarring and the fact that the devs have said NOTHING about these nerfs really frustrates me.
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Wait wait wait... What the F O O K?