Hex: No One Escapes Death - Yet another thread about it.

I know - This perk is discussed a lot among various forums around the internet but I don't care. I want to give you my very own salt, too. I don't know why the devs don't change ANYthing about that perk. So many well known streamers and youtubers said the same:

Hex: NOED requires absolutely no skill and changes the game in a way it shouldn't. You don't have to have enough skill with any killer. No matter what killer, you don't need to be good with him because NOED is enough. You don't need no hatches, no teleport, no stalking, no bottles, no dreams. NOED is enough.

If a killer can't handle this game until we finish all gens (with no to one hooks) the killer wins the game ONLY because of this perk. That, ladies and gentlemen, is not what the game's about. Tru3 , no0b3, monto, everyone said it. Everybody knows it. And more and more killers play this style because it's probably the only way for them to win. But that's not the game.

Thank you for reading. Nerf it. Remove it. I don't know.

Oh yeah, and no killer main has to complain about "UhHh.. NoEd Is JuSt A mEcHaNiSm AgAiNsT AdReNaLiNe." It's not.



  • Mifian
    Mifian Member Posts: 18

    Survivor main, granted I only have 400 hours or so but I'll weigh in. I've dabbled in killer (maybe 50 hours or so), used NOED and decided I didn't really care for it and stopped using it. I feel like it's a crutch to get kills, and once you hit red ranks it's pretty useless unless you know how to chase people, which, honestly? If you're using NOED it sort of caps you on your skill in chases as it makes downing people at lower ranks (when you should be learning how to end chases) much easier.

    NOED is fine as it is with the game being in it's current state. It is a counter to adrenaline, and can turn the tides of a match if you're batting 0. A counter is simply a response to another perk. If I'm running NOED because I can down someone who got adrenaline'd in the middle of a chase in order to secure the kill, it's, by definition, a counter.

    If you're part of a SWF, break dull totems, if you're not, break dull totems. There's usually one between two generators. The point value has been increased anyway so now there's even more incentive to break dull totems. Keep an eye on where totems are, memorize their spawns if you have to, and keep a dull totem or two in play until end game. 9/10 you can shut NOED down instantly if you've gotten a few totems and leave one up, which tempts the proc.

    Now. If the game were to have more balance around killer play, and have killers who can hold their own against red ranks (beyond the trifecta of nurse, billy, and spirit), then NOED can be reworked. But I have no problem with a wraith who has been whiffing the entire game getting a kill or two due to NOED and over-altruistic survivors because wraith at high ranks typically cannot keep up with the caliber of survivor I've consistently seen.

    Yes. I've gotten salty at NOED. Yes. I've gone down when I would have been able to escape if the killer hadn't brought NOED. But usually it's my ACTIONS that put me in a position where I can be downed by NOED. Or I made a mistake during a chase which allowed me to be hit. Or I wasn't paying attention to where the exit gates were and got turned around.

    I feel like people, survivors especially, often blame killers for using perks when in reality sometimes you just made a bad decision or a series of bad decisions and you feel as if you deserve your escape when in reality, you made a mistake, which the killer capitalizes on.

    Just my two cents.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    @SirClaver. Perhaps you are new in these forums, but these are killers' forums, and only killers deserve buff.

  • SirClaver
    SirClaver Member Posts: 8

    I wrote this post because of the last game, I've had enough. Everyone was nearly the same rank (12). The killer decided to use the Legion and was very unable to play him and never downed me the whole game. Though I was able to rescue two people from a hook. The game lastet for only 6 to 9 minutes I guess. I popped the last gen, went to the door and there we have it. NOED. The killer didn't have enough skill to kill a single one of us. And at the end he downed me with noed, slugged me (of course), the other survs tried to help me up, got downed and killed. You know what I am trying to say even though my mothertongue is german.

    He only won with a single perk and that, in my opinion, is just gamebreaking. And all the streamers and youtubers we know said exactly the same about the perk at least once. Everyone knows it and yet nobody cares. I hope it's in development.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Sounds like he won because you teammates didn't escape and leave him ith his 1 kill.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    What if I WANT to kill the survivors endgame instead of at the beginning? I've always found NOED to be fine. Both as killer and as survivor. Just do totems, smh.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    @PrincessPoop Small game.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    I think that should be part of small game rather than base survivor kit

  • PrincessPoop
    PrincessPoop Member Posts: 919

    But swf already have a totem counter for free. Having it be baseline would literally only help solos.

  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,311
    edited July 2019

    Look at it this way, if you die to NOED you already got to play until endgame in one way or another. I'll get surprise smacked by NOED over getting mindlessly hard camped 1st hook or hardcore proxied + mori'd early on any day of the week.

    You're not entitled to escape until you've either passed the barrier or jumped into the hatch, just like a killer isn't entitled to kill you until you get sacrificed on the hook or they've mori'd you.

  • TheHourMan
    TheHourMan Member Posts: 1,052

    Most killers are fine with survivor buffs as long as they aren't going to make red ranks even worse for killer. Loads of survivor perks need quality of life buffs, and a few need entire reworks, but if someone proposed making Decisive Strike reusable, obviously we will disagree vehemently.

  • Avilgus
    Avilgus Member Posts: 1,261


  • Drazen
    Drazen Member Posts: 400

    yes noed requires no skill like ds and adrenaline requires skill lol?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Adrenaline requires you to do your objective, unless you get it by hatch closing.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    So I play killer and survivor (total 1,500 hours) and don’t run NOED. I think it’s too much of a crutch perk, tho I’m not tryna hate on those who use it. I don’t run exhaustion perks on my survivor either cause I’m all about pushing myself to get better. That being said, do I think it should be nerfed? Simple answer is no. I think survivors should have a bigger incentive to cleanse totems but as is this is one of the few perks (all hex perks really) that has a clear, definite counter. Not only that, but it can be taken out before providing any use to the killer. I get the frustration, but I can’t honestly say it needs a nerf no matter how many times I see it proc, because I know that even if it is active I have gotten out before without getting hit, even tho the killer was chasing me. Otherwise, you gotta cleanse the totems or take the risk.

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    Survivors already have one significant advantage over the killer: the killer is paying for decisions in time, the survivors pay in terms of their resources divided by their main objectives remaining. The killer's resource is an uncertain quantity, the survivors is completely knowable. Totems as a secondary objective are a necessary uncertainty for balance.

    Everyone knows there are five, everyone knows when an active totem is cleansed because of the noise, but only SWF communicating know when dull totems are cleansed. There's a conversation to be had about closing the information-gap between SWF and solos but the devs have been in no hurry to actually do it. If it ever involved a totem counter, NOED would have to be changed to make it pointless, so why bother?

    Why would NOED have to be changed?

    Because a totem counter would have the same effect on behaviour as Ruin does: people stop what they're doing and go hunting for totems. When Ruin triggers it though, it generally signals that the killer is not running NOED: the killer has bet on winning before the end-game by making it less likely it happens. Ruin is a pro snow-balling perk.

    Once Ruin is found, the totem hunt usually stops and everyone is back on generators, but every dull totem they found along the way is cleansed for points in case the killer wins. What does a totem counter do in that circumstance? It tells people there's still totems and they're less likely to stop hunting unless they go a while without finding it.

    Currently part of NOED's benefit is that it benefits killers who aren't even using it: just the risk that the killer might have it is enough to trigger a totem hunt. If a killer doesn't run Ruin, depending on the killer this is an obvious warning sign that they're using NOED. So in response to a totem counter being introduced, RUIN can be swapped for a non-Hex perk seeing as it's more likely to be found now and so can NOED. The same result over a large portion of the game is being facilitated by the counter encouraging survivors to look for dull totems.

    NOED would have to be changed so that it was no longer a risk related to totems, because the totem counter is provoking hunts for totems in order to mitigate NOED. Right now, cleansing dull totems is an absolute counter-play to NOED at the risk of giving the killer a lot more time to win, but NOED still has it's legacy counter-play from before it was a Hex: the killer can't guard both exits at once, so leave by the one they're not at. If a survivor isn't even trying to hide and they go straight for a gate, it's only a 50/50 chance of being the first one the killer goes to and finds them at.

    Better to just not have a totem counter in the UI.

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    Here's a fun list of survivor perks that meet the same requirement of no skill that you just went on a whining spree about:

    • Adrenaline
    • Alert
    • Boil Over
    • Borrowed Time
    • Break Down
    • Calm Spirit
    • Decisive Strike
    • Distortion
    • Iron Will
    • Kindred
    • Left Behind
    • Lightweight
    • Prove Thyself
    • Resilience
    • Sole Survivor
    • Spine Chill
    • Streetwise
    • Technician
    • Tenacity
    • Up the Ante
    • Unbreakable
    • Urban Evasion
    • Vigil
    • Wake up
    • Windows of Opportunity

  • ArecBalrin
    ArecBalrin Member Posts: 636

    It's not their logic though? It's that logic which they're criticising: that employed whenever someone says one specific perk they don't like is an issue because it 'takes no skill'.

    It evolved from survivors adopting an argument made by killers which they only half-listened to(possibly worse than them not listening at all): that many 2nd-chance perks survivors have are either inevitable over the course of the game and the killer can't mitigate them, or in order to do so the killer has to make a catch-22 decision.

    It's not that they literally take 'no skill', but that you can compare them to other perks in terms of an absolute: did X perk prevent or delay me from getting hit, caught or hooked? Speed perks like Sprint-Burst and Lithe have some ambiguity to them, as do stealth and information perks; but 2nd-chance perks are absolutes: they absolutely reverse unambigious fail-states on the survivor. When they are downed, now they are not downed. When they are hit, now they are un-hit. When picked up, they can gaurantee a near-total reversal. This makes them by default superior to almost all the ambigious alternatives. They amount to free-lunches.

    The devs have tried making 2nd-chance more situational to balance them, but those are situations which happen practically every game, can happen at any point in the game so are still generally useful and can still be stacked.

  • George_Soros
    George_Soros Member Posts: 2,270
    edited July 2019

    @SirClaver I seriously don't understand: why don't you cleanse the NOED totem???

    EDIT I'm not even saying "cleanse dulls, duh", all five of them can be difficult if no SWF. But for Christ's sake, once it's lit, it takes only a little bit of luck plus 16 seconds to neutralize it.

    If you played any game beyond rank 20, you know that if the killer has not hooked anyone during game, NOED will not land him any kills. Cleanse NOED totem, save teammate with BT, even if you nobody has BT, with a little effort, the other survivors can gang up and bodyblock the killer so he won't be able to down the unhooked survivor.

    NOED is a weak perk. If your teammates don't help you out there, that's on them, not the killer, and not the perk.

  • TheGorgon
    TheGorgon Member Posts: 777

    Is it frustrating? - Most definitely

    Does it although improve the chances of late-game success for the killer? - Most definitely, and I think that she be perceived to the public like it's suppose to do. Though I do admit, today I repaired a final Generator and the game ended with me being chased for like 2 minutes and getting downed by NOED. It's niche, if late game was even more common, NOED would be seen on just about 4/5 builds, but it isn't, you see builds with a lot of PGTW, Ruin, Terror radius, status.

    Sometimes you can't help it but you get to Endgame and couldn't end the game before that. If NOED were to ever be nerfed, I'd just do it so if 2 or less people are left alive, NOED deactivates for the rest of the game, removing the factor of 4k's from NOED.

  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77
    edited July 2019

    How there can be so much complaining about a HEX perk that can be denied before it even has a chance to activate is beyond me.

    Why complain about a perk that can easily be destroyed? You can easily do it as a solo player.

    NOED has already been nerfed multiple times, stahp whining.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    90% of perks in any game are no skill. They spice up the game and can create new strategies and techniques to play the game. No point in arguing which perks require skill and which don't.

    About perks that reward people for playing bad, both sides have them. Unbreakable and decisive strike both reward the survivor for playing badly and Bitter murmur, noed and MYC reward the killer for playing badly. Claiming that a perk rewards someone for playing badly isn't valid in this case.

    Yes and Dying Light requires you do your objective but people seem to despise that perk...

  • Dehitay
    Dehitay Member Posts: 1,725

    First of all, the fact that you listed every single killer perk instead of just the no skill ones means you completely missed the point. Second, I'm not the one crying about skillless perks. Because I half half a functioning brain, I possess the minor amount of intelligence required to realize that a game feature that's meant to be passive isn't going to require skill to use. It's not my stupid logic; it's the OP's. Though you're clearly lacking in logic as well to both miss the type of perks listed in addition to being unable to identify who was complaining about skillless perks.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    U are aware that noed boosts your speed + bloodlust can stack on top of that? A killer can just run with you around a semi safe pallet till he gets his bl3 and you WILL go down, your skill doesn't matter anymore with that speed + one shot

  • No_Cluie_Louis
    No_Cluie_Louis Member Posts: 1,093

    People always make the point of, its your fault if you';re camped, etc as you should just be better as a survivor. This is nonsense. The killer is faster than the survivor, and is obviously designed to be able to catch them. All survivors can do is waste their time. No matter how unskilled they are, a killed with noed will usually catch you

    JESUS_CHRIST Member Posts: 313

    If a killer is actually doing bad they'll be lucky to safety pip while if the survivors did good up until gates they'll likely pip sacrifice or not. NOED isn't used nearly as much at high ranks and that's because it takes bad teams to get destroyed by the perk. Good teams lose one person at the most or they cleanse the totem at the end and get the the save, and that's if anybody gets downed to begin with.

    I've barely used the perk at all and I've wrecked so many teams at end game despite not having it. NOED only works because people make bad decisions. You can cleanse totems before or after gates or you can just not make really bad altruistic plays and minimize its impact. I don't use it not because I'm a really nice guy but because there are better perks I can use in its place. I experimented with it for about a month and seen just how weak it is against people that know how to handle it. Give me something I can use throughout the whole game instead.

  • twistedmonkey
    twistedmonkey Member Posts: 4,291

    NOED is a counter to not only gen rushing but many things. It not just about skill but the perks and items in game to prolong a chase.

    Exhuastion perks are ones which can make a chase last a lot longer.

    Insta heals negate a killer doing there job and prolong a chase.

    Adrenaline while a reward as such for doing the objective doesn't take time will prolong the chase.

    Borrowed time and DS when the gates are opened enable free escapes.

    And these's are just some examples.

    In a game where the devs expecta killer to chase, down and hook every survivor 3 times before they can pip at rank 1 when the the perfect balance is 2 die 2 escape and survivors between them have to do 400s of gen time a chase should in theory last no longer than 35 seconds (this doesn't include time to pick up and hook).

    There are many things which are unbalanced in the game and NOED can be one of them but it is in part a necessary evil and truly is in the hands of the survivors on its activation. The chances are each totem will be passed by a survivor at some point looking for a gen. It is a second objective it's just optional and the refusal of each one to take the 14s of cleansing is why it is so strong not what the actual perk does.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited July 2019

    Yeah more complaining about a perk that allows any killer to one shot at the end of a match, if the survivors didn't clear all the totems.

    Yet when you have killers who can one shot the entire match, but no problem there?


    People get mad when they get NOEDed cause them and their teammates didn't clear those dull totems they seen about 2 minutes into the match, instead they pounded the gens down as fast as they could.

    Who cares what streamers have to say about it. And a couple of them stating their feedback doesn't represent the entire community or EVERYONE!

  • LushyBunny
    LushyBunny Member Posts: 76

    This is the point of noed. To have the second chance at killer. This is one of the only killer second chance perks, where as killer have about 4-8. So, get rid of one of killers very few second chances while survivors get nothing but second chances? Don't get salty. You let him get to close, and as the survivor main said, cleansing has a incentive, and it's not hard to look for a bit. If he was as bad as said, you could've ran him around aswell. It's annoying, yes, but so is adrenaline, insta heals, decisive strike, borrowed time, balanced landing, lithe, flashlights. It is a direct counter to ONE of these, by definition, it's fair.

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    bUt FrEdDy AnD wRaItH nEeD nOeD

  • bearluvr182
    bearluvr182 Member Posts: 26

    I think NOED is a good thing, I honestly can't wait for it to kick in so all you whiny survivors that do nothing but loop, and loop, and loop, and loop, and loop, and loop finally get taken down a notch at the end of the game. I love seeing you get knocked down in the exit gate while doing ur but dance and clicking ur flashlights, I think it's more than fair...

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    As if making yet another thread crying about NOED isn't already bait.

  • DaS_only
    DaS_only Member Posts: 656

    No, not really. Just because a topic is heavily discussed doesn't mean it's bait. Noone said it's bait when we were complaint about old MoM and old DS, so same principle should be applied here aswell.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    What's your point? By making that list you just look like a killer that complains about garbage survivor perks that no one uses.

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Maybe you do bones next time?