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Pig and Legion: Unnecessary nerfage.

As of late, the Pig and the Legion have been, if not, the most nerfed Killers in Dead By Daylight to date. While Legion hasn't had too many updates to really have the title as 'most nerfed', they've had the harshest nerfs over any other Killer. As for the Pig, her nerfs, as of lately, have been VERY unnecessary and uncalled for. Pig players have done nothing wrong whatsoever to deserve these, and there has been outright no complaints at all towards her from any Survivors as of lately.

These two Killers just keep getting gutted, over and over again, and with no comment as to why and whether or not they'll ever see any buffs or reworks in their future. What is the issue with Pig currently? Why couldn't Legion have just received a major rework rather than an outright outrageous nerf that killed off a lot of Legion mains? Will we ever get any comment as to what is planned for them? We need communication to reassure ourselves that our favorite Killers aren't being planned to be executed. Please. I like to stay as calm and collective as I can and try to see the upside to situations like this, but there have been absolutely zero. :(


Piggy and Legion need buffs/reworks, not nerfs. Also, her name is SUSIE, not Suzie. :(


  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    Honestly, i wanted to main legion, before the rework i realized how unfun they could be to go against, then i decided to main piggy cuz she seemed fun to play as and against, then she got gutted so hard, after legion got "reworked" i was like oh i guess i can main legion now but they're also weak, even weaker than piggy. and tbh i still don't like going against legion even now.


  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    Anytime! But nonetheless...#JusticeforAmanda #JusticeforLegion 💜

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145


  • blue4zion
    blue4zion Member Posts: 2,773

    With the pig, I literally can't with the people saying "we did nothing wrong, it was not asked for!"

    They had to make changes to fit the new end game, it had nothing to do with her strength/how people felt about her.

    They should however had compensated and buffed something else. So yes, #justiceforamanda but please stop thinking they did it to purposely hurt her. I do expect them to eventually get back to her, but she's probably not a priority.

  • Mellow7
    Mellow7 Member Posts: 793

    Hope is lost for legion sadly, BHVR won't revisit him anytime soon and all the complaints and threads won't make him be on their priority list, killers are the minority and from a buisness stand point would you rather please the majority or the minority of your costumers.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Bhvr has already give 2 comments to the Legion situation.

    Comment 1# was mainly just copy&paste the patch notes and some sweet words around it, as would Legion mains not have read the patch notes or understand them.

    The problem is; -we have understand them -_-... And thats why nobody was ok with that comment.

    Comment 2# had more a individual writing style and mainly they said, that the Legion is not on their map for the moment.

    That's ok, but hopefully they don't forget us. At least that should be really hard by all those threads.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Edit: And sorry devs for sounding "bitter", but it is hard those days to be not a bit upset as pre patch Legion main.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2019

    Legion got nerfed because he had no counter play and he took no skill to be super effective with him. You just hit a survivor with FF, then look at the floor and follow blood. They go down in like 20 seconds and all you did was land a basically unavoidable hit. The whole "Nurse has no counter play" thing is debatable, and even if she does not, at the very least it takes skill to use her and if you successfully dodge a hit she has to use that skill to try again. Legion though... if he missed it was like so what? He just swings again immediately. No cool down and no penalty at all on missing. He was faster than normal killers. Completely disregards pallets/windows. And he had the ability to just cheese chase mechanics. THAT is why he got nerfed. It was just stupid to play against him.

    Pig, on the other hand, got a nerf to RBT because of EGC. I think they could have handled it better. I was an end game Pig myself, when I used her. But it makes sense considering how OP RBT would be in EGC if it wasn't changed. That said, I hope the devs decide to revisit this and find a better solution because the one the came up with is just dumb. IMO, it should just work like it did before, but if there is an active trap the EGC timer is paused, and if she places a trap on someone during EGC is resets the timer. That would let her play much like she did before and be fair for EGC.

    As for the stuff in the recent patch, I don't know yet if it was really a nerf. Someone showed a video of them with like 3 STBFL tokens landing ambush on the obsession and they didn't lose tokens. So in that way it's a buff. And AFAIK, the "basic attack" clause only applied to Dark Devotion, Infectious Fright, and MOM, where the first 2 were changed anyway to remove the clause leaving just MOM. So that's a buff as ambush won't proc MOM (even though MOM is crap now).

    So to say that she's unfairly being nerfed is just not true really.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    @thesuicidefox There’s been no reason to touch Pig at all though. Remember when they had it where her RBT worked similarly to Deep Wound in which, if you were in her TR, it would’ve stopped the timer? There was no reason for that. Granted, they never went through with it, but there was NO reason to even try it to begin with. And yes, we all know why Legion was nerfed, but that’s why we’ve been asking for a rework or some sort of buff that could still use their current playstyle but at least make them viable. And why the silence? Why are they not telling us anything themselves? We need answers for those kinds of things. I don’t want the ‘why we did/planned to do this’ for Legion, I want the ‘this is what we have planned.’ For Pig, I just want them to STOP messing with her. Two of my friends who have been Pig mains from day one can agree that the continuous amount of changes towards Pig are unnecessary.

    We need communication.

    We need answers and we need to stop being ignored.

  • AhoyWolf
    AhoyWolf Member Posts: 4,074

    @Peanits @not_Queen Are you going to say anything about this?

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995
    edited July 2019

    Suicidefox did a good job at explaining why the Legion nerf was needed. There was no counterplay to them, they had the ability to cheese chase mechanics and they disregarded pallets and windows, which are survivors only way to get distance between themselves and the killers.

    Pig was nerfed because of EGC and it's kinda understandable why they did it. Note that I'm a Pig main and wasn't that frustrated with the changes cause I never did Endgame Pig. I can't remember who but one of the devs stated once that the RBT was never meant for the endgame but was meant for as a way to slow the game down, so with this change they encouraged the playstyle they originally envisioned.

    I've always seen endgame Pig as kinda cheesy, NOED + put traps on a survivor and now you can tunnel them knowing the only way they can escape is if they get hatch. But I'd love if she could get some kind of buff on other aspects or make traps less RNG dependant. It sucks to put a trap on a survivor and they get it off on their first try.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    1) There was reason to change the Pig, as I said the old RBT in EGC would have been OP.

    2) They never even made live the TR change you are talking about. It was tested and deemed stupid. So IDK why you are complaining. Are you saying the devs shouldn't test ideas and just put stuff in the game from theorycrafting? Because that's not how game design works. You test EVERYTHING, that's literally how you solve problems in game design. You can't do that with a pen and paper, you need to play with it.

    3) The devs won't tell you ######### until they are at a point where they are confident whatever they are doing is the right move. Every time they told us stuff that wasn't ready, guess what happened? It never made it to the live game. And then people would complain about it not being fixed despite them saying they were doing X to fix it. It's better to just shut up and not say anything until the solution is actually ready to go live, and all they need to test on the PTB is the minute details like duration of effects and such.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    So we’re not allowed to voice our opinions and just pretend like everything is going to be ok? Yeah, I’m sure that’s gone well before for any community in any other game that has had balancing issues. And I really don’t want to come off as rude to you, because I am not like that at all and I thank you for the feedback that is given, but some of us just don’t want constant updates with no answers. If you can respect that, thank you, if not, then just ignore us. But it’s our decision as a community to voice our feedback when something needs to change.

  • Iceman
    Iceman Member Posts: 1,457

    The pig change I miss the most is the one where if the other survivors left the game while you had a trap on your head then you would die.


    We all are aware why the Legion changes was needed but now their power are useless and boring.

    The devs said that the game should be fun for both sides. Well now it’s boring for both sides.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I don't agree that Amanda didn't need to be touched at all. I may strongly disagree with how they went about it, but I do understand why they changed her for the EGC. My issue isn't that she was changed to account for the EGC; it's that her change ended up being an unreasonably heavy-handed nerf with nothing to make up for it.

    Oh, and #JusticeForAmanda

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    I never said you can't give feedback.

    But it is very childish to sit there and stomp your feet "demanding answers". You're just causing this problem for yourself. The devs have no obligation to tell you every little thing they do. When they are ready, they will tell you something, until then give your feedback and just be patient.

  • NullSp3c
    NullSp3c Member Posts: 765

    I don't know about the pig, I just don't search about her.

    Legion needed a fix, not a nerf. His power didn't work as intended, it was supposed to be a power that let's you hit multiple survivors and not a power that was godlike at tunneling. Did he need nerfs?No.Why?Because the ability was really bad at chaining hits and it still is now tbh. The "you lose your power when you miss a hit" was a "fix" NOT because if he failed a hit he could hit right again, but because that if you were constantly swinging while in FF you would reach a bigger distance. I called it a "fix" and not a fix because it was something that the devs did to him because they didn't have any ideas at the moment, so it was a nerf called "fix". This was simply too harsh.

    Moonwalk exploit: Souldn't be terror radius based but, instead, a range based mechanic. Again, quick changes with no purpose.

    Reduced vault speed because he would be unloopable while in feral frenzy. This is wrong in all the ways possible. Because his vaults had counterplay, because the deep wounds bar reduced by attacks in feral frenzy was simply gutted and removed, and because it is sluggish and very bad to use.

    Add-ons-> Nerfed so badly for no reason at all.

    Why does Legion need a full Feral Frenzy bar to activate it?

    4 seconds cooldown? Even worse than Nurse that can simply ignore pallets and vaults too. Oh! And freaking WALLS.

    There's even a lot more to talk about that was unnecessary and the devs didn't explain why they did it. That's why we want answers.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    There was counterplay. But it needed skill to do it, so... I don't know how to say it on a other way (trying to be polite)... If someone... ahm... has liked to play just how he plays in every other match, by ignoring who he is up against, then... he had a hard time and under this conditions... So with that in mind, there was indeed no counterplay...

    And to play the Legion was also more, or less "skillless" as to play any other killer, or survivor. The whole learning curve in this game is, that you just need to spend enough time with a certain character, to become the necessary "skill".

    That is good imo, because it makes it easier for beginners and also for people that like to change their mains.

    But, btt:

    I would also appreciate a discussion. The killer nerfs in the last months show clearly that it would not be bad, if also killers can voice their opinion.

    How I heard was that already that 1 time already the case with the changes on the hag. Everybody is happy today with the hag... So it can only be good, if sometimes, killers get also asked.

  • OMagic_ManO
    OMagic_ManO Member Posts: 3,278

    Next thing we know, her crouching does not suppress her terror radius anymore and just makes her a little more stealthy, and she gets only 2 traps now.

    When the traps trigger, instead of killing you, they give Deep Wounds.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    1 day for the Legionpatch day, I was playing with the idea to buy a new Legion skin and the Pig, because she had make fun (I could 1 time test her with a red killer addon before).

    Then bhvr had release the disastrous patch that nerfed the Legion and also one of the first nerfs for the Pig was in it.

    TL:DR They had make me safe my money :).

    Its just sad what happens here :(.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Thanks for your response. On a answer like yours now, I (and maybe also others) have waited for.

    I guess, nobody assumes, that changes to the Legion, or the Pig can happen from one day to another, but the communication... The knoweldge that we are not getting ignored are important imo and that's why I am thankful for your answer.

    When the time has come for the Legion, please throw as first that stupid missing hit stun out. To make it short, -drawbacks are no fun at all and a change like that would also not destroy the balance of the Legion, I believe.


  • Th3Nightmare
    Th3Nightmare Member Posts: 1,266

    Legion needs another update not rework

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    I will start out by saying that legion should NOT have the cooldown on his FF---> they can't down people while using FF and they get stunned every time they stop using FF....... with that said Legion was the accident child and fook em.....

    I do understand the pig changes now that I've coped with them... the SAW DLC is what brought me to DBD I mained, p3'd and earned the "sacrafice 500 survivors to the entity" with just Amanda... I do believe that the devs will do something differently with piggy but right now I feel they are on crunch with dedicated servers and other stuff sooooooo..

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Can you at least briefly clarify what the deal is with regarding the recently changed interaction between Save the Best For Last and the Pig's Ambush attack? Intentional? Bug?

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953
    edited July 2019

    @Peanits Thank you!! 💜

    Though I have to ask...Is there anything planned for Legion currently? Any news we should know about?

  • marching_hyena
    marching_hyena Member Posts: 21

    I'm kinda disappointed that it seems like the devs were like, "the players are using the Killer's ability differently than we expected,,,, WE MUST NERF!!!". Legion honestly used to be fun to play against when he was first released. They were a genuinely scary killer to play against and I felt accomplished whenever I survived a match against them. It's disappointing to me that devs are making some Killers useless because of genuine player strategies that the devs didn't consider when making the chatacter. Having Killers that could be played in a few different strategies added diversity and uniqueness to each match played. Not to mention, it's equally disappointing and frustrating seeing, for example, players who played an end-game based Piggy get punished and nerfed when camping is still an issue that literally has no counter play and nothing major is ever done to fix that.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    My thinking^^.

    A really good killer and killer design lets you enough space for your own way to play the certain killer.

    Bad designs try to press you in a role, that in the most cases make no fun.

  • SwInD
    SwInD Member Posts: 13

    Imagine thinking that legion was fine on release... yikes

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    The thing about the Pig change to the RBTs during EGC was very warranted. Even now if you get a trap on your head before the 5th gen pops you're donezo if anyone else opens the gate. You can't realistically get a trap off your head with 4+ boxes AND the exit gates(which by that point you've likely forgotten where they were because you are on two separate time crunches) without dying to either the EGC or the trap. I've had it happen to me at least twice now, having a trap on my head right before the 5th gen popped. Now imagine that this happened AFTER the 5th gen. Also for those of you who say that traps no longer pop when you go through the exit gates, they DO. You just have to have the trap ACTIVATED, meaning put it on before all of the gens are done. It's LITERALLY LUCK that decides whether you live or die if you get a trap on your head right before the 5th gen pops. Nothing else, unless someone 99s the gates and no one else opens one. You can possibly find the hatch, but that also requires those survivors to leave while you have a trap on your head, and that doesn't always happen either. People who want this back are just asking for even easier kills. If you want to screw over survivors that badly, do it right before the 5th gen pops, and then they're screwed. You're welcome, you have your end game pig.

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    @Atrushan88 I don’t main Pig myself, but I know that Pig’s true Endgame potential was killed when they changed it entirely. The chance of Survivors actually popping gens with someone having a trap on in a SWF group is very slim, unless if they’re screwing around and WANT their friend to die, so it’s more of a thing Pig mains just might not like dealing with, especially since they’re used to the whole ‘trap at endgame’ type of thing.

    What im saying is that if a Pig player has a suggestion for something like that, which they have given plenty before, then it wouldn’t hurt to experiment with it, right?

  • Strancol
    Strancol Member Posts: 158


  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited July 2019

    @Chaotic_Riddle SWFs might not pop off the last gen, or open the gate when someone has an active trap on their head, sure, but this game isn't balanced around SWFs. It didn't KILL her end game, it just made it where you need to get the trap on before the last gen pops. Her power has always stated that generators were required to activate a trap. The only change was that UNACTIVATED traps now don't kill you at the exit gates. That hardly seems like a nerf, it seems like a clarity change. It might FEEL like a nerf, but if you had a trap on your head that wasn't active at all suddenly split your head open when you walk through a door, despite that door not being a requirement to activate said trap, would it seem right?

    That being said, if the EGC timer was stopped during which the trap was triggered, that'd be a fine change I suppose, but considering her power has always specifically mentioned generators, and that was their VISION on the killer, I imagine they don't envision her as someone who is MEANT to just let generators be done.

    Post edited by Atrushan88 on