Taking Pride In Your Work

fly_172 Member Posts: 78

Have there ever been any moments as killer that have made you feel pride? Just like that genuine, cheesy but so so good feeling of doing a job well done? It could be a general tactic or a specific situation, but I know I’d love to hear some positivity about people’s games.


  • TheShape78
    TheShape78 Member Posts: 712

    Killer main here. I know that I tend to get that feeling every time I have a game where I manage to kill all 4 survivors with little to no fuss.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I always feel that when I know that they aren’t baby survivors. If they’re new, I feel like a jerk, but when I know they’re skilled? I feel like the mannnn so I hear that.

  • Gardenia
    Gardenia Member Posts: 1,143

    I just had a game against some high rank Survivors, and demolished them because I was so on point, you know you're doing pretty well when they DC on you in the very beginning xD at the end, they told me I was sweaty

  • Chuckyyo
    Chuckyyo Member Posts: 65

    To me it's overcoming a group vurvivors who play well, but who also think they are very smart and try to bully and be toxic at every occasion. The kind of SWF where you start a chase and immediately have someone else clicking a flashlight at you, t-bagging at every occasion, 3 people coming to bodyblock on first hook etc. Nothing beats the feeling of succesfully killing of such a group one by one. You can literally imagine how their smiles slowly fade as they don't t-bag and mess around anymore but just run for their lives. And then you give them the slow up and down nod when they die :D

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    My proudest moments are always around my Basement games, I love getting everyone to die down there, it's my home and they ain't leaving. I still have this amazing photo of all 4 Survivors on the Basement hooks <3 sweet victory.

    I'm having lots of fun with Basement Freddy right now, so far it has only been this successful because I keep getting SWF groups and we all know they just LOVE rushing the Basement hooks but that doesn't work against the New Nightmare ;)

  • Mister_Holdout
    Mister_Holdout Member Posts: 3,144

    Yes, I'm sure we've all had those moments.

  • TomTheSequel
    TomTheSequel Member Posts: 58

    I love when my RBT goes and kills a survivor. Just makes my day. 🥰

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited July 2019

    Before the update, I was told on numerous occasions that I'm the best Freddy at rank 1. I would play without Ruin or NOED and still body SWF groups. One was actually some friends I mentioned in the Xbox thread that are the few survivor mains of that group, really good ones too. I had them all dead to rights but only got a 2k because they found a key >.> just my luck.

    But since I stopped playing Freddy as much, the past like 2 months I just run Ruin/NOED combo so I can have chill games. Still, I don't think any survivors even made it to end game against my Freddy, so it honestly didn't even matter I had NOED. It was just insurance so that I won't get bullied.

    I've also been told I'm a really good Spirit, GF and Huntress (when I mained her). One group, I felt so bad for these guys, I had a Spirit daily and just treated it like a normal game. Completely crushed them. The David had NM and DS, he was the best of the group but still an easy catch (even disregarding NM). The Meg was decent, but the other two were low ranks, like 14 and 18 or something. After the game David's like "wow your really good why are you rank 7??" and it was because rank reset and just not playing as much as I was previously (because queue times are too long). I told him and then mentioned I woulda messed around if I knew 2 of them were such low ranks (I didn't tunnel/camp, but I woulda slugged them or something to farm a bit). Just unlucky I had a daily and was playing my main killer. That's part of the reason I'm avoiding my current Spirit daily xD I just know I'm gonna get some low ranks and it will be like throwing puppies into the lion's den. I can't have that on my conscious.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    I’ve never ran NOED, but no ruin? Props bro. Thanks for the addition it’s cool to get people to relax some and see what dope things they’ve done. I feel that key struggle so much thoooo lol and ik what you mean about low ranks. I got put up against a bunch of rank 15’s even tho I was like rank 8 at the time (rank reset) and they were all two hooked before a gen was even 50%, it hits you in the feels lol. Hope you like the Freddy Rework and good luck with those daily’s, tho you’re not the one who needs it lmao

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    My build was Nurse's, BBQ, Surv, Rancor, Zblock, Masterpiece. I would just control gens so hard with Surv and keep everyone asleep all the time. Literally you would wake up and I would put you to sleep immediately, there was no reprieve. But I also had to sweat my balls off which is why I just eventually settled on doing Ruin/NOED combo, as it meant I could almost play with my eyes closed and still win.

    I like new Freddy but I will miss some of the old tactics. Especially Rancor, that perk was so amazing for him because the obsession never saw it coming (since they would need to be asleep when a gen pops to see the aura). I will also miss my super OP builds for Freddy that were IMO impossible to escape unless I literally told you my build before the game.

    But as it stands now, I'm just a monster with new Freddy. 4k 4/5gen like 6 or so games I've managed to play yesterday.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    You’re speaking factssss bro, that is by far one of the most satisfying things to do. Dominating newer/respectful people doesn’t feel quite right, you wanna give them some extra chances. But stomping people that deserve it? Priceless. I remember I had a game as wraith on the barn once where I loaded in to a dude with Object, an insta heal, the whole nine yards. He was tea bagging and always had loops prepped to go. He was pretty good too but I just...ignored him. Killed the rest of the team then went after him and made short work of it. That’s the sad part, he had a good team, they got 3 gens done, but he never did anything. All I had to do was look at him to get him to tunnel vision me lol

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Ayyy I loved running rancor on freddy it was one of my favorite things lol. Glad to hear the reworks treating you well, I’m outta town so I haven’t been able to play him, and won’t be able to til Sunday. I’m hyped to get some hours in. I’ve rarely ever ran add-ons before, even with how much I’ve played, but those dream pallets seem too fun to not mess around with.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    So many:

    - 3 kills after a death hook that activated Bloodwarden.

    - A survivor that got hooked once and got sacrificed as the other 3 survivors stayed near signaling me to leave.

    - I recently closed the hatch invisible as Wraith as the last survivor butt-danced on top of it (guess he/she did not know Wraith could do that :-P)

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    Honestly? Every time an experimental build works. I already know I can kill 2-4 people per game playing optimally, despite maining a killer who won't be A-list in my lifetime :P

    But every time I deviate from the norm and try playing in weird ways, and it manages to actually work, that's a thing and a half for me to be pleased with.

    I'm also proud when I'm aware I filled an emblem in game.. maybe not proud, just excited. Same with if I know I completed my dailies - I'm probably gonna adore the Archives :P

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Anytime I chainsaw a Blendette through corn. :D

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Ooooo that is good. I don’t do that a lot with builds but I’ve def been in games and gone “I wonder...”, then proceeded to shrek whoever I was chasing. That successful adaptation is so so nice, and really makes you feel like you’ve improved.

  • fly_172
    fly_172 Member Posts: 78

    Do you mean go do it? Or is it on accident? I know I’d be pretty satisfied either way lmao. Tho one time I chainsawed around the map for over a whole minute before I ran into the last survivor, who I thought would get the hatch. Pretty nice surprise lol

  • Carlosylu
    Carlosylu Member Posts: 2,948

    The moment when I owned the full high rank team of teabagging survivors and decided to have mercy and let the last one escape, deep inside I know they would've sent me rage messages after the match if I hadn't let the last one go so... The power of letting one of them survive just cause I could and still rank 2 pips up is priceless