I think leatherface needs some love before any other killer or perks gets altered!

Not saying nerfs buffs and changes to alot of different things are not needed.
I am saying let's push leatherface to the front of the line.
O and this...
I agree. Currently the weakest killer in the game.
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I don't think he is the worst killer but he really needs to be changed. Right now he's just a worse hillbilly he needs something special, something that ONLY HE can do.
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He’s definitely up there. The fact that he’s synonymous with basement and camping/insidious should easily tell you the popular opinion of him. His chainsaw is only good at a hook essentially, and it removes any other playstyles since if you get a chainsaw on someone, you probably could’ve gotten them thru M1 by that point.
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Leatherface and Clown definitely need some love. They're both equally bad IMO.
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True. I can merely down a whole SWF team in one minute without camping at Lery's using NOTHING BUT MY CHAINSAW. Definitely too weak.
If the devs ever decide to fix/buff/rework my chilli addons I'll be happy enough.
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Those must have been some ######### Survivors then.
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Doesn't change the fact Bubba can end games more quickly than most other killers if survivors make mistakes like they (obviously) did. They sticked so closely together because they were planning to sabo hooks I guess judging by their lery offering combined with petrified oak offerings to spread the hooks further apart.
I ended up slugging all 4 in just over 1 minute which wouldn't have been possible without Bubba's instadown.
In my opinion there's numerous killers that REALLY do need some love such as Legion, Doctor, Wraith, Pig and Clown.
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Step 1: Say that a obviously weak killer needs some love
Step 2: Wait at the eventual player that mains that killer to come out and say that he is a living God with it and it doesn't need any buffs
Step 3: Laugh at him
Leatherface mains not only are unlikable INSIDE the game, but OUTSIDE aswell.
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Still waiting for evidence that Bubba -a killer with a legit instadown- is weak other than "he's obviously weak".
Yeah I get it most people are bad at the game and thus play Bubba like a M1 killer but know that doesn't mean he's weak - it means you're just bad.
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Step 3 instensifies
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When you can't post any arguments because you know you're just bad at the game.
Post edited by Yamaoka on0 -
I'll try to give you some genuine arguments on why I feel Bubba could use some attention
1. Unlike his chainsaw counterpart, Bubba doesn't get any map pressure from his chainsaw. In an open field he can catch someone with relative ease but overall map travel he's got nothin going for him.
2. He gets looped hard. He's strong around some pallets but most he's not. Windows mess him up badly tho. I've seen arguments that with precision steering he can veer through loops and end them fast but frankly his controls aren't precise enough that I accept that as an argument. Especially for console players who really can't control nearly as well as PC. Honestly this wouldn't be as big of a problem if not for
3. His tantrum. When Billy collides with something he's out for maybe 1-2 seconds. Leatherface is out for what, 5 seconds? Sure you can't approach him in those 5 seconds but you have no reason to, he's essentially stationary and you can just book it away.
4. You made the argument that his chainsaw can down 2+ survivors at once, and that's true. But while killers like Freddy and Hag rely on Survivors making a very small mistake, Leatherface relies on multiple survivors making a catastrophic mistake at the same time. It isn't even in the realm of being consistent so it can't be considered a pro in his corner so much as a slight possibility.
There's other minor things that hinder him but those are the big ones. He's got potential but in his current state he's never gonna be higher than maybe D tier at red and purple ranks.
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Let's look at some aspects of a Killer power and see how Bubba does.
Map pressure - No
Tracking - None
Stall potential - Nope
Chase Potential - His chainsaw can be avoided by not grouping up, vaulting a window, or taking a few sharp turns. He is eaisier to loop than a Billy.
He has nothing going for him.
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All of your arguments are solid and can be agreed with which is why I usually say some "minor" QoL changes would be appropriate. But people act like his chainsaw was basically not a thing when in reality most people merely don't see the very existent opportunities to use it during a game.
I've chainsawed so many people over the course of the thousands of hours I've put into Bubba during and even AFTER fast vaults with something as simple as the long guide bar. Hiding your red glow often allows you to chainsaw even experienced survivors in structures like jungle gyms at times, too.
Most killers get a "hit" if survivors make a mistake. Bubba gets a chance to instadown during most of these situations instead. Surely that must be enough to not consider him weak let alone the weakest killer in the game when other killers have the "power" to hand out free borrowed times which is greatly ignored as long as survivors stay inside your terror radius.