I am struggling to play killer and need some advice

DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

Good afternoon forum,

I have been playing dbd for years on both pc (150 hours) and ps4 (around 650/700 hours and the system I prefer to use for most of my friends play ps4).

I have mostly played killer, probably 65% with my main killers being Nurse, Spirit, Mickey and Legion and I own every dlc dbd has.

Never been a great player, and never will: purple ranks survivor at best, green ranks killer.

In the last month, since the end of the 3 years anniversary event I have been struggling to play killer, this means that I probably played 4 games as killer in the last 5 weeks and when every time I want to play killer I feel tension, I feel stressed and I don't want to do it.

This is what happens:

1 I start to queue and the queues are not instant anymore

2 I start to think or feel it will be a bad match, I will get bullied, destroyed etc

3 I start to get angry with the clunky system of playing killer, especially I get so angry about the terrible FOV and the slow turning of the camera on ps4

4 if the game doesn't start very quickly I either give up right away, or if I see anything that gives me an excuse to give up in the lobby (flashlights etc) I dodge and go playing survivor.

I guess what I am asking is, any advice? I used to love playing killer but now I am struggling a lot and I am annoyed that if I keep stalling I will get even worse...

Any advice about what I should be doing?

This doesn't happen as a survivor, I feel zero pressure even when I am stomped. I can get stomped in 10 matches as a survivor and it doesn't matter...


Thanks for the advice



  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    eh you are correct but I don't know how anymore it is very odd.

    The annoying narrow field of view, eating pallet after pallet it makes me very stressed

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    Once I stopped caring about rank / kills it got much easier.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    How did you do it? I don't really care about ranks but I get stressed when I get stomped and gens are popping left and right and it doesn't happen that often to be stomped, but it's like I have the anticipation that it could happen.

    I don't know how not to care anymore... any ideas?

    thanks btw

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    In all seriousness, if you're finding DbD isn't fun anymore, take a step away for a bit and come back later. A break can make a huge difference. If that isn't a good option though, try roleplay or meme builds. Trappers house on Haddonfield, or playing Myers if there's a Laurie and focusing on her in a similar fashion to how he often does. You care less about winning with meme builds.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Yes this I can do, if I do like survivor pig or t bagging Gf I'm good.

    It's when I perceive it as a real game, then I struggle because I don't want to be humiliated like it had happened in the past. Its strange

  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    Don't force yourself to play killer. If you don't enjoy the killer role, play survivor. Nothing wrong with that.

    If playing killer brings you negative stress + pressure, and on the other hand playing survivor brings you fun and positive emotions, it's clear which role you should play.

    Some people are tough cookies who don't care if they lose, get trolled, bullied, bm'ed etc. and don't get stressed easily. And some people get stressed more easily. Again, nothing wrong with that.

    It's just a video game. Play what brings you fun.

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520


    I have me never feel bothered by the waiting times. Just use this time. Make in this time yourself a coffee. Take a chocolate on your table, read forums/newspages, watch something on your tv, or do work on your pc if you are on your pc.

    I work very often on my pc. So I have always something to do, or to read about. As long as the waiting times are not directly a half hour, I wouldn't complain and I had never those waiting times, to the time were I had play the game.

    Aka. just try to be chilled out.

    What the pressure matters... Well playing killer is always playing against the clock, can't help you there, but maybe you can find fun in the chase of survivors and less for killing someone. That could take some steam off.

    For me was the chase always more important as to have my 4x kills and it was mostly nice, far as I remember.

    What the "clunky" playstyle of killers matters, -I bet many things are so clunky to give survivors an advantage. That is ok imo.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    Just consider that it IS just a game. You can't really be humiliated if it's just a digital avatar under your control being affected. None of it really matters

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Well percieve it as a real game.. but (and I know this is going to sound counterintuitive at first but hear me out) don't stress!

    Sometimes you yourself can be your own worst enemy and preconceived notions of failure can make you play worse and more prone to mistakes! Treat every match as something you will win no matter what.

    Shadowborn/m and a can help with the fov somewhat

    Watch perhaps some amazing killers play such as otzdrava/Scott jund. Both have great tutorials and great attitudes on the game.

    Take a break, relax and breath every time you get stressed about a match however, even if the time to destress is you just making a coffee or getting water during lobby times. Hell I don't even look at lobbies anymore and that's helped me actually as I don't feel I have a need to prepare or feel like I'm going to get "bullied". I set up a build and wait for the match to start (I do check offerings in the escape menu at the start however.)

    All in all do your best to just have fun with it, don't think of it as a competition, and think of other players as well just teammates working toward other goals ;)

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I guess you are right, I'm simply sad that I cannot seem to be able to play the role where I spent so many BP for so long.

    I think my major concern is thst I am on my own and I feel the controls being so clunky sometimes.

    At the same time, stopping playing killer will make me even worse.

    But yes I'll play some survivor more

    @Talmeer I also used to like the chase more, and Ive always considered a good game just to get my bbq stacks. But now if I think about playing killer I feel like going to work on a Monday morning. There's pressure and I don't know how to reduce it

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    Typically, I try a wide range of killers and try perk loadouts that work for them. Feel like too many ppl default to the same loadout on EVERY killer. Waiting for lobbys isnt a biggy, since I normally just watch youtube or chat on the forums on my 2nd monitor while waiting for the lobby to fill. Makes me laugh when I see ppl complaining about having to wait a whole 5 minutes.

    As far as pallet looping goes, have you tried actually PLAYING the pallets? Or are you the type of person who breaks every pallet that gets thrown down? With the Springwood update, theyre making more pallets playable.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Yes rationally I know you are right but it seems that the feeling is out of my control. Do you know how I could care less?

    @Maelstrom10 thank you for this, you are right about perceiving as team mates. That's probably why survivor is easier because I'm not alone.

    I give you an example, I'm mostly fair as killer. I don't camp or tunnel unless someone really annoyed me. Last week I was having a match as spirit just to a daily and the survivor team was very confrontational, it was clear it was me vs them rather than a chill match. I ended up with 4 k but the match was so tense that I hadn't been able to play killer since then.

    And I don't know how to erase that feeling

  • Talmeer
    Talmeer Member Posts: 1,520

    Well then maybe, it is the right time to take a break from being killer.

    What ever you do in your free time, it should make fun. The only other solution would be to watch tutorial videos, as others said before, but if even that not helps, the only solution is sometimes to take a break.

    After my experience, it mostly pays off and you are better in your next games, after you have taken a break.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you Lord. I guess the problem with waiting is thst it makes me back down, I use it as an excuse I think. Like " oh well the match doesn't start, I better try again tomorrow" and tomorrow is the same story.

    As for the pallets, tbh I am mostly playing spirit these days so it's not a real problem BUT in the ball of my mind I've this image of a match with legion where a Kate and a jake destroyed me in blood Lodge. It was such an humiliation with zero downs. I thibk I have something like ptsd now that I think about it

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I watch lots of tutorials, I watched most of tofu and otz tutorials and I have certainly improved my skill.

    I think I'll take a break yes, I just hope it doesn't become an excuse never to play killer again because I'm kinda apprehensive about it.

    Like right now I have two dailies as myers and I've been postponing them since 6 hours ago

  • Laakeri
    Laakeri Member Posts: 835

    I started caring more about playing to improve, meaning I take chases vs good survivors rather than get easy kills and rank ups.

    About gen speed. Game is balanced around casuals, if survivors want to "get the gens and get out" there is nothing you can do about it beside being god Nurse.

    All in all there are always mistakes you make, identify them and fix them and become better player.

  • CoffengMin
    CoffengMin Member Posts: 862

    you can fix some of those problems like the FOV with perks and slow camera movement in the options menu, also if youre on ps4 dont get scared because of a flashlight, ppl dont know how to use them right , also thinking itll be a bad match before the game even starts is on you really ps4 are pretty bad in my experience even in high ranks, unless ... you know swf

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,362

    Ive been watching some of Tofu's videos lately on him challenging pallet loops with Freddy. With the same playstyle he has using Freddys snares to challenge most pallets, you can use with Clown and Myers as well to a lesser degree (The increased lunge of T3 can be the biggy).

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    Well perhaps the way you might find it easier is if you don't think of them as other players? Think of them as very efficent ai's you don't need to go easy or play fun towards.

    Also you don't have to follow any rule book ;) he'll go noed, franklins demise and all the other killer perks survivors hate and live it up!

    I do understand the empathy that comes with playing a game as killer. Hell I try to play as fair and as nice as possible, but at the same time its not me or them. I am the killer and I make the rules as I am in the power role and so long as I'm using what's given to me (not exploits or bugs) I am being completely fair to them. There is nothing wrong with any "negative" ways to play killer except possibly face camp leatherface as that will lose you the match.

    The best way to care less? You shouldn't want to care less, that's what makes you you! Caring about winning and losing and about being fair to the other side is just called be an empathic player. If anything I say just play as efficently as possible however. That doesn't mean put yourself into a sweat or anything, but it does mean you'll be less lenient on their mistakes. A survivor farms in front of you? Hook the the guy again and go after the farmer, it may feel unfun for the guy but you have to realise that it's not your fault and that there taking a gamble that you'll play "fair and kind" towards them.

  • Yamaoka
    Yamaoka Member Posts: 4,321

    Let me start off by saying I like your honesty. It's pretty normal to feel "nothing" when you get destroyed as a survivor since it's a 4 vs 1 game resulting in the focus being on the 1 person who is the killer.

    Why exactly are you afraid to lose as killer, though? Is it because you made bad experiences with toxic people who took advantage of your lack of experience to rub it in?

    Anyways it sounds like you need something to boost your confidence. Master a killer of your choice to the point where you think you could play said killer god-like at any given time. Doesn't need to be a S tier killer necessarily since the "used potential" of a killer always comes down to the person using said killer.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    True, I believe I have some SWF PTSD, I have never played legion after I was literally trashed by a great team.

    @LordGlint yes, with new Badham I believe it is pretty possible to play pallets efficiently and in a fun way. I think what bothers me about pallets is the idea I would love to have a nice challenge at pallets but when I hear gens popping left and right I get very stressed and start to despise the person i am chasing rather than enjoying it

    @Maelstrom10 I understand your point, my concern on that is that when I play sweaty and I still lose it becomes very personal, like i lost DESPITE being at my best and so that;s stressful. I couldn't otherwise explain why I have zero problems playing meme builds like survivor Pig because it's not real, if you understand what I mean... lol it's difficult

    @Yamaoka yes you got the point exactly, when I play survivor i don't feel alone vs a team. And I am perfectly ok in taking the aggro and when I am downed , well it's ok i am not supposed to win 1v1 as a survivor. But as a killer it is mentally tough, because I am SUPPOSED to win and in many cases I have since I even managed to reach rank 7 with Myers 6 months ago, but still since I am SUPPOSED to win being faster, it hurts when I don't because I feel like a failure having all of the advantages and still losing. And it frustrates me to have a narrow field of view because sometimes I lose chases only because it's like my killers, besides nurse with Shadowborn, are wearing some horse blinders or so. Finally you mention confidence, and you are right. I don't really know how to rebuild it after being stomped with Legion, I keep avoiding playing as killer because it was very painful to be utterly destroyed by a superior team, but I don't know how :(

    Thank you folks :)

  • Maelstrom10
    Maelstrom10 Member Posts: 1,922

    What you have to keep In mind though is that there is always going to be someone better then you, and facing them, learning from them is the best way to improve. Even at red ranks I get beaten and you know what I say to that? Bloody good job! Its a little different with good swf as you have 4 very good players against one. However even so, the possibility of beating swf squads should be something to keep you going, do remember they work as a unit so you do what you can to dismantle the machine. Cripple the legs to fall the beast n all that, go after the weaker links and force the better players into dangerous situations or to leave there buddies behind. If they beat you? Fine they did there job efficently with there 4 players.

    Ironically I suggest playing a little bit of trapper or Myers actually! Killers like that (when done well) make a mess of swf. Learn to snowball and take advantage of the fact that there a team of friends. Myers and trapper are the easiest snowballers even if they might not be the best killers (we have nurse/spirit/billy etc for that) once you learn to dismantle swf in an easier space such as that, doing so on chase killers or m1 killers becomes easy. The reason chase killers are so good is that they focus on one to down them, but ironically the best way to play dbd isin't to treat them as singular entities but as a whole. It's easy to treat them as a whole when there beating you down, but it's harder to think of them as a whole when in relation to the chase.

    Also I suggest learning all the sort of specific swf counters there are, ie looking at a wall when picking up a survivor to counter flashlights or faking/looking opposite direction to the flashlighter. Learning to break chase and know when there baiting you etc.

  • ClogWench
    ClogWench Member Posts: 2,582

    My honest suggestion? Step away from the game for awhile.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you for your precious advice

    @ClogWench yes I think I'll take 10 days off from killers completely and screw my dailies

    Thank you everyone :)

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    This is a really underrated comment, I think the most fun I had as a killer a while back was playing as a doc and chasing a really good nea through some horrible jungle gyms. Sounds bad right? Not really, I was learning how a good survivor paths those loops and overall didn’t care about anything else. Sure 3 people escaped that match including the nea but I think I learned a lot, definitely got my shock daily and the nea and I were laughing about it at the end because we both thought it was a fun chase (important highlight, some non toxic survivors exist and can take a win with grace), I wasn’t really chasing her to absolutely catch her, I was chasing because I wanted to learn. Learning is the best way to see it or as others have said finding new goals.

    I really get OPs thoughts sometimes though, I have the same mindset to playing killer right now, failure is not an option otherwise BM is going to happen, may make some think I play “sweaty” as my killer aggression goes through the roof when I get pressured (I.e. slug to regain pressure, take full advantage of SWF altruism/clustering of survivors etc) basically meaning there soon becomes at least 3 people preoccupied just with being slugged, injured or chased and gens slow to a complete stop, yes, this is good I guess, but is it chill or fun? Not at all. It’s most of the reason it’s hard to pick up the role, once I do start that first match it’s fine, before that it’s 100% putting it off.

    I just don’t even go to exit gates if I have a really rough match anymore though, I spend the time breaking pallets, practicing huntress hatchets/bubba chainsaws etc, placing traps for points, can’t be Tbagged if you never show up and if they’re that dedicated to come to you, well that’s their misfortune. I’ve also had someone die to EGC because they wanted to taunt so bad, that was perfect.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    I agree that that comment is really good, I just don't really know how to improve my resilience.

    I do the same thing you do, I can focus on one chase and enjoy because it seems less real.

    My issue is when I try to win, when I do I am very stressed and if I lose I feel humiliated and its difficult to go back playing

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Honestly in the same boat as you buddy, I’ve been lacking perks to deal with gens such as ruin or PGTW and even if I do have ruin it’s not worth running half the time because it spawns in the middle of corn next to a gen and is cleansed instantly. I try super hard as ghostface lately because of that fear of failure, honestly people rarely even get to the gates anymore even if I’m having what I consider a bad match.

    I completely understand how you’re feeling, so much pressure to win, if you do you’re still irritated from panicking and if you don’t you feel terrible even if they didn’t 110% BM because it feels like you messed up hard. I get it, but the most refreshing thing after something like that for me is switching back to a killer I am really comfortable with, like Myers, and just not caring, I’ll still play to win as normal but feels like all that worry doesn’t exist anymore. Maybe you just need to find a level with a killer like that that really helps you cope/not care about winning. My advice is pretty much low level though because I am in near the exact same situation (except I play more survivor than killer to begin with, I’m finding it hard to get more invested in killer) but these are the two things that work for me, taking a break and learning a new killer/playing for a different goal/playing a new build I saw from a favourite streamer (mostly Otz, his builds are crazy) or switching to my demolition machine Myers.

    All the best in finding what works for you though, let me know if you find something because I dream of not caring at all like some veterans do.

  • Rattman
    Rattman Member Posts: 1,088

    @DBDbuildsYT ,

    I kinda have the same mindset. For some reason I feel really stressfull when playing killer. The way I endure this - Iam trying to... Well, stay calm and logical. Simply as that. As long as you don't panic, you still able to realise that you shouldn't chase this one particular survivor, who really good at looping and focus his teammates. Or, maybe notice that you probably should let survivors 3 gen themselves. Or take advantage of altruistic swf. Or change targets really quick.

    And also. Truetalent became great inspiration for me. Cause, like, he dewasted so many swf, toxic survs and stream snipers... And still stayed calm. Well, annoyed and probably dryed emotionally, but still skillfull and focused.

    So, um, well... Stay calm and kill survivors, I guess.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you for this, so you think that if I just focus on one killer and master it I would probably feel less pressure, am I correct?

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Makes sense, I get the same excitement watching monto beating swf lol

    Thank you for your help

  • Shaped
    Shaped Member Posts: 5,869

    Turn the sensitivity to the max if you didn't already.

    Don't dodge lobbies if you want to get better.

    If you want to reach red ranks play more games and play to pip. That means hooking and not camping hooks. Be able to play with cool head, don't fall to baits and don't chase survivors into ridiculous loops with unviable killers. Learn to mindgame, it is really important.

    I reached red ranks (played survivor for a while before that) as a killer really fast and I played Bubba, Myers, Legion and Spirit. Spirit is viable and you can do more with her than just being in the red ranks. You can win if you play well in most ridiculous of circumstances.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    That’s how I feel it, not so much one you feel super OP as, just one you feel really, really comfortable as, Mikey is a bit of a “we’ve seen most things together”/old stomping grounds killer for me, I’ve played him since I was a baby killer, most hours, most experience, has all perks and 100s of addons/offerings. It’s more like he’s my kick back and chill killer. I can change builds, I can not care as much, I can do whatever, because I’ve done most of it before and I’ve already played him competitively.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    i too, get stressed when playing killer, not bad stress like the fun type that keeps me on my toes, cuz playing survivor doesn't make me anxious like killer does, which is ironic, playing survivor should make you anxious instead of playing killer, especially the fact that i don't main strong killers like spirit or nurse. anyways if you're really feeling uncomfortable playing killer just play survivor, maybe killer isn't for you or just wait until rank reset then play killer.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you for your reply.

    The Sensitivity is max yes, tbh I have a hlaf controller half mouse I could use when I play on ps4, it isjust annoying because I need to set up a table for it and use a secondary controller for the audio so it is a bit of an hassle.

    With a regular, but professional controller like the nacon pro, it is still very difficult to follow all the twist and sharp turns survivors do when 360ing. Simple with a mouse hard with a controller, and the only solution I found is to approach the survivor, wait before I strike to see how they try to dodge, see their dodging strategy and then strike, it works but you waste 3-4 seconds.

    As for the rest, I don't really plan to go to red ranks, at the moment I would just like to be able to play relaxed without anxiety and stress.

    @Kiskashi You are probably right, weirdly enough I feel way more relaxed when I play killers I don't normally play because it's less "real" , it's hard to explain but for example if i play trapper (I normally don't) and I get stomped I dont care much because trapper is not a real killer for me, I just play him for dailies.

    If I play nurse as an example, and I am getting stomped I feel so much pressure on me. If I miss two blinks in a row I feel like my heart starts to race, I get annoyed and I need to win or else I would be humiliated. it is so sad that my brain cannot really relax and just accept it's a simple game :(

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    yes survivor does not give me any strange emotional response. It can feel repetitive after a while but I don't get scared, stressed or anxious.

    I will take a 10 days complete break from killer and see if my will to play them comes back, otherwise yes I will play survivor

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794

    Hey man! I play both PC and Ps4 as well. Killer is much much harder than survivor on console, so try to play PC if you can. Anyways, I've gotten so much helpful advice from this community on how to regain a sense of "fun" in the game, I'll try to sum them up here:

    • Ignore the emblems/pips/rank and only play for fun.
    • Facing a very good team? You just entered ultra hard-mode. You will learn some really cool jukes and moves that you can use in the next survivor game. Don't lobby dodge!
    • Play around with different builds. set up goals tied to those builds. How many survivors can you grab with scratched-mirror Myers?
    • Watch some neat killer guides and try out new moves. I promise there's loads of stuff that you haven't thought of.
    • Which kind of games makes you happy? Try to recreate them.
    • Still not enjoying yourself? Take a break

    If you want to become better:

    • Find your killer and master him/her
    • Do not fear good survivors - they are your best teachers!
    • Learn how to break loops (depends on your killer). There are tons of tutorials out there.
    • Learn your distances. When should you lunge and when should you not? Where's your terror radius?
    • Try to anticipate moves and plays. In chases, what's the most logical move as survivor?

    Hope this helps. Also, I've had some good fun with Clown and Spirit.

  • kamisen
    kamisen Member Posts: 794
  • KillermainBTWm8
    KillermainBTWm8 Member Posts: 4,212

    Play killers you aren't good at and you won't feel as much pressure to win. I do it all the time personally. Also giving up chases is an important part of killer don't chase survivors on super big loops that will make you lose the game. Also remember that although many say the high tier killers can be easily played by everyone sometimes the killer isn't for you. Like hag is a great killer but I simply am ######### at her but can play every other killer easily. Don't worry about playing what is considered "high tier" either just play which ever killer is the most fun for you. If you master the killer that is the most fun for you even if the killer is considered weaker you will most likely be able to win a high % of matches.

  • MassiveToggaf
    MassiveToggaf Member Posts: 37
    edited July 2019


    If you're keen on playing killer but dont feel good at it just find what you do enjoy doing as killer.

    For example I love being stealthy and scaring survivors, keeping them on their toes. Scratch Mirror Myers on The Game or Lerys Institute is some of the most fun I've had in the game. Pig with Amandas Letter is also quite fun.

    I also play on ps4 and have attempted to play the "viable" killers, to not much success. Knowing that Im not good with the best and only viable killers at high ranks has told me that I wont be successful there, So I find fun where I can. Even with that said I've managed to get to Rank 6, sweating occasionally but I am rather boosted.

    I really enjoy making or using "meme" builds. Ambush-only Pig, the previously mentioned Scratch Mirror Myers, All-Hex Hag, I find really fun. Being sweaty can be satisfying if you win but it can be the worst feeling when you lose badly and get tbagged. I also find being sweaty and winning against people that are just bad to be almost as bad. So I mostly only sweat to try and get more bp to use on what i need for my fun builds.

    Just try to find out what you enjoy doing as killer and focus on that.

  • Kiskashi
    Kiskashi Member Posts: 1,043

    Maybe just keep seeing it as you’re learning every killer then try not to think about that “experience pressure”. I certainly haven’t reached the absolute peak with any killers, or as a killer in general. I used to get the same with Mikey because I was afraid if this is my best then if I screw up it’s just even worse, but in the end I’ve just come to accept that I play him for fun now, it’s killers I used to play well and then come back and suck as them that make losses feel worst for me, like all that skill and hard work has just vanished, but then again sometimes survivors are just really good, and it’s a mixed bag every match, sometimes the best you can do is learn.

    Not everything is in your control after all, I really hope you can find some way to relax and enjoy it again. I’m going to try to think more positive myself after reading this thread, I’m going to try new addon/perk combos and try to stop worrying so much about playing perfectly. thanks for posting this discussion, there’s definitely some good responses in here, it’s really made me think about why I stress so much playing certain killers.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you for your advice, it made me think quite a lot.

    To answer some of your points:

    1 I can play on pc if I want although most of my friends are on ps4 and my killers are just better in terms of perks and add ons on ps4 that's why I usually play there, but yes that's an option. Another reason that also makes me dodge pc is that on average I found pc survivors to be better than ps4 survivor and since I am a very average player I tend to prefer ps4

    2 I can use a half controller, half mouse on ps4. Left hand is half of a controller and right hand is a mouse. I don't do it often because I need to setup a table for it. Unfortunately with a regular controller killer feels very clunky, it is difficult to follow a good survivor, they often end up in blind spots and it is quite annoying

    3 I guess the games I like the most are the ones where everybody is having fun and we are competing but there isn't a full on hostile environment. I am quite chill as a killer, unless someone mocks me or annoys me, and I am more than happy for everybody to score more than 20k points. And to be completely honest I don't mind survivors escaping especially if I am having my bbq stacks: I don't mean like farming but having a chill game where there is fair competition. What makes me very stressed are confrontational games, where I need to try super hard and I can see right away that there is no fun, there's dislike almost hate. Those matches are very bad, they make me so stressed.

    I know it is a limit on my part

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you, and yes I have the same. When I perceive the game as less "real" because I am playing either a meme build or I am using a killer that isn't in my mind one of my "mains" then it's all fun and good because I don't feel that confrontational hostile environment.

    When i play a killer, I am supposed to be good with it's all pressure to perform, to live up to my standards and if I lose with a "real" killer I feel like it's diminishing me as a person.

    I know it seems stupid but that's how it makes me feel, it is quite odd

    @Kiskashi I agree with all your post. I wish there was a chill game mode, where you can play with people who just want to play for fun without trying too much. Or a game mode where I could be like a "newbie mentor" where I can play with new survivors chase them for them to improve and then let them escape so they have learnt more about the game without a too difficult environment.

    I think the analogy i am feeling, and pardon me the example, like if we were in mma I would give up being a fighter and I would start being a coach. Quite odd lol

  • ItsYourBoyGuzma
    ItsYourBoyGuzma Member Posts: 797

    Its not that hard guys, figure out your flaws when it comes to playing killer.

    Then pick a killer who you enjoy playing and remember their pros and cons.

    From here equip perks to help your issues as playing killer or your killers weak points and play the game and learn how strong your killer is with certain addons.

    From here maps and pallet control will come to you with time. You don't need some YT to tell you what you should run or do. The game doesn't have a lot going on like other games like DOTA or LoL

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145

    If FOV and pallets are your issue, here's my recommended build for killers other than Nurse and Spirit:


    Spirit Fury


    Either Ruin or PGTW.

    For the 2 aforementioned killers:



    2 gimmicky perks of your choice.

  • Slaughterhouse3
    Slaughterhouse3 Member Posts: 901

    Just have fun :) try different perk builds that will fit how you play.

  • DBDbuildsYT
    DBDbuildsYT Member Posts: 1,042

    Thank you folks :)

  • Knuckles
    Knuckles Member Posts: 218

    Don't waste too much time running down that one survivor who is a pro at the chase. It's easy to get caught up in because you want to hook that little cockroach more than anything but the gens are popping while you're doing it. That's where I get into trouble anyway.