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Member Posts: 4,321

I couldn't find the roadmap on this forum so I figured I'd post it. Is chapter 13 coming in August? 🤔

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  • Member Posts: 39
    edited July 2019

    Telling by popular demands it has to be a non-OC chapter. Plus I hope they release dedicated service before my year start...

  • Member Posts: 39

    It might be August tell by how all the chapters are either long dates meaning the killer and survivor is very unique and most take some time or it's a solo but telling by a new map meaning it's a all by together chapter. Meaning its gonna take up to three or four months to finish but they'll release a trailer for the chapter to come after all all chapters must be unique

  • Member Posts: 495

    I'm so looking forward for the archive/rift.

  • Member Posts: 12

    Chapters are usually release on the start of the season (spring, summer...) except when only a killer or survivor is released. So chapter 13 killer/survivor/map will be new, release date on September when dedicated server are working with minor bugs/problems, then release the archive before halloween and on halloween release (most surely thing) stranger things chapter.

  • Member Posts: 1,077

    I’d expect the live version on September 10th or 17th.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    The PTB will probably be at the end of the August and the live version will be at the start of September.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Hello, I was wondering if I could please ask you a question not sure if it's off-topic or not. What's a rough estimate on the new Underwater Trapper cosmetic's release date?

  • Member Posts: 3,387

    Is Chapter 13 just a map? I know that we might not get a new survivor but we are at least getting a killer right?

    After all, we did get no map and no survivor for Chapter 12.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    Honestly, I wouldn't mind if they stopped releasing survivors only to release killers and maps. I mean, we have enough survivors in a wide variety. Adding a new survivor with new perks would mean more grinding.

  • Member Posts: 8,816
    edited July 2019

    Then killer queues would be never ending. I absolutely want more survivors and perks for them. They can reduce the grind in other ways.

    Also I don't understand why people keep forgetting that Ash was released on his own like a month before Ghostface. So a survivor with GF wasn't really necessary.

  • Member Posts: 1,607

    I would release perks or renew perks and get rid of perks that no one uses.

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    Not necessarily. It's just because of a map rework. Every other chapter this year has a map, and every other mid-chapter comes with a rework.

    Chapter 12: No map.

    Chapter 12.5: Map rework (Springwood).

    Chapter 13: Map.

    Chapter 13.5: No map.

    Chapter 14: No map.

    Chapter 14.5: Map rework.

    Chapter 15: Map.

  • Member Posts: 912

    next chapter should be around mid september. probably the 13th

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    I hope

    Just please don't release another paragraph instead of a chapter, it will screw up matchmaking like when GF got released

  • Member Posts: 36

    matchmaking is alreayd embarrassing probably worse matchmaking system in a online game ever in the history :) three rank1 survivors+one rank 20 survivor vs rank 20 killer is the current meta gaming in dbd :).IF you are playing solo survivor and you are rank 16-17 you are matched against a rank 1-2 killer cause all low tier killers are busy in games with rank exploiter survivors.

  • Member Posts: 3,154

    That's...not what I meant

    Those problems have been there since launch

    What I meant were the extremely long queue waiting times

  • Member Posts: 36
    edited July 2019

    it all depend from the matchmaking system that is currently horrible...making dedicated servers maybe would make the game more stable ,right now the algorhitm is wrong doesnt considerate the rank at all...its as if in league of legends you are a diamond player and you are matched costantly against bronze player its obvious the diamond dude will destroy every bronze ...and the bronze will quit the 1% players is diamond the 99% is bronze...guess who bring money to the company?-This company is doing harakiri totally by not fixing a simple matchmaking for make happy them real customers that are not nerd rank 1-2 playing all the day but casual players.A casual player killer or solo survivor getting matched constantly with opponents 19 tiers highers quit the game.Its not the waiting time..that isnt so long as killer maybe 3-4 minutes on steam..problem is whole matchmaking .Fixing huge exploits and fail mechanics must be the main big priority for every company...minor graphic glitches can to wait but noob players getting matched with top 0.5% players in game on everygame must be the main priority .

  • Member Posts: 1,267

    Probably the PTB week of 20. Since the PTB lasts 1-2 weeks, and then internally the devs make adjustments.

  • Member Posts: 2,551

    Please stop posting this in other threads where it's not concerned and stop assuming something as exploit when it works as it did 3 years ago, but I remind you, the matchmaking is broken even for single survivors. I'm rank 8 and I play with rank 16 people and more than one killer assumed I was swf without cheking it, just because they didn't killed anyone

  • Member Posts: 797
    edited July 2019

    @Yamaoka Most likely in Sep, either on the 18th or sometime that week.

    (Reason why i say the 18th is because GF was released on Jun 18 so 3months from then is Sep 18th)

    Since the devs release content within 3 month increments

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @ItsYourBoyGuzma 2 part post/response

    Part 1: Date

    17th would make sense.

    We have 7 weeks worth of cosmetics/weekly content in 3.1.0 plus they don't update on Wednesday always Tuesday.

    This Wednesday starts the 7 weeks 6 are new cosmetic drops 1 is a sale.

    Ends the week before the 17th so that would be a perfect time.

    Part 2: Rollout

    I'm willing to bet we get a major reveal or teaser at gamescom. Bhvr confirmed they'll be at gamescom August 20th to 24th.

    29th could be a full gameplay showcase like Plague Ghostface got. PTB 3rd. 2 weeks later release.

    I'm very confident that it'll be something like this. I could see Switch port being at the event as well with the teaser. Server dates/rollout will be mentioned also.

  • Member Posts: 39

    True but most of the release dates of every chapter is a proximity of 5-4 months or 3-4 months. Sometimes longer telling by how complicated bugs, glitches and exploits tend to sneak in every chapter.

    And telling how the pattern is it's always near a new season of the year or mid season

  • Member Posts: 8,243

    That's what I've been thinking, namely, late August and early September.

  • Member Posts: 142

    the ptb should be either late August or early September. Then the New chapter should release either mid to late september. A new chapter releases every 3 months

  • Member Posts: 415

    We should be seeing a teaser in the next couple of weeks or so.

  • Member Posts: 107

    wonder if the new chapter every 3 months will continue with the fifth year now?

  • Member Posts: 4,506

    Another ancient necro?

  • Member Posts: 363

    Dude at this time chapter 15 is coming out :D

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