Dying Light x Dead by Daylight

So I just got a 75% Discount for Dying Light for owning DbD and players who also owns them also received such coupon (although some got 60% for DbD for owning Dying Light). Does this mean we'll have a crossover?
Are we getting Kyle Crane as a new survivor? Or maybe a Night Hunter Killer?
Out of all the great horror games that are out there you really think the Dev's would do a crossover (a full one, not just a survivor/ killer) with Dying Light first?
Oy Vey
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Someone put Fallout 76 in my dying light case so I'll never know who you are talking about because I've hardly played it.
If you're out there please return the disc to it's official case.
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There's definitely something happening with Dying Light. The games have little to do with each other, except for a crossover, there's no reason to get a coupon for owning one of the games.
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Maybe this means that we will going to get Dying Light perk rework?
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I love Dying Light... The game. It's so nice to relax and decapitate a zombie.
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? dying light is such a great game and its not a horror , neither is dbd
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Dying Light and Dead by Daylight aren't horror games??? okay lol
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I made a chapter about this in Fanmade chapters, I would love this to happen
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Oh man seeing the scary tier fast and mobile Volatiles forced to loop and scream in agony from pallet loops would be unbelievably sad to see
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Nurse has been unchanged for ages and post-rework freddy turned out pretty strong too. Maybe the devs wouldn't mind making the killer powerful as long as hes fun to play and to play against.
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I was so confused with this random coupon. Is it any good?
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seeing this made me want to gouge my eyes out.
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also! Dying Light is a fun game until you get to the end of it. The ending is good, but once you complete the story mode the game is useless from then on, with boring missions and the same old zombie killing
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This is simply a cross promotion between two games of similar genre organized by Valve. There is no announcement tied to it. That said, I am a Dying Light fan and I can say it's worth trying it out if you like coop multiplayer games, killing zombies and first person view parkour.