Exit gate spawns

I am so very tired of the doors being adjacent to each other. The chances of surviving if you’re the only survivor left when the doors are literally a short walk from each other is ridiculous. They need to work on this spacing.
If you couldn't escape by repearing 5 generators and opening gates or finding the hatch, it's obvious that the 3rd chance to escape will be hard.
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The problem is that looking for the hatch is no longer a smart play since Endgame Collapse was introduced. In situations where the killer finds the hatch immediately and the exit gates are within sight of each other, there is basically nothing the survivor can do.
I had a match like that on Haddonfield. Last person standing against a Huntress, she shuts the hatch within seconds of my last teammate being sacrificed because it was right near the hook. The doors are both on one side of the map along a straight line with no obstructions. How exactly am I supposed to even have a chance against that when the Killer has ranged attacks?
Sure, you can run away and hide, but you only have two minutes to open one of those doors before you lose automatically. It's not possible unless the Killer willfully stops patrolling the gates.
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Yet on large maps it can be a guaranteed escape if their on the opposite end of the maps. A good balance of the two exstreams might be nice.
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Exit gate offering greater distance spawn would be a great idea. Otherwise, no point in having an end game once the hatch is closed.
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Its not really difficult, its decided by RNG. Did you get lucky enough to find hatch first? No, well did you get lucky enough with gate spawns? No, you die. If yes to either of those, you escape.
If its nurse or billy you die anyways since they can go all the way across the map in 2 nanoseconds. Only way you don't is if its a really big map and got really lucky with the spawns so that billy has to do 2 chainsaws or nurse has to do 3 or more blink chains.
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Failed to complete your objective as a survivor? Don't worry, you will gain a free escape, unless the killer finds it first.
Oh, you failed to find your free escape before the killer? Don't worry, if you brought or found a key you can still have your free escape!
Hmm, if none of that worked, well, don't worry AGAIN, because you still have a free escape, since the objective was automatically completed, despite you failling on doing anything. Unless, of course, you are unlucky and the exit gates spawn close to each other (which just makes it ultra hard but not impossible).
Tell me, why do you deserve any more chances?
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Well the problem with this is that.
Increasing the distance between the exit Gates is not as simple of a fixes you think it is.
On very big maps or Hell on maps where the exit Gate spawn on opposite sides like the game or the Memorial Institute it could very easily turn the match into a game of Hope you pick the right exit engaged because if you didn't survivor is escaping it really isn't fair for the Killers and is not a skillful way to escape for the survivors
Honestly depending on map location both killers and survivors could be equally as screwed Gate spawn far from each other or opposite sides The Killers at a disadvantage Gate or spawn closer together the survivors at a disadvantage which I think is perfectly fair.
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It's not really a chance at this point.
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Idiotic killer comments. Why make the ASSumption that all gens weren't repaired? I have no issues with end game itself. I do take issue with the lack of forethought in adding it to the game while not changing the gate spawns. They don't need to be on opposite sides of the map, but they also shouldn't be so close that the killer simply needs to pivot to see which gate the survivor is going to. Depending on the map, it literally requires no skill to determine the survivors location. The visual OR audio alert should be removed...why keep both?
Frankly, the developers need to hire smarter people. There are so many aspects to this game that are anti game theory, but having just accessed this forum today, I see why. The majority of the topics here are posted by killers. Whiny killers complaining and developers who respond to these babies by adding ridiculous features to the game that have absolutely nothing to do with skill.
Virtually every patch addresses killer gameplay. The bug that prevents a survivor from healing has existed for MONTHS. Or how about the joy of being stuck on a tree? Oh, you opened the exit gate, but can't leave, we've just added a new killer pink offering. Oh, you gained points during the match, but your score doesn't reflect them, so what? Critical survivor bugs get ignored...maybe that's because we spend less time whining on this forum than trash killers? Maybe because DBD's QA team is non-existent?
Here's a tip, play the game you created instead of listening to these lame killers.
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I remember the dev-stream about the End-Game Collapse (EGC). Their idea of it being balanced was that sometimes the gate spawns are killer-favored (close together) or survivor-favored (far apart), and thus it was balanced because the killer or the survivor would be equally screwed some percentage of the time, and the other times, it would be balanced and ok.
I think it's quite obvious to say that this is not how the game should work. Every time one side is screwed over, it doesn't justify the other side being screwed over equally as much. I wish they would stop pretending situations like these represent balance.
If a survivor is in an unwinnable situation 25% of the time, that's still an unbalanced and unwinnable scenario. If a Killer is stuck straddling impossible exit gates 25% of the time, that's still unbalanced and unwinnable. Fix your game at the core instead of pretending that it's balanced around "sometimes one side has a 90% chance of winning, sometimes the other side has a 90% chance of winning". That's oversimplified, but that's essentially what they're working around.
Balance the game.