Thank you for destroying this game

DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a ######### is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you ######### fix your broken ass game.

one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single ######### time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. ######### canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye



  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050
    edited July 2018

    See ya

  • MinusTheBillie
    MinusTheBillie Member Posts: 349
    Jesus Christ 
  • Outsidedarkness
    Outsidedarkness Member Posts: 25
    I have alot of problems on ps4 with the pallets. It works sometimes but most of the time it wont trow it down or the killer will be on my side them respawn back across the pallet. Might just be me though but it is hard to balance a game that interduce new perks into. My reason for playing this game is to blow off steam and maybe get out alive. I expect the killers to be good at it. But with all the dlc and killers the tunneling needs to stop there should be a instant barrowed time for rank 20 to 12 let the kids learn to play the game and not lean on chainsaws and wounded players. 
  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    FIEND8LOODED Member Posts: 336

    @DukeJukem said:
    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    Damn, at least put a tl;dr or something. This is way too much complaining for me to read and dedicate time to when I could be doing literally anything else.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @deathdoer1 said:
    Why not create a post giving them ideas and ways they can fix the game for everyone. I have a giant post in the fan made listing suggestions that I think would improve the game for all... Insulting people doesn't make them want to fix what you're insulting.

    it's ok man not everyone knows how to read. reading is for rich people.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114
    edited July 2018

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

    Actually the base rules you play by don't ever change so in fact it's actually a valid point I made.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @vampire_toothy said:

    @DukeJukem said:
    -[insert wall of text here]-

    Here's a few things I can say. You don't know balance IMO.
    Alright, I'm not going to defend the flashlight change but that was a while back and got fixed (thankfully).
    Second thing, hours do not add onto your argument (I was guilty of this too earlier on), they only account for how long you've played the game and you can still be biased or have bad ideas regardless of how long you've played.

    Personally, I think the devs are actually doing a pretty good job so far by taking a look at a number of the previously awful perks and making them at least a little better along with making a previously bad and decent killer way more better in the average hands which means that perhaps there might actually be more variety in what is used in the average game. If you don't like the perk changes then propose how they can actually make these perks better, otherwise it's time for you to get in line and adapt like the thousands of other players.
    I can honestly go on and on with my points, but at this point I'd feel like a robot with how many times I'd need to restate them. My final bit of advice is not to flame the people you're asking to listen to you, think you'd ever go up to the police and then insult them before asking them to listen to your complaint? No. You should treat the people you're asking with respect otherwise don't expect them to want to read your post or respect you.

    ok so you're telling me to...instead of flaming them to suggest changes. if you read anything i said you'd notice i suggested changes for everything i feel they ######### up. idk where or how you learned to read......but get better at it lol.

    secondly hours do account for something in this game. this game is all about being experienced and knowledgable.......which involves hours.

    thirdly. why are u mentioning flashlights? did i mention flashlights? is it a part of the main post of the thread? no? then don't mention it. the flashlight nerf didn't effect me and neither did this quicker pick up in the ptb.

    finally. if you read the things i said above you'll realize you're a ######### idiot who needs to learn to comprehend what he reads or just learn to read in general. everything you said i didnt do in my post i did and vice versa.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    you've no idea how many times people on the DBD discord have came to me saying "Duke you're in montos video." or "omg duke i saw u in this video in dbd" buuuuuuuuut its not me. it never is lol and thank god cuz they get wrecked. those are the people you probably are referring to. im not the only duke jukem on steam let alone dbd kid. lastly i dont play solo like you've said. can't rely on randoms. link my steam profile if you know who i am :dizzy: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif for some reason it just so happens to me. i'll gladly reinstall the game in order to wreck you in a kyf and i'll record it/let you record it. oh and by the way the thing you tried to say at the very end is actually called "good riddance." nice try though. you ######### tumor

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

    Actually the base rules you play by don't ever change so in fact it's actually a valid point I made.

    that's all well and good.........but i don't care lol. the rules in chess change. even the base rules under certain circumstances (tournaments etc.) do you have one of those portable nooses handy i mentioned in my main post? hand it to your mom real quick

  • ThePloopz
    ThePloopz Member Posts: 1,010
    edited July 2018
    Somebody popped a blood vessel. Oh and you’re welcome for destroying the game I’m glad I could help you  :)
  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    hmmmm.....i wonder what would happen if i were a schizophrenic who decided to create a troll post to see what would happen. what if i'm in game right now. lol. this world is so much fun

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114


  • @DukeJukem said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    you've no idea how many times people on the DBD discord have came to me saying "Duke you're in montos video." or "omg duke i saw u in this video in dbd" buuuuuuuuut its not me. it never is lol and thank god cuz they get wrecked. those are the people you probably are referring to. im not the only duke jukem on steam let alone dbd kid. lastly i dont play solo like you've said. can't rely on randoms. link my steam profile if you know who i am :dizzy: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif for some reason it just so happens to me. i'll gladly reinstall the game in order to wreck you in a kyf and i'll record it/let you record it. oh and by the way the thing you tried to say at the very end is actually called "good riddance." nice try though. you [BAD WORD] tumor

    I don't stalk people. I justt remember extreme douches, you seem like the duke douchem I've seen. Go play Runescape 3 or something, Kid.

  • DukeJukem
    DukeJukem Member Posts: 114

    @MrChills said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    you've no idea how many times people on the DBD discord have came to me saying "Duke you're in montos video." or "omg duke i saw u in this video in dbd" buuuuuuuuut its not me. it never is lol and thank god cuz they get wrecked. those are the people you probably are referring to. im not the only duke jukem on steam let alone dbd kid. lastly i dont play solo like you've said. can't rely on randoms. link my steam profile if you know who i am :dizzy: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif for some reason it just so happens to me. i'll gladly reinstall the game in order to wreck you in a kyf and i'll record it/let you record it. oh and by the way the thing you tried to say at the very end is actually called "good riddance." nice try though. you [BAD WORD] tumor

    I don't stalk people. I justt remember extreme douches, you seem like the duke douchem I've seen. Go play Runescape 3 or something, Kid.

    weeeeeeeellllllllll then don't call me out if you don't know me. if you've played against me, you've most likely lost. my challenge is still open to you.

  • Eninya
    Eninya Member Posts: 1,256

    Sorry to say, OP, but this community lives to suckle on every little drip of bullshit the game can give them most of the time.

  • @DukeJukem said:

    @MrChills said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    you've no idea how many times people on the DBD discord have came to me saying "Duke you're in montos video." or "omg duke i saw u in this video in dbd" buuuuuuuuut its not me. it never is lol and thank god cuz they get wrecked. those are the people you probably are referring to. im not the only duke jukem on steam let alone dbd kid. lastly i dont play solo like you've said. can't rely on randoms. link my steam profile if you know who i am :dizzy: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiif for some reason it just so happens to me. i'll gladly reinstall the game in order to wreck you in a kyf and i'll record it/let you record it. oh and by the way the thing you tried to say at the very end is actually called "good riddance." nice try though. you [BAD WORD] tumor

    I don't stalk people. I justt remember extreme douches, you seem like the duke douchem I've seen. Go play Runescape 3 or something, Kid.

    weeeeeeeellllllllll then don't call me out if you don't know me. if you've played against me, you've most likely lost. my challenge is still open to you.

    I don't know you but from meeting you in game and on here, you're a douche. so I know you're a loser and cancer on the community that we're glad you're gone/. I am done with this post, I don't associate with trolls and losers. Enjoy another game.

  • powerbats
    powerbats Member Posts: 7,068

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:

    @DukeJukem said:

    @powerbats said:
    May I recommend games that don't change the rules like Checkers or Chess and avoid any and all online games since they tend to change.

    You'd best stick with solo desktop games like solitaire since that one never changes the rules of how to play. If Darwin's theory wasn't proven before this post it has after.

    actually if you've ever played chess or checkers you'd know that both of those games start with a certain set of rules and depending how the game is played the rules change throughout the game. moreso in chess than checkers, but nice try.

    Actually the base rules you play by don't ever change so in fact it's actually a valid point I made.

    that's all well and good.........but i don't care lol. the rules in chess change. even the base rules under certain circumstances (tournaments etc.) do you have one of those portable nooses handy i mentioned in my main post? hand it to your mom real quick

    If you don't care then why'd you respond? The base rules never change though, the pieces all can only move in certain ways ever. Also nice logical fallacy attempt there since tournaments were never brought up until you did as a diversion.

    Oh and here.

    So don't let that uninstall button hurt your finger.even though we all know you'll keep playing the game while bashing the changes on the forums.

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    Wow, sounds like the community is better off lol. Pulls the poor me act on the forum but in game is toxic AF and treats people like garbage. So glad he uninstalled.

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @ChraizE said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    Wow, sounds like the community is better off lol. Pulls the poor me act on the forum but in game is toxic AF and treats people like garbage. So glad he uninstalled.

    Im pretty sure it was just a fisherman act actually. I doubt he/she/it uninstalled

  • ChraizE
    ChraizE Member Posts: 232

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @ChraizE said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    Wow, sounds like the community is better off lol. Pulls the poor me act on the forum but in game is toxic AF and treats people like garbage. So glad he uninstalled.

    Im pretty sure it was just a fisherman act actually. I doubt he/she/it uninstalled

    I just found it hilarious that the OP was a known douche bag and got called out on his sympathy thread. Pure gold!

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @ChraizE said:

    @pauloandrade22 said:

    @ChraizE said:

    @MrChills said:
    This guy used to be a high rank 1 survivor then purposely deranked to 17 so he and his premade could harass killers. I've faced this guy at high rank and low rank. he's such a little #########.If you play by his rules, he flames you. If you don't, he flames you. Everytime I've laid eyes on this dude, I've legit made him die first because not only does he flame me, if he is solo, which sometimes he is, he sandbags and flames his teammate. Good ridden, you tumor.

    Wow, sounds like the community is better off lol. Pulls the poor me act on the forum but in game is toxic AF and treats people like garbage. So glad he uninstalled.

    Im pretty sure it was just a fisherman act actually. I doubt he/she/it uninstalled

    I just found it hilarious that the OP was a known douche bag and got called out on his sympathy thread. Pure gold!

    yeah its pretty awesome.

  • Siggerad
    Siggerad Member Posts: 47

    Interesting post OP, but remember there is a lot of players here who got more scared about read than a over power killer, maybe use images and arrows and cartoon characters, next time :p

  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Siggerad said:
    Interesting post OP, but remember there is a lot of players here who got more scared about read than a over power killer, maybe use images and arrows and cartoon characters, next time :p

    god please no. Makes it worse to see.

  • Might_Oakk
    Might_Oakk Member Posts: 1,243

    If you're going to take the time to write a short story try not starting out by telling people to hang themselves.

    Really everything you took the time to type is wasted after that.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    While I don't like the emblem system either, it was at least a step into the right direction. Purely BP based ranks gave us rank 1 killers with 36 kills and 1500 hours. So, no thx.

    The changes in the PTB are great. Devs are on a good way and I really like the way the last dev streams have been. 

    They are not destroying the game, but saving it. It was to survivor sided.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @Tsulan said:
    While I don't like the emblem system either, it was at least a step into the right direction. Purely BP based ranks gave us rank 1 killers with 36 kills and 1500 hours. So, no thx.

    The changes in the PTB are great. Devs are on a good way and I really like the way the last dev streams have been. 

    They are not destroying the game, but saving it. It was to survivor sided.

    Not saving per se. More like correcting it. Because asymettery needs the 1 to be the power role.

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771
    DukeJukem said:

    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    Im quoting this so people have to scroll even more.
  • pauloandrade22
    pauloandrade22 Member Posts: 697

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    DukeJukem said:

    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    Im quoting this so people have to scroll even more.

    HA i clicked and dragged .

  • ChesterTheMolester
    ChesterTheMolester Member Posts: 2,771

    @ChesterTheMolester said:
    DukeJukem said:

    let me first start out by saying i don't care about your little troll posts like git gud etc. people like you are children and should just carry a portable noose around. anyways here we go :chuffed:

    these nerfs and reworks are just terrible and it all started when you introduced "the victory cube" for me anyway. when you were trying to change the way killers ranked up. that was a terrible idea by the way. this new emblem system is also terrible and didnt need to happen. it's seriously insanely simple to balance the ranking system. it used to be based on bloodpoint value endgame which determined if you pipped right? so if it was too easy or too hard to pip change the required bp values to pip or depip and find the sweeet spot. fixing that problem was that simple but you just ruined it with AMAZING ideas. go back to the bloodpoint pipping system. the emblems dont mean anything.......we don't collect them or gain anything from them. why make the system?

    you introduce with new dlcs/perks etc all the time then shortly thereafter nerf them to hell. then when we complain you say you plan on "reworking" all this stuff you just nerfed to hell and made useless. ironically im pretty sure the clown is the only dlc killer to be immediately buffed instead of nerfed lol.

    what you're doing right now with killers isn't too great either. the tinker perk idea is fine but the other perks revealing auras isn't. this is a hide and seek game. bbq and chili is barely acceptable. as a matter of fact bbq shouldnt be acceptable but if it were taken away alot of killers would quit and now we are back to the subject of giving us nice things then nerfing them to hell after we buy them. bbq was nerfed after release too. instead of giving killers more aura reading abilities you need to just flat out fix the sound in your game. you've broken the sounds from the killers perspective a million times over in almost all of your patches. you've broken survivor terror radius stuff yada yada yada. do u guys test before you release? seriously some of these broken things ARE IMMEDIATELY NOTICEABLE. if the sound wasn't so terrible in this game killers wouldn't need bbq or whispers. stridor would be meta of course but still.

    killer exploits are never fixed unless its an every match sort of thing. survivor exploits are patched asap. why? because this game needs killers in order to stay alive

    the self care nerf is terrible. if i lose the killer.......thats his fault and i should be able to heal myself. i've earned it. make self caring sounds louder if its such an issue. this whole resetting the heal is garbage. just remove the perk if you're going to do that. stop acting like self care is overpowered because a ton of people use comms on this game so we can either call out where we are or run bond and find someone. running bond and finding someone is almost more beneficial than actually self caring if u find someone near you fast enough. if you want to change self care. nerf it to 40 percent and see how it goes and adjust from there. stop REWORKING things that are based on a percentage/value based system. that's not the proper way of doing things.

    the decisive strike nerf. terrible idea. here are some good idea. run enduring. make gens take longer. decisive strike isn't a survival perk it's a time wasting perk towards the killer. any killer who isnt a [BAD WORD] is going to follow your scratch marks after you dstrike and down you again unless you're running iron will and someone juke him in a nearby jungle gym etc. you can also make the d strike stun shorter. these ideas are better than the current rework that doesnt need to happen.

    exhaustion ideas. almost a good idea but if im not in a chase my exhaustion should cooldown if im running. while in a chase and running...fine......i understand the no cooldown but if im outside of a chase and running around you shouldnt be holding my exhaustion cooldown against me. you're just being a dick now. also this idea is pretty terrible with your new random ass pallet spawning system. i can load gas heaven once and pallets will be here and the nexts they're there. amazing idea while nerfing exhaustion. thats 2 kicks in my ass. thanks.

    how to counter pallet looping. you did one thing right you removed the double pallets from areas. that was good. now instead of removing a ton of pallets in spots like u did with the last should just have either made the looping spots a shorter distance so the killer could take advantage of bloodlust better or just make bloodlust occur faster so they can catch up faster. or we could make it so breaking a pallet only drops you to bloodlust 1 until you lose the chase. so many ideas to choose but you choose an idea that gives killers an ez win.

    pallet vacuum system rework. if i reach a pallet i should be able to suck myself through. not like the old system that vaccum was bigger. you didnt need to be touching the pallet with the old system you could be a few meters away and it would still vacuum you. now i cant even reach the pallet and slam it down i have to run halfway through it........or more depending how shittily the game is acting. secondly what is this ######### "twirly ballerina barbie" bullshit survivors now do when dropping a pallet..........but if im just standing there........? why?! why do they do that? it slows the pallet drop down which screws people over constantly while just standing there dropping a pallet or if theyre running through it. the amount of downs that happen because of it are bullshit. also with the killer vacuum nerf if survivors get downed on a pallet the killer should NEVER pick them up lol. congrats devs you created a stalemate.......and played yourselves.

    im not going to go into killer very much because i quit putting alot of time into it after the victory cube was released. it wasnt fun anymore and these new changed aren't making it fun either due to the way you're pussifying survivors as well. i played the ptb. nothing is fun about killer anymore

    go back to the patch before the killer victory cube and just try again man. adjust values on everything instead of reworking stuff by coming up with these new ideas nobody wants. you're changing a game everyone fell in love with and you're basing it on rank 20 gameplay and 13 year olds who don't know their head from their own ass. children are literally the reason why no good video games are made anymore/have a decent lifespan. look at all these mobile games or these copy and paste game or the sequels every year that are weak. stop catering to these noobs.....seriously.

    i have 1.4k hours in this game so i have a pretty decent view to go off of. 1/3 or so of that is killer gameplay........but you ruined that for me so......i dont care.

    As of right now i'm uninstalling this game. i've bought all of your dlcs and have spent money on your new in game currency as well. i've technically gotten my 20 dollars worth but that isn't the point. you just keep reworking things......breaking things......fixing things that break other's just a huge joke honestly. you hardly ever give a straight answer when you do your q&a's etc on twitch or youtube. you just step around the answer or say you have plans. you are seriously the nascar drivers of video game developers. i can't believe matthieu cote or however you spell it wasn't fired when he told everyone to play the other role in their game or to play civ 6 while people tuning into their stream were telling them their game was broken. when a community complains about everything you're doing wrong AND its the majority of the community you don't tell them to go play something else you [BAD WORD] fix your broken ass game.

    one last thing. heres proof the devs dont know what they're doing. remember a few months back when they reworked pallet stuns/flashlight saves on killers? so you could flashlight during anytime or drop the pallet at any time and the killer would drop the survivor every single [BAD WORD] time? yea i remember that too and as a survivor.......i was shocked and dumbfounded. it floored me so badly that i played properly like before the patch. i timed the pallets and flashlights properly because i knew it was terribly unfair. these devs are just........idk man. [BAD WORD] canadians. maybe i'll check back during christmas or so but this game is catered to rank 20 noobs now. bye bye

    Im quoting this so people have to scroll even more.

    HA i clicked and dragged .

    ######### i got outplayed
  • Boss
    Boss Member Posts: 13,614

    @DukeJukem said:
    and should just carry a portable noose around.

    You're playing a dangerous game with the moderators here...

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095
    Boss said:

    @DukeJukem said:
    and should just carry a portable noose around.

    You're playing a dangerous game with the moderators here...

    I'm not sure about the mods here. They seemed more vigilant on the steam forum. Since there are so many threads where people blatantly insult.
  • Runiver
    Runiver Member Posts: 2,095

    China Called. They want their wall back.