And People Wonder Why We Run NOED



  • Im2Shrewd
    Im2Shrewd Member Posts: 77

    I get smacked with DS when I don’t tunnel and simply am just downing people quick lol.

  • RoKrueger
    RoKrueger Member Posts: 1,371

    Well played. But forget the "NOTE", you don't need to feel compelled to explain yourself about your choice of perks. Play as you want and have fun. Then enjoy the salt sore losers give you and be happy.

  • DBD_Pinhead
    DBD_Pinhead Member Posts: 763

    If anything NOED needs a buff to Mori survivors at the exit gate that triggers on teabag animations.

  • ASAPTurtle
    ASAPTurtle Member Posts: 968

    That's not the point of the thread, but I guess you can pop off.

  • SteelDragon
    SteelDragon Member Posts: 745

    how do you tell the difference in the pre game tho? until there is a solution solo Q survivors will be caught in the crossfire

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Keys Exist.

    And the Blond hair addon takes so long to get up. It has a downside.

    Ira heads only have one ax by default. All killer addons have a pro and a con.

    Survivors do not. (BNP has harder skill checks, but that's it.)

  • shingouki121
    shingouki121 Member Posts: 10

    Myers does with addons, and hex: devour hope is after 5 token along with rancor to hate on one survivor in particular.

  • blurmcclure18
    blurmcclure18 Member Posts: 12

    I am assuming that you don't give the killer in your survivor games free hits/downs, don't you care about the poor killer having fun? I don't expect you or any survivor to give me or any killer free kills/downs/hits in the same aspect of you shouldn't expect a killer to give you free gens/pallet stuns/escapes.

    You saying that I should care more for other people having fun than myself I find hypocritical of you since I would assume you care about having fun in any game more than your opponent having fun.

    I try my best not to tunnel/camp survivors since I do play survivor and know how un-fun that is, I really only tunnel when it makes sense to do so, i.e. 1/0 gens left and no one dead and same with camping, exit gates open, 1 person on hook. I don't really care your or even other's opinions on NOED like I said I was running it because I didn't have many perks on Freddy.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Exactly, but according to 95% of the killer mains on these forums, solo queue survivors apparently don't exist. It's all SWF this and SWF that.

    I don't solo queue anymore, I play with my friends and SWF or if I don't have any friends free to play with, I play killer.

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    Hey guess what prevents NOED!? Cleansing totems! Learn how to play the game

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Hey guess what? Cleansing totems when the killer might not even have the perk this long overdue discussion has been about also wastes time and gets survivors killed!!!

    P.s, me stating my opinion on No one escapes Salt doesn't mean I don't know how to play the game (constant rank 1 survivor and killer thanks).

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    “Relying on a crutch”. You mean how survivors use insta heals? Wouldn’t that be a crutch? Or how about decisive, or borrowed time? Wouldn’t all these be considered crutches for survivors?

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I agree on Insta heals being an unnessecary crutch (mostly the Syringe).

    DS and BT are not crutches because they are countered by NOT TUNNELLING!!

    Also if you're gonna reply to my quote please put it in 1 whole message rather than splitting it in two.

    Thanks in advance 🙂

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    Your opinion doesn’t count when there is a clear answer to stopping noed from happening. Unlike many of the tools that survivors have that a killer can’t prevent from happening in any way whatsoever.

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    I didn’t know those perks only triggered when the game recognizes tunneling good to know

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    However my opinion still counts because it's an opinion, not an answer.

    You can disagree with an opinion but disagreeing with an opinion doesn't make it wrong.

    I guess I could say the same about Exhaustion perks, Exhaustion perks can be countered by add ons that cause exhaustion so I guess complaints about Balanced Landing and Dead hard don't count because there's a counter to it.

    Two can play at that game pal

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    Again maybe you don’t understand baby survivor. Everything you keep talking about CANT be prevented by a killer these are all things that survivors can just do. You can PREVENT noed by getting rid of 5 measly totems that take about 20 seconds to cleanse. Your opinion is wrong.

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    My favorite combo in the game, NOED AND BLOOD WARDEN

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I now know that I just shouldn't engage with you any longer as it is clear that your mindset has dropped so low that you can't engage in a conversation without backing up much/ at all evidence.

    Hope you enjoy acting like a nutter towards other people 🙂

  • rounder247
    rounder247 Member Posts: 48

    That’s right, Bow down! Sorry NOED prevents you from teabagging the exit gates and not getting to escape because you didn’t do your job.

  • FiftyCalReaper
    FiftyCalReaper Member Posts: 110

    Damn dude they even had 3 Adrenalines. Plus there's a Decisive, Borrowed Time, Unbreakable, and Deliverance. Super sweaty team. Glad you 4K'ed them :)

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Hey, as a killer I don't know if survivors have DS, BT and other meta perks or addons. You ALWAYS should be prepared for NOED as you should be prepared for BBQ, Discordance etc.

    Point that cleansing totems is stupid, because you don't know if killer has NOED. It's your second objective. If you want to do gens only so bad, then do so. BUT, don't complain to killer mains for your death because of NOED. You had your choice to sacrifice some of your time to look for totems, you didn't, then face consequences.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    My job is to either fix gens and escape or loop the killer so my allies can fix the gens to escape.

    Not doing my job is being an immersed little baby and hiding in the corners of the map (which is exactly what you killer mains want because you're all pretty much like "OH MY GOD THIS SURVIVOR KNOWS HOW TO PLAY THE GAME, EXPLOIT!! BAN THEM!! NERF T AND L WALLS!! NERF SHACK!!").

    Totems is a secondary objective, gens are the primary objective, (to explain to your obvious Jimmy Neutron sized brain, totems is my optional job, gens are my job).

    Also, I only teabag sweats like you and Spirit's, because I hate Spirit.

    I'm not bowing down to you either, it's obvious you are just asking for attention, I said I'd stop talking with you because you're becoming ridiculous.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Which is the problem, killers should definitely not be rewarded for failing their objective.

    Survivors don't have a perk that rewards them for failing so why should killers?

    I wouldn't mind NOED as much if survivors had a perk in their lists that rewarded them for failing.

    But meh, I'll enjoy how killers hardly get changed and survivors get massacred by changes.

    Devs: *nerf fast vaults which were a problem*

    Devs: *nerf Remember me when no one asked for a nerf yet there is stuff like Prayer Beads and 5 blinks and omega blink*

    Why do the devs nerf something vital to survivors but nerf a perk literally no killer gives two shits about?

  • Predator3174PL
    Predator3174PL Member Posts: 302

    Devs themself said that NOED is fine. Everyone sais it's fine but small part of community says it's OP.

    All you had to do is go out from your little cage named "mY oNlY oBjEcTiVe Is RePaIrInG gEnErAiToRs" and actually cleanse totems.

    You get 1k BP from it, killer isn't notified if you are cleansing his dull totem, and it will safe you from NOED.

    Also, killers obejctive isn't "Don't let survivors repair gens", it's 'Don't let them escape". I find it funny that survivors think our, as a killer mains, obejctive is protecting gens. No no no. It's one of many ways to prevent you from escape. Same with you. Your main objective is to survive and escape. Gens are only one of the ways to do so.

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    "...Luckily NOED exists and saved me from getting beat by "Fair Play" from some toxic survivors..."

    Yes, and you beat with Fair Play too

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Breaking the bones is getting harder and harder because killer mains keep complaining about their spawns.

    I don't mind how they're technically making Ruin and Huntress Lullaby etc stronger because they're making the totems more hidden but this also is buffing NOED.

    It's becoming a problem

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    Maps have only a select number of "nodes" a totem can spawn, for this reason learning all the spawn locations is very easy (hence why they had to mix totems placement up in the first place). To add to this any time you see a circle of rocks or tires its pretty obvious this is a potential totem location. The only time I find it difficult to find a totem (yes this is based only on my experience as I cannot speak for others) is the swamp maps as sometimes I can confuse myself of where I have/have not already looked.

    The more you play the easier it becomes to locate the potential totem nodes. You also have Small Game if you ever feel like you don't want to be bothered with memorizing locations.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,095

    NoED complainers make me giggle, as a survivor I go into every match cleansing totems because I know for a fact it is a possibility, it prolongs the game and stops gen rushers who don't understand there is more to playing survivor than tunneling gens (you are no worse than a camper killer or a tunneling killer, and that is reflected in the pip system).

    People need to learn there are multiple objectives to do, and if you ignore the hex totems you are gambling, and that is your choice to take that risk.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    Again with the perk suggestions 🙄.

    That's another thing about NOED and various other things killers have, why should I swap my perk build for what other killers are running?

    I want to stick with my DS, Adrenaline, Dead hard and WGLF (because I need my bps, though I guess I could swap WGLF for Iron Will or something). That isn't how perks in a game should work, there obviously has to be the ones that are better than others but it shouldn't be "I have this perk so you should run that perk to stand a chance".

    Also, I'm not new to the game, I've been playing for a year and a half now and I am a constant rank 1 survivor and killer. I know where totems spawn it's just now their spawns are becoming ridiculous because killer mains keep complaining that they're too easy to find.

    Can't wait until the patch when totems get removed from the map entirely and we're stick with permanent hex perks.

    Killers will still try to complain about something

  • Theluckyboi
    Theluckyboi Member Posts: 1,113
    edited August 2019

    Killers get rewarded by the survivors laziness, not their failure

    If you think NOED is a crutch perk i suggest you do the totems

    t. Killer who never runs NOED

  • White_Owl
    White_Owl Member Posts: 3,786

    Those survivors could probably say "And people wonder why we run insta-heals"

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172


    "That's another thing about NOED and various other things killers have, why should I swap my perk build for what other killers are running?"

    I really don't understand how to respond to this. Any competitive/vs game involves making a build that can either maximize/ease your gameplay or counter what the opponent is running. If you are choosing to be stubborn and only play 1 build then you need to accept that you will not always have a build that works well against someone else.

    I don't want to run Ruin in most of my killer games but if I choose to not run Ruin then I cannot complain that gens are poping too fast as I made the choice to ignore a perk designed to combat the problem.

    This sounds more like a stubborn mindset you have rather than a legitimate problem with NOED, and that I'm afraid only you can fix.