Good Killers on Console?

I've never been one to think that killers are terrible at playing on console but I did have some doubts. With a decreased fps I thought Killers would be easy to really go against as Survivor on console, but to my pleasant surprise they're not much of a pushover.
They have some great Myers as well. I may stay on console....hmmmm
There are some great killers on console, I play on PC and PS4 platforms but in my experience the killers are harder on console once you get to red ranks because even with your sensitivity at Max it doesn't match what the PC has and the clarity when you go through windows and pallets are better on PC , I find myself getting smacked down for the first game or 2 after playing PC and coming back to PS4 in the same day because I have to adjust to not having the distance I thought I had on the killer with the bad fps and lag with the standard PS4 game floating between 100-200 ping
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There are some really good killers on console. Being an Xbox player myself, it’s easy to see that there’s not much that separates between PC and console. On the Xbox One X FPS is actually REALLY good. PC like even. Nurse is still the best killer in the game on console as well, albeit being even MORE difficult because of the lack of sensitivity.
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That's interesting, tell me more I have this game for both PS4 and PC as well. One other thing I noticed is that there's alot more interaction between players with chat on PS4 than PC in my opinion and for some reason most of it has been very good conversation lol
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On PS4 there are tons of friends this game has brought and some people from here but any message I get added to is usually extremely toxic and threatens my life or tells me to hurt myself lol sad to say but the higher up on console you go the more you might want to consider making messages private because you will get some pretty bad stuff on there and it usually takes time to add to a group and such so there really is no reporting them to the mods you have to report them to Sony , but other than that there are some great people who are really skilled on both sides and friendly
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To say on console is a big statement..... maybe on the 1x yes but on the normal ps4 she doesnt exist, I go sometimes months before I see a nurse and when I do the players cant land a hit...
With that said, OP, theres some great killers on console yeah... I just hope the devs continue pushing optimization and increase the sensitivity to match PC...
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Nurse is the PC god, but spirit OWNS console. I'm really liking Freddy again tho after the re-work. Please, PLEASE don't nerf him!
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My nurse can destroy on console.😈
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@GrootDude does her play style make my console overheat?
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There are some good killers such as @Masantonio:
We happened to stumble into a game with each other and his Spirit is really nasty! Luckily I had Iron Will, but still, he knows what he's doing! :)
I also main Nurse on console, and she's really fun:
Also, I'm not sure if @thesuicidefox plays killer, but I think he's really good at killer as well! :)
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Yes, she will completely destroy your console.
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@GrootDude damn so your Nurse is as powerful as most of the patches. She does need a nerf!
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Now you got me curious. I have to play against your Nurse! I know a handful of amazing Nurse players on PS4, but these guys are from Europe (since I usually get matched with EU players).
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Hit me up anytime I’m on. :)
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I do. Spirit (main), Freddy (old and new), GF, Trapper, Huntress. I have been told I'm really good. Right now I'm just sitting at rank 4 because it takes me 10 minutes to find games, so I just kinda stop playing lately once I get to red ranks. I could easily get to rank 1 if the game WOULD JUST GIVE ME A LOBBY!
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Not mine. I just can't keep up with the frame rate when teleporting. She gets destroyed, so I summon the evil spirit and make them pay. And boy, do they pay. I'm trying to just keep maining nightmare tho. Too many dc's and salty survivors when I play as spirit. Trying to keep her alive. Their already nerfing nurse, so all the nurse mains will go to spirit, and then she'll get nerfed too probly...
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In my experience, nurse and huntress are really the only killers who are harder to play on console.
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I don't want to sound rude, but killers on console will probably never be on the same level as PC. The two platforms have completely different player bases.
And of course, the hardware advantage is worth noting as well.
Still, that doesn't mean killers on console can't be decent at the game.
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@Masantonio is picking up Nurse right now, and when he gets done, he's gonna be a monster Nurse! :)
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I wouldn't be too quick to have faith.
I started at rank 3. I'm currently two pips from rank 6.
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Killers are definitely better on console, in some regards. The limitations they have forces them to be much better at some things.
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PC elitism again?
Dude seriously, come play killer at rank 1 on Xbox. You will get SWF every game and there are a lot of good survivors at that rank.
Imagine thinking that people are better or worse depending on which control method they use (because that is really the only difference at this point).
"I don't want to sound rude" follow immediately by something that is quite rude and not at all factual.
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@Pulsar In what ways are killers better on console? I don't see how limitations force killers to play better than PC players. If anything, those limitations hinder console killers.
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There are some pretty good killers on console, I met a Nurse who was actually really good, she destroyed our team and I was just really impressed. Personally tho, I'm normally rank 1 killer on console although I havent been playing as much so I'm at rank 2 rn. I mostly play Ghostface, Pig, Freddy, Plague and some Spirit. Although I like to switch it up sometimes. I dont really consider myself good tho XD
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A well seasoned killer from console would probably be a lot better on PC since they would have increased frame rate and the precision of a mouse and keyboard. I find good killers on console more impressive on console than PC because of the limitations of frame rate and low camera sensitivity. What I find even more impressive are the huntress mains on console that don't require a crosshair like those on PC that then proclaim themselves as being the best Huntress.
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@thesuicidefox I have played killer at rank 1 on Xbox. As you may recall, I used to be a console player. So it's not like I have zero experience with console.
Now here's a counter offer: Come play killer on PC. I want to see you play Huntress or Billy against players like Vooshy (be sure to use a controller). And let's see how well you do playing against a SWF squad like that.
Believe me, I used to think there wasn't much of a difference between the platforms. Then I switched and realized they are different.
FYI, a lot of the PC players believe console is a joke. I don't happen to share that view. At least I'm willing to stick up for console players when it's necessary.
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Some rank 1 console Killers have GOD TIER hearing. They might not be able to see as far or camera flick as Nurse, but they can hear from a damn mile. The Nurse players you do get at Rank 1 are just godly, plain and simple. Mad respect for them. Console killers, at red ranks, will ALWAYS get first hit. 360'ing is EXTREMELY hard to deal with as a Killer on console, so many will simple wait for you to make your move. That segways into my last example, they are VERY good at capitalizing on Survivor mistakes.
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You obviously haven’t played extensively on both. The skill differences are negligible. The only thing different is that Nurse and Huntress are easier to use and juking is slightly more effective due to less sensitivity.
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@woundcowboy I have 1000 hours on console. I was playing when the game released on June of 2017. And I have even more hours than that on PC. So actually I have played extensively on both sides.
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"Precision of a mouse and keyboard" is completely irrelevant with most killers, other than Huntress and Nurse.
I, too, have played extensively on both and can tell you there's little difference between the two. If people can dominate in games like Fortnite with controller, they can dominate in DBD. I can't with everyone acting like you have to be precise as the head of a pin to play survival horror. 😂
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Well then I guess we have to agree to disagree. Skill gaps between console and PC are always overestimated IMO. They really only apply to intense FPS games.
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Rank 1 killer on xbox here too. Literally all you see is swf almost all day. Lot of them stream the game too
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Has anybody ran into AJswagger420 killer ?
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Uh, no why?
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Just curious bc that’s my PS4 killer name
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Ah, i'm on Xbox so nope.
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Use a keyboard and mouse on console and become a super saiyan with literally everyone
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I play on console exclusively, and I'm not a pushover in most situations (SWFs and Red ranks are my weakness). I like just trying builds and seeing how they work. Tombstone Myers is my favorite, to be honest. It's so rewarding to get a 4k with him with three stacks of PWYF... so fun.
I will admit that Huntress, Hag, and Nurse are more difficult because of controller vs. keyboard.
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I am red rank on killer and survivor on PS4. I have to disagree...sure I get some morons sending me messages but more often than not I've grown my friend's list because I didn't turn my messaging off.