Head On - Potential Buffs

The perk itself is very fun and I personally love it when it works, however there is to many constraints that make the perk weak and very much useless in most cases. These should be reasonable changes, or I hope so
- Decrease time to 2 seconds for activation.
- Stun duration increased to 4 seconds
- New Passive; While in a locker your exhaustion timer decreases twice as fast.
These seem like a lot of changes, but it’s worth the effort.
Tbh I don't think it needs to be buffed, it's already a good perk and there are people already abusing it
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The perk isn’t being abused, it’s just finally seeing play since streamers and YouTubers are using it for meme builds. The perk itself still has it’s glaring issues, and from what I’ve been seeing in videos and streams is the perk still doesn’t activate fast enough. That itself is enough to end a chase, the perk is still needing buffs, but who knows it might OP with SWF.
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Completely agree with decreasing the charge time to 2 seconds. Doesn't seem much on paper, but it would actually help a lot.
And to be honest, I would like the perk to have a normal 60/50/40 second cooldown rather than exhaustion.
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I like the locker passive, don't care so much for the "buffs" though. But maybe half decreased exhaustion timer maybe a little too much, cause then we'd have basically infinite SB again.
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It doesn't need any buffs in my opinion.
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head on shouldn't even be an exhaustion perk in my opinion
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Get rid of collision so you don’t get stuck on the killer when you use it. That’s the only buff head on needs imo.
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The only buff I need is: it active when Killer opens the closet.
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I always wondered why the killer could grab you, and avoid the entire perk. It's not difficult to react to a rushed locker action, and Head On doesn't change this.
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The only buff the perk needs, if any, is that the stun happen instantly which makes it impossible for the killer to grab you mid-animation. That's kinda it.
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SO many other perks need a buff before this one.
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There was that one QoL buff. Let me go find it.
This one!
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Someone agrees with me! :D
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Abused? ######### u talking about, it's more like a meme perk than useful for chases. Rarely saw people saving team mates with that.
Explain your opinion. I think it does. And here is why:
To situational, can be easily countered once the killer knows you have that, doesn't give you that much distance, u can't lose the killer with that, saving a team mate with that is more than just situational (swf mandatory imo) and overall it's a meme perk.
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It's meant to be a situational perk and i think it is very strong for what it does.
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I would like to see a higher stun duration. But more like Decisive Strike. Giving Head On +1 sec for the animation it would be perfect.
Means you have 3 seconds to escape the killer + 1 second for the animation.
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Who would run that perk aside from streamers trying to be funny? It being an exhaustion perk. If it was a cooldown perk then i would understand but currently it's just comedy.
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Exactly, people want this to be super strong and while it's fun it should still be a niche perk. Because too many times already I see people try to jump in a locker mid chase for a quick stun. Buffing this would just bring worst times.
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U r still not explaining your opinion but only keep saying it's fine. Seems more like you don't know by yourself or just simply don't want this perk to become meta. Simply because.
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How can you abuse this perk?
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It doesn't matter what my opinion is, that's why it's an opinion. Stop waiting for an explanation so you can tell me how 'my opinion' is wrong, as it's clearly what you are waiting for.
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Buffs are the last thing this troll perk needs.
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People really in here saying Head On is a strong perk and it's being "abused"
I need some video evidence to back those kind of claims up. Head On is like one or two levels about Distraction or whatever the Pebble Perk is called XD It's a joke perk
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So either you know you have no valid reason for that opinion or your reasons would discredit yourself. Whatever it is, can't take you serious anymore.
Post edited by DaS_only on0 -
Head on is pretty good right now.
Definitely a nice addition to the current exhaustion perks. Adding QQ to it not only helps during chases but also gives you a chance to use it in some situations where you wouldn't otherwise.
A nice change up, though I do miss my BL sometimes when things go vertical. Will I use it forever? Nah it's only in a certain build. To be fair, I've been running more QQ/Dance with me because no exhaustion, just timers.
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Yeah, nerf this troll perk!!! It's overpowered and I get bullied everywhere with head on stuns muuuuuhhhh, no counterplay! No buffs, it needs nuuuurfs!
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Thats kinda the point.
- Its not meant to be used mid chase (reliably at least).
- Its not meant to give distance difference.
You are trying to make use of a perk meant to be an "ambush" perk into a chase extender. Thats like saying Spine Chill's numbers should be higher because they dont make much of a difference, despite the perk being meant to be anti-Killer-stealth.
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"it's not meant to be used mid chase l"
First of all those buffs don't imply that. Second, who says that? You or the devs? There is nothing wrong about making it stronger to use it mid chase. That's how all other exhaustion perks are working: MID CHASE.
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Not a huge fan of the exhaustion part, what the devs should do is make it so that crouching / standing still / being in a locker (with or without head on) should increase the rate that you recover from exhaustion (not by much obviously but by a noticeable amount).
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I like head on I just wish it could be used as more of an exhaustion perk. If the time you had to be in a locker was shorter so you could potentially use it in chase then I would like it more
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The first one does, very clearly. Less "setup" time means using it more reliably during a chase. If you are using it outside of a chase (attempting a save with it, escaping the basement, etc), those 3 seconds dont matter at all.
Devs, obviously. Head On is the best example of them wanting to force a certain playstyle on a perk. It has a setup time, so that you cant just jump into a locker instantly and use it during a chase. It causes exhaustion, not because it gives you haste, but because they didnt want you to combine it with other exhaustion perks because stun + haste is similar to stacking two exhaustion perks together (old BL + SB combo).
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No, u could also hop into a locker outside of a chase but need a fast activation for a save or while you where sneaking.
Show me where the devs said that instead of trying to think into the devs head who designed that perk.
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I'm quite fond of Head On, so here's what I would suggest:
- Reduce the activation timer from 3 seconds to 2 seconds.
- Increase the stun time from 3 seconds to 4 or 5 seconds (since you're stationary, a longer stun makes sense)
That ought to make Head On a little more desirable.
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i say yes, make it happen @Peanits
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ive made 4 saves with it solo... in the span of 2-3 months
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Head on really isn't a perk used to do anything other than mess with the killer; The only situation this perk actually comes in handy is in SWF, telling your teammate who's being chased "Run him by my locker" and using it then.
I understand why it's an exhaustion perk, that way you can't Head on, then sprint burst away (or any other exhaustion perk).
I understand why it takes time to activate, since it'd be a bit more powerful if it's 2 seconds.
I understand why the stun is short; DS stuns for 4 seconds, but is a 1 time use.
However, going back to my first point, this perk is used to annoy the Killer. I played Jane for a week just to mess with Killers. It needs something that will make it useful, while not totally messing with a killer if 1+ players have it.
However, making exhaustion timers decrease faster in lockers will turn this game into "Dwight Hiding Simulator". Decreased activation time to two seconds would make it too good, and increased stun time would make it an even bigger "Annoy the killer" perk.
- Reduce exhaustion timer. I won't say to what, its hard to tell whats balanced and whats not.
- Make it so the survivor can run through the killer for either the whole animation or part of it. People use it for a while learn to run the other way, however there are some spots (The house with the basement generator on Badham, cough cough) Where Head on just traps you.
Head on is a perk that only exists to annoy the killer (and waste a small amount of their time, I guess). The buffs proposed would either strengthen this fact, make head on too powerful or make survivors sit in lockers instead of doing objectives. Head on's exhaustion timer should be decreased (not removed), and the perk should let you run through the killer shortly after activation.
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Yes please buff this perk devs i beg of you.
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Lmao “in a span of 2-3 months” yeah anyways, next.
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Or they could just make it a cooldown perk instead of an exhaustion perk
Post edited by Star99er on0 -
is there something wrong with that?
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Or because i don't need to explain my opinion to someone that is only going to argue my reasoning. You're clearly not looking for a conversation which is obvious by the way you're trying to argue with me now.
You're not entitled to an explanation and i don't need to give it, and i'm not going to. Get over it, move on and bother someone else.
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Yes, you act like the perk is godly with those 3-4 saves. It doesn’t change how niche and gimmicky the perk is.
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Troll pick does not mean OP.
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3-4 in like 2-3 months is absolutely nothing tho, is it hard to get that i was saying that the perk is bad when it comes to that?
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Carry on then, you made it seem like the perk was good.
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did i tho?
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Yeah. Many people here always say minor things to make points, it made it seem like those 4 saves made it seem like it was working fine.
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the perk itself works fine, it may just be a bad perk like so many others (not imo i love it)but it does what its supposed to, ill never say no to a buff to it either
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i agree the activation time should be shortened with 1 sec to a total of 2 sec. that would make a big difference. the amount of times i came up just short is so sad. I just wanted that 1 sec faster activation time to use in chases