New Preschool Maps are pallet town 2.0

I forget which patch it was that reduced the frequency of pallets spawning next to eachother; but the new preschool maps seems to completely ignore that. It is common to see a slew of 3+ pallets all in a line and between the very strong loops of the fun houses / school / killer shack these maps are a nightmare for loopable killers to deal with. Some of the them are close enough that by the time you even finish kicking the first pallet the survivor can be standing at the next one ready to loop.


  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    Don't kick unsafe pallets.

  • UltraBanana
    UltraBanana Member Posts: 100

    So wait 30, potentially 45 seconds to bloodlust a hit and then do it again? That's probably 3 gens done for your first down.

  • PolarBear
    PolarBear Member Posts: 1,899

    You don't need to wait for bloodlust. Most of the pallets are unsafe enough that you can mindgame them, bloodlust is also a safety net in case you lose your mindgames.

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    I don't know what it is about pallets, but whenever I get a survivor that runs from loop to loop when I'm playing someone like Leatherface, I always get the bad feels. I always know when I gotta take a rain check and come back for them later, which is always discouraging because it can be so damn predictable at times... Sometimes I just wish it was easier to get a read on when the situation was bad and when it was good, and maybe some recourse. Like, lingering stacks of bloodlust would be great.

  • Milo
    Milo Member Posts: 7,383

    Maybe they spawn more together but they are way more unsafe

  • EldritchElise87
    EldritchElise87 Member Posts: 626

    Yeah this is what they have talked about on stream a couple of times, more frequent pallets but very few safe ones, most have counterplay to them. Its a good way to do it.

  • CakeDuty
    CakeDuty Member Posts: 995

    In the patchnotes they said they removed the distance of how close pallets could spawn to each other to 8 meters. I can't remember what it was before, I think it was about 12-16m. So yeah, the pallets spawn closer but more of them are also unsafe and more mindgameable.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    What I got with preschool from my new experience is survs don't loop on most pallets anymore, instead they go for a hit/drop in your face and proceed to run to a shack/middle building, where pallets are completely safe. And since middle building is in the middle... it's pretty easy to get there from any location, making this place a favorite looping rote. It always feels lame when you have to chase all of the survivors to practically the same location.

  • yandere777
    yandere777 Member Posts: 728

    But you gotta remember the safe pallets in the middle are what? 4 ish pallets at most. 1 cant be looped around and has to be dropped but when dropped is basicaly a forced break and the boiler room pallets are loopable but also have long ish corridors and a potentially unsafe window. So realistically every good survivor will get around 1 pallet on you in this area. If you played poorly then good luck but you should actually be forcing them there after your first couple hooks.

  • Fieryaura
    Fieryaura Member Posts: 47

    Most of pallets in Springwood are mindgamable, OhTofu (very good killer main) has made a video and show the most pallets are easy to mindgame.