DCing in order for the last survivor to get the hatch is perfectly fine!

北欧人 Member Posts: 45
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

Long story short: I had this game against a 4 man SWF. Killed 2 and found the last 2 together, downed one and the other ran to the hatch while the downed DC'ed. The last survivor escaped thanks to his pall DCing.

This is nothing new. This happens all the time. In this case it was pretty obvious and I had all in video so I decided to open a ticket in DBD support to show the video, to better support my in-game report.

It was an easy temporary ban in my head but to my surprise I get an answer from support saying that DCs don't need to be report and so no action would be taken. (LOL) To be fair, this is true. DCs don't need reporting but this is more than just a DC, this is an exploit. They are taking a competitive advantage from it.

So basically, the message is: you can DC for the last survivor to escape... that's perfectly fine. Just don't do it too much or you might hit the DC threshold that might get you banned. As long as you don't do it too much, use DC as a strategy!

Is this how we are going to improve game's health? By watching these exploits and ignore them?



Post edited by Gay Myers (Luzi) on


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