Ghostface Power change

I had this idea to where its more difficult for survivors to break out The Ghostface. Currently you can break him out from any direction with little to no difficulty.
What if it was possible for survivors to only break out The Ghostface from his power when both survivor and The Ghostface are facing each other. Range and line of sight remains the same, only change is that you cannot break him out from behing him or to the side of him. That way survivors who aren't being chased can't break him out for free. It also puts more pressure on the survivor being chased/stalked. So survivors have to pay more attention.
Let me know what you think so maybe we can figure out more buffs or if its just too strong.
tu op plz nurf
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This could be easily abused by pee-ka-boo'ing survivors you're currently chasing, and preventing them from revealing you at all.
All they really need to do is fix the way Detection perks work against him (Object of Obsession, Spine Chill, etc). Fix his crouching camera placement, so you wouldnt be sniffing the ground, and make revealing more consistent so Ghostface wouldnt be revealed behind cover, or him not being revealed even though survivor is right in front of him (Literally happened to me yesteday when Ghostface was camping the guy on the hook, I saw him sitting in a corner, sneaked behind him and crouched literally right next to him, but apparently I couldnt reveal him because My Survivor's model was in the way of the camera, so when he turned around and found me, he almost exposed me, I had to run away at a distance so my model wasn't in the way)
Another idea would be making it so survivor's actual character model and camera has to be facing Ghostface in order to reveal him, but I think dev's wouldn't be able to do it in mess that DbD coding is.
Here are my other ideas
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Yeah that could work too, its good that we're trying because i just had a game versus a decent team and didn't get a single kill simply because of me getting looped. thats not something they can fix i think but the breakout problems fixing would help ghostface become more sneaky and maybe taking a look at the crouching speed addon cuz thats not that great either since you can still see him pretty easily.
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He needs something maybe something like his terror radius like change it to 8 meters. Or buff something on him.
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I think Ghostface is fine honestly. You need to approach survivors from unexpected angles. There are a lot of things to hide behind, but if you go straight from point A to point B you're likely gonna get spotted by someone. You don't just sneak when you're right up near them.
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I like both of these, slight buffs and bug fixes are the way to go, I don’t think he needs a complete change of mechanic.
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@Kiskashi the thing is, if you're seen then you're not being sneaky anymore. I imagine that's why survivors who see you from any angle can break you out. It's kinda like that survivor behind you sees you, so they're calling you out to the others and warning them. The only real thing I dislike about GhostFace is that you can be broken out despite being behind things sometimes where a survivor couldn't totally see you. That's probably my only gripe with him.
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That’s what I meant, I more so was agreeing with their detection perks, crouch camera and not being broken out from behind objects thing, all of these fall under slight buffs and bug fixes
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@Kiskashi The only real change OoO needs is where the killer and survivor have to be looking directly at each other. Because this is how I perceived it to work previously and apparently that's not how it works. Any other perk should work no matter what the killer is, imo, because otherwise, we need perks that don't work against specific survivors. Perks imo should only be countered by other perks. Maybe with the exception of tier 1 Myers, just because he's at such a disadvantage in tier 1 as it is.
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Even that would be better than how it currently works, but still that’s an argument that’s been going on for a while and I’d rather not reignite it. Stealth isn’t designed to be viable in this game anyway because of perk, item, time etc restraints and counters.
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@Kiskashi It gets harder and harder to stealth as a survivor as well. BBQ and Chili being one of the worst offenders when there isn't always a locker nearby. I do think GhostFace is probably one of the best stealthers possible though. I rarely ever actually see him unless I have Spine Chill or something.
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Except for distortion (as you said you want it countered by perks right?) or hiding behind a gen, or being in the TR, take your pick
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@Kiskashi When someone goes down, they're generally far away from me. I also don't know where the hooks are, as I don't see their auras, making it hard to be directly behind a gen of where the killer is. Once they pick someone up, I've stopped seeing that person's aura. Distortion would be the only one, but it's behind a DLC survivor, and imo isn't a very good perk, due to it being only what, 3 times total, whereas BBQ lasts all game?
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I’ve very rarely been wrecked by BBQ, start planning in advance, know where lockers are, try to estimate which direction the killer picked up the survivor and the direction they carried them and reposition yourself on the gen, if all else fails run towards the person who is downed, chances are you’ll hear the TR quite a distance away and you don’t even have to be that close.
Half the time I hook with BBQ I get nothing from it, it’s very rare people don’t know how to counter it at this point. Distortion will actually last you a lot longer if you can find a locker and gives you info on potentially the entire killers build if they have nurses/aura perks. The only time it was useless was old freddy, I use both and distortion is great for if you can’t be bothered hiding or think the killer has nurses it tends to last me 3/4 of the game and that’s without hiding in lockers. Also you realise BBQ is a dlc perk too right, how dare it have a potential use. Most perks are dlc perks now.
Anyway we’re getting off topic, so I’d rather take this somewhere else if this is to continue, many threads already exist on BBQ and OoO
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@Kiskashi I haven't been "wrecked" by BBQ, but I have been in situations where I couldn't find an appropriate counter at the time of it being procced, or been just shy of reaching a locker in time, etc. It doesn't seem like stealth as a survivor is that viable though. BHVR constantly does things to make that gameplay aspect more and more difficult. For example, I can see any survivor easily now, compared to before they brightened everyone's clothes to the point they are practically glow in the dark. It wasn't impossible to see Claudette before tbh, but now I see her all the time. People still hide in corners thinking they can camouflage, but it never works. It used to work OCCASIONALLY, but now it's just like "Did you really think you can do that?". I'm also not complaining about BBQ in general, I do think it WGLF deserves a buff to compensate for BBQ being it's "counter perk", by both showing the killer's aura, and making the condition to gain BP easier, as WGLF is terribly designed. Either that or BBQ needs to be similar to WGLF's difficulty to achieve. Either way, I was just saying that it was one of the biggest offenders of the current war on stealth. You act like I'm saying it's OP or something, which is ridiculous as I made no argument for that.
As for being off topic, in a way it is, in a way it isn't. I was arguing that GhostFace should be just as susceptible to perks as stealth survivors are. They did exist first after all, but they're the ones being made more visible, killers are wanting them to be louder(or the chase music to be lower, so that they can hear them easier), killer aura perks are designed better(BBQ, multiple aura showing addons, Nurse's, etc. The only good survivor aura perks are OoO and Alert really. OoO is strong, but as I said, should be made to only work when both are looking at each other, as it's meant to be a double edged sword).
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Yeah and I’m just saying survivors that are really good at stealth don’t seem to have problems with BBQ you called it the main offender I’d argue docs entire power or whispers if I was going to support that argument not BBQ which has a ton of counters.
Sure so a killer who has their entire ability relying on stealth should be on equal stealth as survivors, right. Let’s just agree to disagree.
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I started playing about 2 or 3 weeks ago on xbox. At rank 11 I switched from wraith to GF and am now currently rank 5. at this point my ability is almost useless, as almost everyone knows I'm coming no matter how stealthy I try to be by using obscure routes, crouching, and hugging cover. sometimes theres a bill I can lean and stalk while hes doing a gen but at that point I may as well try to interrupt him.(Which for some reason doesnt work for me because they stop as I'm pulling them off already and mid animation I slash them instead.)
I can understand basing the vision off of a survivors 3rd person view and giving them the ability to cancel his shroud from behind cover. that's why they're marked.
what I dont understand and realized when playing surv against ghostface is that you dont need to spot him. you just need to be looking in his direction within range. I was behind a tree and he ran into my view. I moved my view so that the tree was completely covering him on my screen so that I wouldn't have my position given away by his mark and it still took away his shroud... ultimately marking my position.
now I know why I'm kicked out of shroud by a survivor even when I attempt to duck behind cover. which is like 50% of why he can crouch aside from being harder to spot while moving around the map.