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General Discussions

Thoughts on these upcoming ?leaked? status effects?

Member Posts: 3,615
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

Seems like we will be getting 2 more. In game screenshot of the status effect page suggests this heavily...

Saw this on reddit and booted up my ps4 to confirm. Its actually in the game like Ash/Ghost Face.

This will be a very nice stealth killer buff i'm excited for this and hope the final version is somewhat close.

Hopefully oblivious wouldn't have an on-screen like the others.

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  • Member Posts: 12,871

    What abilities currently give the equivalent of Oblivious?

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    As-defined by that screenshot, I can't think of any. But it would seem like a clear path toward buffing, say, Wraith's cloak using a strongly defined game term that would be applicable to it.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    And, frankly, those two states sound really similar. I wonder if they will just be combined into one.

  • Member Posts: 3,615
    edited August 2019

    @Rydog Two sides of the same coin really.

    You need two effects though.

    Undetectable is obvious its a killer ability like shroud. It exists already minus the aura bit.

    Oblivious is more important its a survivor debuff. Means we have opportunity for more stealthy add-ons and perks.

    Imagine third seal but oblivious instead of blindness. That'd be super good perk.

  • Member Posts: 3,275

    Yeah but I wonder if the survivor would even know they have the debuff. Would kinda defeat the purpose if they did!

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    Not really. They know they cant hear the TR, but they cant know whether they are within TR-distance or not.

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @NMCKE OMG i didn't even think about the fact that this could be a kindred nerf lol.

  • Member Posts: 1,352

    It would be interesting if undetectable was tied to a hex perk like the third seal. It would be pretty bad since it's a hex perk, but it would make some interesting builds

  • Member Posts: 142

    They both seem really nice!

  • Member Posts: 3,647

    This looks awesome...

  • Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2019

    Undetectable is probably so that stealth killers can’t be revealed with object of obsession

  • Member Posts: 1,131

    Only if they decide that insidious will have that status effect.

    Remember mending and snapping not being seen by nurses calling?

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @Rydog r/aww on reddit helps

  • Member Posts: 3,615

    @BigBubs Kindred reveals all stealth atm the introduction of this would be a nerf.

    Not talking about specifically LF with insidious.

    Atm kindred reveals wraith, ghostface, pig etc with an aura. Then it'd be a buff to insidious if they decide to make this a part of that.

  • Member Posts: 2,744
    edited August 2019


  • Member Posts: 919
    edited August 2019

    Oooh these sound interesting. I wonder if undetectable will trump spine chill? Sorta like EW1 Myers? Also Oblivious sounds like a good way to counter BT.

  • Member Posts: 595

    Obviously, they are the status effects for the new add-ons for The Doctor. Can't wait to run Oblivious on him!

  • Member Posts: 2,773

    Recently they talked about "doing something" for stealth killers when it comes to them still being able to be seen/found with detection perks. Possibly when they enter stealth they'll gain that Undetectable Status. Not sure about the other one though, just a new effect that can be applied with addons/other?

  • Member Posts: 77
  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Holy ######### this is music but for my eyes!! Finally stealth killers have a place in the game !!

  • Member Posts: 943

    It may be a effect stealth killers are getting so object of obsession doesn't make there stealth useless on them and there swf group

  • Member Posts: 943

    Object of Obsession immunity for killers in stealth?!

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    No it's very stealth killers their own feel..their own place , and oblivious isnt for stealth killers I imagine except maybe myers..its interesting for other killers though

  • Member Posts: 3,272

    If this is real it looks more like a streamlining process for stuff, like EW1/ pigycrouch and NS both using this new status now. Maybe they'll tack it on wraith too, for consistency. Although i admit that the red stain part seems nice.

    (Similiar to adding DW to BT)

    Isnt there a hag addon that currently 'deafens' the survivor, sounds like it'll be getting that new oblivious thing

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    It is unnecessary because the problem wasn't aura perks, the problem was OOO. And even after this change OOO will still be a problem because it's a problem for every killer not just stealth killers.

    OOO needs a change. We don't need to make a universal exception to stealth killers for aura perks. We need OOO to be reworked.

    Like if you seriously complain about perks like Alert, Breakdown, Dark Sense, or Kindred while playing any stealth killer then you are just being a cry baby. These perks aren't the problem. OOO is the problem.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Funny how your calling me a crybaby for wanting stealth killers to have an identity but your complaining that perks that "arnt a problem " being countered by the killers that logically should counter offense but your being seriously hypocritical

  • Member Posts: 8,223

    LOL what is hypocritical? Those perks are all so meta right? They completely ruin any stealth options the killer has right? No they aren't and no they don't. They barely have an impact on the game because the aura reveal is a few seconds after a very specific trigger. I play Ghostface and have absolutely no issue with any aura perks except OOO because you can EASILY play around all of them.

    OOO is the only aura perk that is a problem because you are basically visible 100% of the time if the survivors wants. And it's a problem for all killers, not just stealth killers. The logical thing would be to just change OOO and call it a day, because that's the only perk that actually has no counter play for killers and heavily impacts games.

    You're basically asking for aura perks to be useless against stealth killers because you fail at being a good killer. It's so easy to play around all aura reveals other than OOO it's not even funny.

  • Member Posts: 4,652

    Once again..are they good perks or not? If not you shouldnt care..if they are then you should accept stealth killers need an identity and now will soon have one..have fun with your ignorance as I'll bear it no longer..I've torn your petty tantrum apart

  • Member Posts: 3,448

    Wouldn't oblivious just be dark devotion and tinkerer?

  • Member Posts: 1,192

    I love going up against stealth killers, gen grabs scare the crap out of me but i'll still giggle while on the way to the hook. These look pretty interesting. I'll be sure to pack fresh pants at the start of every trial when the go live.

  • Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    They are not good perks, and they would be made even worse with an unnecessary change. So if they aren't problems then why change them? If they aren't good perks you shouldn't care about them either. At least I'm fighting for an unnecessary change that doesn't address the real problem, OOO.

    OOO is and has been a problem since day 1, and is what people talk about when they say "aura perks unfair for stealth killers". It will stay a problem after this change too, but now only for non-stealth killers. It would be infinitely easier for the devs to just rework OOO than add in new status effects and exceptions for specific killers on specific perks.

  • Member Posts: 2,428

    While in EW I, Myers still has a 8m TR without M&A. Its definitely not going for him.

    Hag's deafening add-ons temporarily occlude the Survivor's in-game sound. Just that. Nothing to do with aura reading impediment or inability to hear the TR.

  • Member Posts: 6,434

    Why was OoO never a problem before Ghostface? Why did Michael Myers/Pig players never complained?

  • Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    So basically survivors are going to stop using aura perks, of which, they already rarely used, and more perks that give them another extreme benefit. Man you guys are gonna be so pissed soon.

    My thoughts: Why remove the ability of perks? This literally will just make people ignore aura reading perks altogether. Ghostface already has buggy revealing, and he's quite good. I love playing him, don't have much problems with using him, etc. This will just make him god tier if Spine Chill also doesn't work on him. Are survivors going to get more perks where the killer can't use aura reading? These changes remove stealth gameplay from survivors as well, as they won't know when to hide.

  • Member Posts: 767
    edited August 2019

    This looks awesome!!! Wowww

    Undetectable is probably for all the stealth killers (wraith, pig, ghostface...) And Oblivious for perks like tinkerer and dark devotion??

  • Member Posts: 536

    Not good in my Opinion.It would buff stealth camping and tunneling.If they really want to use this then they should buff bt.

    It would do a lot of Survivor Perk's useless too.

    If we look at Survivor and Killer Perk's,I think Killer have a lot more viable Perk's and I don't mean Perks like Adrenaline ect.

  • Member Posts: 204

    From what I can gather

    Undetectable - is something Evil Within Tier 1 Myers already has (Cannot be detected by most of the detection perks like Object of Obsession, Spine Chill, Alert. With the exception of Kindered and Premonition, which trump any killer's stealth abilities, which is also in a way a buff to those 2 underrated detection perks, as well as a nerf to meta OoO and Spine Chill). Ghostface, Pig and Wraith will most likely also get this status effect whenever they're using their stealth power.

    Oblivious - is somethings that's already being used in perks like Dark Devotion and Tinkerer, hopefully survivors won't get a notification right away, and it'll only pop up after they've been hit by the killer like when NOED activates.

  • Member Posts: 204

    That would be very unnecessary, that's the same as telling survivors the killer has NOED the moment the last gen is popped.

    Whats the point of being oblivious, if you're actually not, and get a notification to raise your awareness.

    Do you really think Dark Devotion and Tinkerer are OP and should give survivors a notification the moment they activate for the sake of balance? These perks are very situational as they are right now and in no way do they need any nerfs.

  • Member Posts: 12,871

    I'd say those more fit under Undetectable. Oblivious would be something given to a Survivor, so for Night Shroud and Baptism to qualify, they'd technically have to give that to all of the Survivors (since hypothetically, if only one Survivor is Oblivious, then another Survivor near them would still be able to hear the Terror Radius and whatnot.)

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