Funny Things Noob Killers Do

Before we get started, this discussion is for entertainment purposes. So do not go taking things absolutely seriously. Is just here for a few laughs here and there. With that said let me tell you one noob thing noob killers do. One for each killer. If you got any yourself, tell it below.
Hillbilly: Let me walk instead of using the chainsaw.
Trapper: Let me step into a trap while carrying a survivor.
Huntress: Let me not reload.
Ghostface: Let me approach the survivor without using stealth even though is ready.
Leatherface: Let me run into everything while using chainsaw.
Nurse: Let me blink to the other floor and miss you completely.
Spirit: Let me use my power, but not know how to track scratch marks and miss you by a mile.
New and Improved Freddy: Let me put all my snares in one area.
Myers: Let me forget how to stalk.
Wraith: Let me forget how to uncloak.
Plague: Let me forget I can puke.
Pig: Let me bring add ons that rely on me to put traps on survivors in order to work, and then forget to put the traps on survivors afterwards.
Hag: Let me not place a trap, but when I do let me place them in areas survivors already completed gens in.
Legion: Let me miss every attack thinking I'm still the original Legion.
Clown: Let me miss every bottle despite the radios being one the size of an objective area.
Now for some basic noob things killers do.
Let me Mind Game the killer shack pallet.
Let me run STBFL and Dark Devotion at the same time.
Let me Run Spirit Fury without enduring.
Let me Run Insidious, with other perks that require me to leave the hook like Make Your Choice.
Let me hit the window when you're already 3 feet away from the window.
Let me not break any pallet.
Let me say looping is bannable.
Let me not kick a generator that's 85% complete with an active PGTW.
Let me run insidious on Wraith.
Let me run Bamboozle on Nurse.
Let me run Dying Light and never chase or down the obsession or bring an ivory to get the perk faster.
I'm dry out of ideas. Did I miss any? Let me know below.
With love, DoomOrb
With newer player who pick Plague they puke TOO much and don’t know when to stop puking and don’t M1 survivors.
For Myers it would be “Let me stalk and pop EW III from 30 feet away”
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Putting all your snares in one area is a legit strategy though, you can block off gens. I once had a Freddy block off the gen inside the house in Yamaoka Estate by blocking all of the entrances with snares.
And the Trapper thing, even high ranked Trappers do that. Just a few days ago I played against a Rank 7 Trapper that kept walking into his own traps.
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I think trappers and hillbilly should be.
Trapper: Let me place a trap 5 feet away from a pallet.
Hillbilly: I'm gonna keep running with my chainsaw out even though in clearly gonna run in a object in 2 seconds.
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I don't know if I should take your comment seriously or not. Because with Trapper or Hag, their traps do more than just slow down. They end chase. Trapper stops survivors in their tracks with the bear trap and Hag teleport to the traps and usually gets a hit off.
Freddy's snares just slows survivor down and the slow doesn't stack. So compared to those two, is not worth.
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Well you're here with that now.
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Well you're here with that now.
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Spirits that use spirit fury + enduring I lmao
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Now that's funny and ironically went against a spirit with just spirit fury.
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Uh, I wasn't talking about chases anyway. I was talking about blocking off an area, did you read my comment?
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The snares don't block off areas, it jst slows survivor downs by...
"Here comes the Monto meme."
just a lil bit.
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Have you ever played Freddy? The snares let Freddy know your location. Freddy can also teleport to gens. You get what I'm trying to say?
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I once looped a trapper around a gen he placed two traps by i could get past them but he couldn't without takin a slight detour
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I have played him a bunch of times before. I especially love the New Freddy. His snares give like this Doctor like location show when triggered. I also know he can teleport to gens and that is on a cooldown which is fine by me. His teleport leaks out blood to the gen he's teleporting to and his teleport doesn't work on doors.
His Snares like I said slow down survivors when they trigger them and if they vault a window they slow vault. Also the way people fall asleep now is by a timer when they all fall asleep, or by Freddy hitting them.
All of that being said, Freddy is really strong now, he's definitely earned himself to be high mid tier thanks to his rework. Oh and I forgot to say that his trap setting is much better than in the ptb. His final release is much smoother. Though I still expected 10 traps than 8. Even so, he's strong now and that isn't changing. But all the traps in one area doesn't seem like a good idea. Sure it slows them down and you can get a hit off assuming they're all in dream, but at least to me, it doesn't seem all that useful. At least to me.
You are entitled to your own opinion and I respect yours with all my heart and soul.
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@DoomOrb I've heard specifically that the slows DO stack, unless that changed. Also what LawrenceGordon was saying was that if you trap every entrance, you know when they enter the area of that specific gen. I assume they do this to a close to complete gen.
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I'm sure they don't unless they change it on release.
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Every killer : i will chase you until you go down, even if it will take 5 minutes, then hook you and facecamp because you were toxic. After it ill complain how much the team genrushed even tho i applyed the best pressure possible.
But i also want to add a little off topic
Almost every survivor : hide the whole match, never commit a chase and let the rest of the team carry me. Then hard tbag the killer at the exit gate and tell him how much i outplayed him
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- Let me place my Beartraps in the most obvious areas and then wonder how they constantly get disarmed
- Let me completely forget that i have traps and only go for the M1 playstyle
- Let me exclusively use my chainsaw to break pallets, without any faster charging time add ons
- Let me constantly shock suvivors, even though i could easily hit them
- Let me walk around in treatment mode all the time
- Let me completely forget that i even have a treatment mode
- Let me constantly use my ambush attack instead of just standing up
- Let me crouch everywhere
- Let me tunnel the one guy that has a trap on his head
Every Killer:
- Let me try to Bloodlust a survivor on a safe pallet
- Let me stand next to a hooked survivor with insidious and think i'm invisible
- Let me think rank is important
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Leave the one in the survivor topic when I make the survivor one.
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This is kinda cringe
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To. Be. Fair...
If an idiot makes it pretty clear I'm gonna be able to mindgame god pallet, I'm gonna get that hit. As for the one saying Myers shouldn't use EW3 from 30 feet away, I prefer the speed boost to the exposed status - but I get that my playstyle's a bit wonky.
Two for Pig that hurt me to see as a Pig main: let me crouch everywhere rather than alternating for silent full speed, and let me never double back on ambushes so survivors can predict loops.
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You don’t have a speed are still 115% MS. You only have a slightly longer lunge.
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Hag: let me put 10 traps around a hooked survivor
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@MegMain98 EW3 gets a vaulting boost, forgive me for not specifying. I leave Shape for rank reset, when I'm dealing with people who don't know about his lil buffs per tier. It means I can close the gap as normal and then mindgame a window nicely, and it's not hard to push even good survivors toward the loops you prefer.
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@ElusivePukka I love the vaulting speed increase in EW III. It’s amazing when paired with Bamboozle.
When I first got the game I mainly played Myers, that’s what got me into the game. I’ll always love Mikey Boi but I also usually only play him at rank reset. I get demolished with Myers in red ranks.
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Trying to reason with certain survivours.
Post edited by Zarathos on0 -
I'm the spirit
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Put mori on, then forget to mori.😑smh
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This is all decently funny
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Leatherfaces who are new tend to follow me around reving. I cringe more then laugh because I love the chainsaw killers.
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I think his point is combined with his teleport it's a legit tracking strategy and map pressure. Say you're getting gen rushed, they need two more. With ten snares you can completely block two gens then just go look for them around the others. They can't touch those gens without alerting you and it takes you second to get there at any distance. If you want to apply pressure and slow the game down to a manageable pace it's pretty good until they figure you out and bait it, but then you get more mindgames, fake a teleport, teleport to a different gen. If they are busy trying to bait you then you still slowed em down.
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"....Let me hit the window when you're already 3 feet away from the window...." Not bad idea, this is usually a hit
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I actually forgot to use Pig traps my first 5 games with her. Survivors in post-game say "um why didn't you use traps?" I told them honestly that I had just forgotten about them. :)
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Meh, still feels more like a waste of time, but that's just me.
Not really.
Ha ha ha! I guess even the devs forget to use the powers they designed.
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Sometimes it is, but depending on how they react to it, sometimes it isn't. At the very least if there are only 3 gens left and one is in narnia you can have an alarm system for it and patrol the other two.
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I guess.
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Ah, fair enough.