4K Depip with no camping should not happen

It's ridiculous how you can play out a game after freezing with a gen lock and still be punished for 4k'ing against survivors. Rank rework needs to address this issue in the future.


  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    No chases, no pip in high ranks.

  • Mat_Sella
    Mat_Sella Member Posts: 3,554

    let someone bleed out on the floor for 4 minutes, what are you expecting?

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310


    Anybody can get 4 kills, but to get pips in high ranks you have to work for it, not just ¨I hooked this guy and Im gonna stick with him forever¨.

    It seems he hooked someone on the basement and then camped until someone went to help and then puked both guys, they died...

    That equals to play vs 2, and he expects to pip?

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    You need to play not optimal in order to pip.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2019


    The pic shows he didn't get any penalty to chaser for camping, though.

  • Jdsgames
    Jdsgames Member Posts: 1,109
    edited August 2019

    They depipped due to death from slugging. @TAG the problem is they probably didn't cleanse. So again they were 1-hit downs which diminishes the chaser scoring. Since you only get in half as many chases. He slugged and couldn't find instead of hooking and sacrificing everyone which again is why he got a silver in devout. Malicious doesn't count broken I don't think as being hit so them not cleansing actually hurt that emblem. Gate keeper I would say gen rushed down to 1/2 gens remaining. The 0% camping penalty means they were at one point deemed as camping. However, it was less than 1% so the chaser emblem would still have been silver.

    Edit: I thought the death was a mori originally. Replaced now with proper cause of death LOL.

    Post edited by Jdsgames on
  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    It happened to me vs The Plague, they get a little far away to avoid penalties and then come back to punish the unhooked and the team mate using the vomit.

    As we can see there wasnt enough chase and thats fine, that whole ¨4k Ez¨ nonsense has to stop, in high ranks you need to do more to pip.

    Im having problems some matches as a survivor too (rank 6), 2 gens, 2 unhooked guys, some healing and a little chase dont give me pips sometimes.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2019


    So then that's not camping, then?

    I don't think that's fine, personally. I was never a fan of this scoring system because, as @YaiPa put it earlier, it feels like you need to play sub-optimally in order to be rewarded by the system.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    What you mean? its camping from a distance, like those idiots that goes for 2k fast and then farm the way to the pip chasing without even care about the game anymore.

  • derperson
    derperson Member Posts: 130

    This might only apply to a handful of cases, and might not be a factor in OPs case, but the game doesn't give you any credit for a chase if the chase never starts. On the surface, it makes sense, but say, you sneak up on a survivor and interrupt them at a gen, or mind game them as you approach a gen and before a chase starts you interrupt them at the window, no chase points are given.

    When I play builds that focus on interrupts, like ghost face crouch speed meme builds or run prayer beads on spirit, I expect to get little to no chase points or pips. I don't know why it's only considered a chase if the survivor is aware of what's going on. For me the chase has begun! haha

    NMCKE Member Posts: 8,243

    Honestly, the Emblem System should stay for the survivors, but for the killers, it changes into a kill system:

    0 Kills: -2 Pips

    1 Kill: -1 Pip

    2 Kills: 0 Pips

    3 Kills: 1 Pip

    4 Kills: 2 Pips

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    -2 pip is too much, and also this method would affect the whole gameplay, kill=pip should be only if escape=pip.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    Agreed that this is completely stupid. If you get a 4K, regardless of all other factors (except, I dunno, hardcore facecamping), you should pip.

    The emblem system is hot garbage.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310
  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    Some of the comments on here

    “they camped”

    has no camping penalty

    ”well then they must have camped from

    a distance”

    okay lets make the camping penalty the size of the map.

    The correct answer wasYaipa’s. Killers can’t actually play to kill in order to pip. It has to be a “fun game”. You have to let survivors go and give them extra chances if you want to rank up.

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275

    @wisdom If there were a way that they could reliably sever all play bonuses (0 BP and an auto -3 depip) for purposeful face camping, and otherwise automatically pip the killer for a 4K, it would be ideal.

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    Camp and tunnel, at the end of the day crappy killers dont pip in high ranks, no risk no reward so forget about camping penalty the size of the whole map.

    They know what they are doing and want to be rewarded anyway.

  • SkaRiot
    SkaRiot Member Posts: 14

    Wth is this Aikanaro guy talking about. I don't camp nor tunnel unless when I'm searching for a survivor it ends up leading me back to the unhooked survivor then I have no choice but to go after that unlucky survivor. I focus on spreading the joy of vile purge and start attacking survivors one by one and hooking them immediately then going after another. One survivor I did slug because he went for a sabotage hook, so I slugged him and went after others while the hooks respawn near the slugged sabotager. Because I used Plague's ability to do the damage in the first place, I don't get rewarded for chase emblem nor the damage emblem. This is a clear issue of the emblem ranking system that needs to be addressed in the near future.

  • wisdom
    wisdom Member Posts: 216

    Yea but the title of the post and the evidence presented makes it very clear they did not camp.

    What looks like actuakky happened was someone killed themselves on hook (possibly multiple people) and the game ended to fast.

    the killer killed 4 survivors faster than the game considers “acceptable”

    ignoring gatekeeper, which is silver if 3 gens are done quickly (which let’s be honest happens a lot) we have a chaser emblem at bronze with no camping penalty. With malicious and devour being at silver, it looks like the scenario was more and more likely like the killer didn’t get enough chases- the survivors didn’t save each other or they struggled and killed themselves.

    disconnecting would have caused the same situation.

    and it’s silly that it is a possibility. I don’t see anything here that suggests the OP camped or tunneled. Hell if the plague tunneled off the hook, devout would probably be higher not lower

  • Aikanaro
    Aikanaro Member Posts: 310

    If a player quits doing only 6k something happened, and Im pretty sure he camped for a while, there was no unhook everybody got sick and did this instead of DC.

    It doesnt matter what I think anyway, game ended too soon so depip is fine.

    Today I played with a friend and 2 game guys vs a Mori Nurse, I told him I didnt want to play that match but he insisted, at the end got my pip and he complained he lost one fast.

    I dont know if that Nurse pipped, but game was so fast that nobody deserves to earn a thing.

  • snowflake102
    snowflake102 Member Posts: 2,188

    Who cares about pips I just play the way I want to:D and I play for fun:) if I get raged at by toxic survivors then so be it as long as I have fun.

  • Financial_Stability
    Financial_Stability Member Posts: 466

    It's sad that the ranking system actively punishes you for trying to get all 4 dead as efficiently as possible.

  • toxicmegg
    toxicmegg Member Posts: 662
    edited August 2019

    who the ######### cares about pips and ranking just play and have fun. tryhard killers everywhere smh.

    Post edited by Rizzo on