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Is this game killer or survivor friendly?

Efidepe Member Posts: 19
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think behaviour have a weird way of getting stuff done, since they create killers who are instantly "welcome" as weaks, and then they get absolute pure buffs.

They never think in actually tweaking the other share of killers for the sake of the new and create a pattern of quality making everyone at least close a certain level of usefulness.

The balance in the game is done by buffing everyone and see what happens next, and almost EVERY update is just on killers #########.

And When vanilla mode is going to happen? since it is maybe the only chance i'm going to still give this unfair meta game.


  • limierr
    limierr Member Posts: 174

    First to answer this, based on the gamecore it is on survivor side.

    Most update contain buff for both side and some changes but people usually see the glass empty...

    For vanilla mode i don't think anything is plan for this year based on the roadmap. However nothing stop you to participate to the vanilla event organized by devs : you get bp and shards to play the game.

  • Efidepe
    Efidepe Member Posts: 19

    i'm from Brasil, it's impossible for me to play the vanilla mode test...


    Wish i could

  • Efidepe
    Efidepe Member Posts: 19

    Idunno man, every defensive perk on the survivor side are already Stale, and nerfed... like decisive who is absolutely situational in the moment (this 60 secs for activate are nuts).

    Bill with his left behind for an example, they could remove it that it will make no difference in the game anymore. Stuff like this that annoys me, u have to survive, but 70% of the perks are just substantial at the very least, and if you loop, killer DC... i still think this game is killer friendly since they don't even need to worry on looking for survivors anymore for the crazy amount of aura reveal perks in the game.