Load out Capacity


How it works: 

Each role is granted a certain amount of points. These points negate the possibility of an OP build occurring.

Q: Why is something like this needed? How would this help the game? 

A: Being able to stack so many powerful things in this game proves to be unbalanced, which we want to stray away from as a community (majority).

Q: Powerful and stackable availability can be fun. Why take away something fun?

A: Certain things need to be fix in order for both sides to have fun, not just a particular party.


Killers and Solo survivors are allowed a 20 point capacity, while SWF are reduced to 14 per survivor.

Q: Why is SWF not the same as Solo and Killers? Why is it at 14?

A: This prevents SWF using OP and almost unbeatable Load outs. The compatibility between one another is incredible.


Every perk at all tiers are worth 3 points. Making a 4 perk load out 12 points. 

Q: Why are all perks worth the same when some are stronger than others? 

A: The purpose of the Load Out Capacity is to prevent OP builds from the killer and SWF. Perk combinations themselves aren’t much of a problem. 

Q: Why are all Tiers worth the same?

A: Tiers are worth the same to prevent Killers from using 4 perks while using Ebony Moris and Ultra Rare a Add ons in the same game (If the killer chooses to combine the two).

-Killer Add ons and Offerings

Ultra Rare Add ons- 7 points

Very rare Add ons-  5 points

Rare Add ons- 3 points

Uncommon Add ons- 2 points 

Common Add ons- 1 points

Q: Why are these the “go to” values?

A: Ultra Rare Add ons are very powerful (majority) and can be combined with another powerful add on and/or Mori. The Value is fair for that reason.

Very Rare makes a fair value for its Good boost, making it hard to stack with Ultra Rare.

Rares are decent (more or less), making 3 point values useable with other add ons that aren’t Ultra Rare.

Uncommon add ons aren’t great. 2 points fits the bill.

Common is self explanatory for 1 point.


Ebony- 7 points

Ivory- 5 points

Cypress- 1 points

-Hook Offerings

Very Rare- 3 points

Rare- 1 points

Uncommon- 0 Points

-Map Offerings

3 points

-Everything Else

0 points

Q: Why are Ebony Moris worth so much?

A: Ebony Moris are very powerful as we all know. 

-Survivor Items, Add Ons and Offerings


Ultra Rare- 5 points

Very Rare- 4 points

Rare- 2 points

Uncommon- 2 points 

Common- 0 points

Q: Why are Ultra Rares lower for survivor than killer?

A: Solo survivors don’t need that high of restrictions. SWF Actually has a bigger gap with higher restrictions (14 point capacity). Total gap is 4 points in favor of killer.

-Add ons

 Ultra Rare- 4 points

 Very Rare- 4 points

 Rare- 2 points 

 Uncommon- 1 points

 Common- 0 points

-Offerings (Hooks are same as killer)


Very Rare- 3 Points

Uncommon- 1 Points

Common- 0 points

Everything Else- 

0 points

Of course this is just an idea. Critique as you may.


  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I think Perks should be wroth different points, like a fantasy football thing. You can have DH and adrenaline but then you don’t have enough leftover for DS and BT for example. This would force people to use some of the lesser perks

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    @johnmwarner Like that idea. Strays away from the META. Only problem is that might be taking too much freedom away from everyone. Some People would definitely not welcome it imo.

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,412

    Two major points:

    • You cannot treat SWF differently. If you do, people will just queue up separately and dodge lobbies until they find their friends to avoid the penalty. Meanwhile, the casual groups that are just hanging out with friends get punished.
    • I could still put on all four perks and an ebony mori and I'd be at 19/20 points. That still would not make it fair. Or four perks and an insta-heal.

    It's a neat idea and all, but it's way too lenient to actually prevent the things you're aiming to prevent.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077
    edited August 2019


    1. I thought of this as well. I think there are other ways into closing the gap between SWF and solos. One may be not a so harsh way of their capacity. Could just be 16 points for survivors in general.
    2. 4 perks and an offering, but no add ons. And of course point values could all be adjusted. 18 points? for killer to where a perk would have to be sacrificed.

  • Gocee
    Gocee Member Posts: 16

    I have been following the game since it came out on the pc and started playing it on the ps4 as soon as they brought it out. One of the things that makes the game still so enjoyable for me is the fact that I can create extreme builds (anti-slug builds, luck builds, all exhaustion build etc.) If I couldn't play around because the points would go over the cap it would take so much fun out of the game for me.

  • johnmwarner
    johnmwarner Member Posts: 3,793

    I can see this being a problem, lots of streamers use random perk wheels for example. But something that gave incentive to use “lesser perks,” would be nice

  • Rydog
    Rydog Member Posts: 3,275


  • Shad03
    Shad03 Member Posts: 3,732

    It's a neat idea, however that would just really take the fun out of a lot of things. I'm a semi casual player, which means I ain't sweatin' all my matches and I don't tend to run op builds, which I don't really mind either side running mind you. (Which makes it better when I do run them Iridescent Jaws/Bloody Coil add ons)

    I just don't want this to be like Call of Duty where a lot of things are restricted (load-out wise) and I can't run what I want/need just because the game said no.

    In my opinion it's okay for both sides to run op builds, it ain't happening all the time and there are cases you still steamroll through killers, solos, and swf who run the op stuf and it makes victory so much more worth it. Anyways, again, neat idea, but I wouldn't like it.