Hacking shouldn't be allowed tbh

Personally I think hacking shouldn't be allowed in online games such as DBD. Cheating makes it unfair for those who don't. However hackers appear to still exist in the game, is that allowed? Because it seems like it shouldn't. What do you guys think?
The heck are you talking about? Can you post any sources?
It seems pretty obvious to me that the devs would say 'no' to hacks, so can you give of any proof they said otherwise?
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######### is this post?
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If hacking wasn't allowed, there wouldn't be hackers in the game. But there are, so figure it out.
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I worded my post poorly so I edited. I didn't mean it like that.
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You act like devs can just stop all hackers.
#########? This is wrong on every level.
Do you know WHY devs do banwaves?
1) To catch as many people as possible
2) To prevent hack creators from knowing just WHAT hacks were caught this time.
It's a never ending battle. Every time devs catch 10 hacks, hacks 11-20 are being made and used! Just because they exist does not mean devs are allowing them, dude.
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I would prefer they ban hackers if I'm being honest. I know it's a pretty controversial opinion to have but it would be the right move.
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...They do.
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Oh that's really weird because I still sometimes see them :O
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Because it's impossible to catch all hacks.
Hacking will happen. They will get banned, eventually.
Then the user will buy or pirate the game again, get new hacks, and cheat some more.
It's a never ending cycle. It's not possible to instantly ban all hackers.
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Well I don't know, maybe they should try harder.
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im very confused... its not allowed. and its not controversial, the only people who say no to hacking is the hackers. if you see a hacker you report them, they'll eventually get banned. they can't get banned before they've done any hacking
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Hacking in-game exclusives and / or legacy skins
Cheated progress / modifying your save file
Other Hacks
In short: It's not allowed.
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Tell ya what, buttercup:
You invent a program to catch any and all 3rd party exploits/programs that have, or will ever be, created.
You can sell licences out to EVERY game developer and become insanely rich.
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This has got to be bait... Thats like saying criminals do crimes, so OBVIOUSLY cops are allowing crimes to happen instead of instantly stopping criminals before they can do anything.
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Okay that's good to know. I just wasn't sure because I still sometimes see it, even if in videos.
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Thats like saying if murder wasnt allowed, there wouldnt be any murders.
Hacking isnt allowed, the problem is detecting and finding the hackers. Until they release the dedicated servers, its almost impossible to detect and punish a hacker without undeniable video proof.
With their own servers, it should be easier to see the discrepancies created by hacks like speed hacks and whatnot. Even then its really hard to detect purely client sided hacks.
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If you see it, then that means you see a DbD criminal commiting a DbD crime.
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I disagree. One time, I found an awesome way to hack this apple pie. I hacked it on the counter and on the oven. I used ground cumin as my secret ingredient but don't tell noones.. was so good.
then there was the time I hacked this gutter that was leaking. I hacked it till it hurt.
I hacked DBD by putting vaseline all around the screen. It's sooooo much easier to see the hex totems that way. They get so shiny it hurts your eyes sumtimes.
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Oh my goodness.
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Hacking... isn't allowed though?
If you mean it shouldn't be possible it's not that easy. Anti-cheat and cheats are in a constant arms race. Say what you want about people USING cheats, especially the ones just downloading them without thinking, but the people that actually figure out how to do it and/or write the cheats are not idiots, they know what they're doing just like anti-cheat engineers.
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Because they're HACKERS. They bypass systems to break the game. And when they get caught, they get punished.
So its NOT allowed.
Just like murder isnt allowed, and we have systems in place for that, yet it still happens.
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In Sweden, its forbidden by law to be a criminal.
Its that sort of post.
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You try to catch everyone. You are probably some guy who has no idea where to start.
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On this same note, I wish crime were illegal in real life. I mean, if it were, there would be no criminals.
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If you mean like lag switching I 100% agree.
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He is just trolling guys, why do you all get baited?