dear solo players



  • QuickStiQz
    QuickStiQz Member Posts: 194

    As a solo player myself, I find this very annoying as well. But I think it's most annoying when I get an AFK person in my game.

  • martin27
    martin27 Member Posts: 696

    Doesn't make my argument less valid, there's been plenty of times i'v had to stop doing gens and start searching for a chest because my team mates have refused to heal me.

  • Akuma
    Akuma Member Posts: 407

    But it also doesnt made it to an argument because i dont have these issues. Maybe because I couldnt care less about staying injured and playing around with grunts of pain.

    And if I meet a teammate i usually get healed if I want to. And im not dying faster than in my selfcare-times. But im also a tryharder, I need it so play smart.

    And Im okay that you have some issues without Selfcare and you can continue playing it. I dont want you or other people to play like I do. Just do it wisely. Dont excessive. ONE heal takes >32< seconds. That's a really big deal. That is a ton of time you hopefully invest smart and not to get injured 3 seconds later or doing a thing you could have made injured. Or you could have wait until someone heals you idk.

    Spamming this perk is killing your game and thats a fact. The fact is if 4 survivor running this perk the game will last much longer and will be much harder because the killer has the time doing his #########.

    So please in the love of god, use it wisely and be aware how often you are using it and maybe other teammates.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    I will stop SC when the 99% potato survivors learn to play. They complain about not being rescued and are proud that they ran the killer for 10 secs before being downed. Then their potato ass gets saved and they run off without self care and a few minutes later that potato is back on the hook. OP sounds like the person who is on the hook alot and is jealous they cannot be better at the game so lets bring other survivors down to his level. I win most games than I lose because I watch out for myself, if i had to babysit the potatoes too there is no way the killer would not 4k every game. OP play the game your way and stop bitching about how others play their game.

  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    you sound bitter, re-read the thread and realise a majority of the people are saying self-care is a complete waste of time.

    it really makes me laugh seeing the amount of people self-caring whilst on hook or with empathy/bond

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Your the guy that was on the hook not able to loop killer. Your post is one big QQ. Git Gud and stop blaming others for your shortcomings.

  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    ok mr i’ve never been on the hook before, lets be realistic everyones been on a hook if you’re playing this game.

    and yes, i do know how to loop thank you very much. stop being hurt just because a perk you run is garbage, just be real and accept it lol

    self care was a good perk before the nerf. not anymore

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    Dude your whole post is QQing about survivors that use sc. Grow up and play the game the way you want and stop bitching that people are not playing your way. Stop the qq and play the game. Learn to adapt to your teammates instead and you will become a better player. Right now you sound like a kid who is just started and looking for others to blame.

  • danara
    danara Member Posts: 129

    and a lot of people agree with me on my post. so what are you trying to say? if you can’t handle a post on these forums and you’re going to come in just to say ‘u qq learn2loop’ you sound like a hypocrite yourself.

    you sure you’re not the child here?

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    And far more people are fed up with people like you who try to dictate how people should play. Grow up and play the game, stop acting like a child that is not getting their way. If you do not want to adapt to others playstyle and want to force others to play the way you want them to play just move to a new game.

  • Raven014
    Raven014 Member Posts: 4,188

    Some killers have ears, and will hear an injured survivor much better than a healthy one. Why are you complaining about this? Some people don't want to be done in four minutes. Especially not killers like myself.

  • SoylentPixie
    SoylentPixie Member Posts: 1,192
    edited August 2019

    You don't get to dictate how other people play. It's really as simple as that.

    You can ######### about it, you can rant on the forums, but that's about it. People will do things their way and you will do things your way. You have reasons for not using self care just as the have reasons for using it.

    Blaming self care users for people for losing matches is ridiculous, there are three other survivors present, take responsibility for your own actions. Some people don't want to gen rush and choose to play the cautious game.

    You might not like it, but it's not up to you to decide whether a perk is worthwhile for OTHER people to use.

    Post edited by ceridwen309 on
  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    He has a hard time understanding it is a multiplayer game and the people he is playing with have their own goals. I think the op just want everyone to play by his even narrower rules invisible rule book.

  • HasNoLuck
    HasNoLuck Member Posts: 16

    The point the first post is trying to make is that healing by yourself and not repairing a gennie makes the game run longer, which makes your chance of being found increased. As previously stated, a good time to heal is while someone is being chased, that way you have less of a chance to be found. It all depends on your play style, but there are smarter ways to do things sometimes. Do the generators fast, decrease the chance of being caught, get out, and thats usually it. There are gonna be a few people who don't wanna waste 30 minutes on a match and end up losing because no one repaired anything and just used Self-Care.

  • HasNoLuck
    HasNoLuck Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2019

    If you're able to use SC with a med-kit or another perk, then it's usually fine. Otherwise, try to use it sparingly and wisely.

    Post edited by HasNoLuck on
  • TragicSolitude
    TragicSolitude Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 7,164

    I don't run Self Care, and I'll continue to not run Self Care, but playing solo without Self Care can still really suck.

    How do matches go? Let's see, I suck at chases (I have watched a million videos, played a million games, I'm just not getting better; I can't correctly judge the combination of distance and speed), so I usually go down in like ten seconds. Then another survivor runs over with the killer in tow, rescues me, and runs off. If I'm lucky, the killer stays on them. Then, I get to stay injured, and the next time the killer finds me, I go down in five seconds instead of ten because no one ever healed me and the chest gave me a Broken Key instead of a Med Kit.

    As killer, I love when survivors stay injured. I can hear exactly where you are when you try to break line of sight. So, from that perspective, yes survivors, please, don't heal.

  • HasNoLuck
    HasNoLuck Member Posts: 16
    edited August 2019

    I mean, I use SC oftenly, it's just a balance is all. Having everyone use SC would use a lot of time that could have been used repairing generators instead and I've lost because I wasn't being smart with my strict time.

  • Atrushan88
    Atrushan88 Member Posts: 2,092
    edited August 2019

    Dear SWF survivors. I would like to tell you that I am just as important as your friend and when you let me get in stage 2 while all 3 of you are on one gen when you could have been spread out doing separate gens much faster, you're going to have one less survivor on gens or running the killer around very shortly. Also stop bringing your brown rank friends in matches with you, a red or purple ranked survivor. I'm tired of being matched with brown rank players who have that one red or purple ranked friend while the brown ranks do practically nothing but heal each other and do gens on the other side of the map while I go into struggle phase constantly on first hook, and sometimes die on one hook.

  • Wuhelm
    Wuhelm Member Posts: 260

    That is something you have to accept when you join as a solo player. People are entitled to play the game the way they see fit, your opinion is meaningless. If you do not like the way others play run only in survive with friends and your problem it solved. I have seen more people use the rush gens, no sc then follow up with a hook and die as they run around the map like an injured chicken with their head cut off not contributing to gens. Most people I see running no sc have the lowest scores, showing they contributed little to the match. People sc in the corner is not the problem. The problem is not adapting to the players you are playing with in a multiplayer game.

  • Kabu
    Kabu Member Posts: 926

    I love when survivors self care though sloppy butcher. Gives me warm tingly feeling.

  • Xelaranger
    Xelaranger Member Posts: 10

    Also something I noticed when I self care in a corner it forces the killer to come look for me and in general if you are playing against an agressive killer corners can by alot of time when you run them there, that being said imho I dont care what people do I play solo so I know I am going in at a disadvantage to some but I still have fun even when teammates make what I think are poor choicea, I am still pretty new so I am sure I make some dumb choices sometimes also.

  • Weederick
    Weederick Member Posts: 1,080

    Or...i heal and im thus always prepared to loop for a long time, potentially winning the game. Mathematically you usually get a net gain from healing. Often much, much more in return.

    Looking at healing as a way to waste time is so short sighted. What do you think buys the time to repaior gens in the first place? If everyone is injured, everyone loops for at most half the time. Its better to have one 80s chase, than two 40s chases. Unhooking and getting ready to do gens takes around half a minute. So two 40s chases only allow one survivor to repair gens. While one 80s chase lets 3 survivors repair 3 gens for the final 40s. And only one survivor loses a hookstate during that time instead of two survivors, so the survivorteam would die out in twice the time.

    You only "waste" 32s of selfcare if you cant manage your own health. If you selfcare 3x per game, its not about selfcare, you would've stolen the same amount of time from teammates. You have to work on preserving your life, then selfcare becomes valuable again

  • Swiftblade131
    Swiftblade131 Member Posts: 2,050

    Dear 3 stack

    Imma ditch you for the hatch :P