A 'fix' to the gen rush/ruin problem

Ok, so it seems to me that if a killer doesn't have Hex ruin in 80% of matches and situations then the game is over far too quickly.

You can't complain about "gen rushing" because that's the primary objective for escape.

You also can't complain about Ruin because it's the best, and sometimes only way, for killers to slow the game down enough to try and get map pressure before it's destroyed.

But the problem with ruin is that essentially it gives the killers only 3 perk spots to be creative with and change the feel of the game. It gets very repetitive to go into every match as killer wondering if your hex will last long enough and as survivor knowing that most of the team in 90% of your matches at all ranks went work gens until it's down.

So what's the solution?

I think that the devs need to look at possibly extending the time it takes to do a gen and then completely rework ruin or nerf it a lot. This might be a way to keep people on task and give the killers more freedom to be creative and help relieve survivors frustrations. What do you all think?


  • NoShinyPony
    NoShinyPony Member Posts: 4,570

    This is one of the biggest topics here on the forums and discussed in many threads. Bottom line: Some people think it's okay how it currently is, others want to have a 2nd objective for survivors being implemented.

    Nearly nobody wants a simple increase in gen time because repairing gens is not exciting.

  • Kenshin
    Kenshin Member Posts: 912

    problem is that the devs simply dont care. its an issue since release and almost nothing happened to fix this.

  • Rokku_Rorru
    Rokku_Rorru Member Posts: 1,119
    edited August 2019

    It really is an issue, and honestly the "Gatekeeper" pip is so obnoxious considering you need to somehow keep an eye on gens while doing the adept killer achievements where you can't stop in some scenarios 4 gens having purple toolboxes with brand new parts (extreme scenario) without ruin unless you are hag. It's obnoxious, it really makes me realise trying to do these trophies against players who know what they are doing how underpowered certain killer perks are, and just how quick gens can be done.

    Some killers do introduce a second mechanic, freddy was a step in the right direction slowing the game down, and I think the pig should be reworked so there are beartraps on everyones head at the start of the game... it's frikking saw for goodness sake! Make us feel like we are in one of the films by us all starting with the traps on.

    Edit: Same goes for Plague make us start infected, these mechanics need to be something we have to deal with that shakes the game up, not that certain survivors can completly avoid and gen rush the killer obnoxiously.

  • SkaRiot
    SkaRiot Member Posts: 14

    What if generator repair method was completely overhauled? What if you have to collect generator parts scattered throughout the map to repair the generator faster while if you don't, it would take about 120 seconds or something to repair one. Remove toolboxes being able to increase repair speed and make them focus on their sabotage aspect and add other things survivors can do with it. Maybe construct a tripwire trap, using it to remove hexes faster, or any other ideas people can come up with. Of course, some of these changes will require a rework of existing perks which is fine if it will help the game overall.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    whats the point of increasing gen time if you also increase chase time? the tradeoff is nothing, if you are an M1 killer good luck pressuring the survivors, the only one who is being pressured is the killer

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    actually, i do agree that gens need to be longer, but simply increasing gen time is not the answer since they're already boring as hell, and saying that i want an easy game when you demand a compensate to get more pallets and jungle gyms is kinda ironic

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    If at lvl 1 kill rate for trapper is more than 50% as @Sam_Burger comment in other post:

    And you nerf survivors more and more, in few months devs will need a new game mode killer vs killer.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853
    edited August 2019

    you want more jungle gyms and more pallets just to help with chases as if there isn't already enough, if you want a compensate then a massive nerf to hex:ruin and some killer perks will be good enough, if you can record getting 4 kills in red ranks 3 times using leatherface, pig, ghostface, clown or doctor without hex:ruin then you can stay on your high horse, and for the second time, i don't want longer generators, a secondary objective to keep the survivors occupied is enough, why do you think hex ruin is so common in the first place

  • thekate
    thekate Member Posts: 37

    like they don't care about camp and tunnel and even call them as a strategy.

  • Clockso
    Clockso Member Posts: 853

    um what? is getting 4 kills in a round unbalanced? i don't see what you're trying to point out

  • prayer_survivor
    prayer_survivor Member Posts: 626

    You said you can't get 12k in 3 games at lvl1 using some killers. And I don't see a problem in it, because it's not a problem. A balanced problem is get 12k in 3 games always with all the killers.

  • se05239
    se05239 Member Posts: 3,919

    Increasing the generator repair time is the most boring way to "fix" things. I mean, holding m1 for 80 seconds is boring as ######### and having to hold it for 100 to 120 seconds is even more boring.

  • Just_Playing
    Just_Playing Member Posts: 156
    edited August 2019

    Would say a second objektiv would be better then increase the gen timer too 120 or something like that.

  • Nickdela9812
    Nickdela9812 Member Posts: 45

    I don't know what they'll do (and if they'll ever do something against it) but i would at least like them to do something to make Ruin not an absolutely necessity.

    Btw i don't use Ruin anymore, it gets found after 30-40 seconds always. I switched to Corrupt Intervention long ago and it works, even against rank 1 players. But the problem is the same. If you don't use a perk every game against gens you lose.

  • Karl_Childers
    Karl_Childers Member Posts: 669
    edited August 2019

    I mean, same can be said though for survivors needing perks to combat tunneling and camping. Both sides need to address their biggest issue in the game with perks. Not saying that’s how it should be, mind you, but unless they’re going to address both in the base game I say leave it as is.

    And let’s be honest, even if they made gens slower to where gen slowdown perks were no longer required, people would still use them as it would give them a big advantage. There would need to be a lot of nerfs. Also these types of topics (add survivor objectives, increase gen time) are pretty much code for “I want to get more kills”. Otherwise, we’d be talking about slowing down both sides, which is how it should be. No more genrushing, no more tunneling/camping.

  • Nickdela9812
    Nickdela9812 Member Posts: 45

    If i "tunnel/camp" at some point, is because i need to kill someone eventually. You counter "gen rushing" by "kill rushing" because dead people can't use their pesky little hands to do gens :D

    But yeah, i agree, if they'll ever add second objectives, or increase gen time, they'll need to nerf ruin/corrupt intervention somehow. Just like they did with Brutal Strength, when they buffed default pallet breaking speed time.

  • Fieryaura
    Fieryaura Member Posts: 47

    Anyone here know map pressure ? This is a good things for avoid genrush. Or use Pop goes the weasel instead of one totem perk.

    But i guess prove thy self need to be reworked isn't fun :c but for the rest i guess generator is fine.