For Devs! SWF Change? For Devs!

Pirate Member Posts: 427
edited July 2018 in Feedback and Suggestions

I love playing both sides, but I like more playing survivor because I think the game is more thrilling but in the same time more chilled! If I play survivor I start with the idea that the killer is stornger and faster then me and its very nice if I survive... just like if it was reallife and any of us had to face such a monster! Any of us in reallife would be happy to survive such nightmare!
As a killer you know that you are stonger and faster so you have an reputation that you can loose if you are doing bad in a game.
BUT if a SWF joins the game its more like: they know they are stronger then you and you can not fulfill your role anymore but there is a big chance that you end up getting bullied and teabagged.

Some possible SOLUTIONS!

1) Onesided Solution
You get rid of SWF.
-Pros: Atmosperic gameplay just like intended, the game was made for you surviving the killer while not being able to communicate and understand your fellowsurvivors with words but only with their actions and emotes. Fair gameplay for the killer which might lead to less camping. Higher skillcap for survivors that will lead to them becoming better players.
-Cons: The "friends" who used to play this game for fun together might bought the game because of this feature, removing it can be unfair. Higher dodge rates of survivors would be expected just like before SWF: survivors would try to find their friends in lobbies by exiting and renewing the match! This could be prevented by adding higher queue time punishment with every disconnect that will only be removed after a match (e.g. +10sec for each dodge).

2)Generator Increase
Increase the number of generators for SWF groups:
5 Gens for 2 SWF people with 2 Randoms
6 Gens for 2 pairs of SWF
7 gens for 3 or 4 SWF members
Or decrease the repair time of SWF members by 10% for each SWF member in game

-pros: More time for the killer to fulfill his job. More intense game for the SWF group!
-cons: Higher generator number could be problematic for that one random guy who does not even get the help from the SWF because he is not a part of them. Higher dodge rates of survivors would be expected just like before SWF: survivors would try to find their friends in lobbies by exiting and renewing the match! This could be prevented by adding higher queue time punishment with every disconnect that will only be removed after a match (e.g. +10sec for each dodge).

3) Perk punishmend.
You could decrease the number of active perks of SWF people:
You could change the system of the perk layout: you make 2 perks active at all time (here survivor should pick their most desired perks) then the 3rd perk is only active if you play solo or in SWF of 2 People and deactived if you are part of an SWF with 3 or 4 people. And the 4th perk is only active if you play solo.
+optional: chance of taking item into the trial (maybe 50%) OR only one Offering from the SWF group

-pros: More fun and challanging teamplay from the survivors! With 4 people using together only 2 perks each would need to communicate who is picking what perk! For example one surv. could specialize at healing self and other people, an other would specialize at sabotaging things and an other would take one of the future reworked perks that show killers aura and tell his mates the information. Items would be of bigger value especially if not everyone could take selfcare.
Rank 1 perfect commincation teams would be as strong as they are right now and their teamplay would become even stronger. but low communication teams would lose some of their power and some of their meta perks! More challanging gameplay for true fans of the game.
-cons: you would need to change the perksystem and make a tutorial. Higher dodge rates of survivors would be expected just like before SWF: survivors would try to find their friends in lobbies by exiting and renewing the match! This could be prevented by adding higher queue time punishment with every disconnect that will only be removed after a match (e.g. +10sec for each dodge).


  • nimblebunny
    nimblebunny Member Posts: 4

    I appreciate your suggestions. However, many people only play SWF, so your first option isn't going to happen because it reduces the player base and cuts into potential revenue for the devs.

    As for option 2, I like the idea of an additional gen, but I would only want to see it in SWF 4 matches.

    As for option 3, that could work. Prior to reading your post, I was thinking that balance could be achieved by buffing the killer in those matches (whereas you went with the nerf survivors route). I wanted to add killer perk slots for SWF 2 and SWF 3, and a third add-on slot for SWF 4. This would mean that a killer going into a SWF 4 match would have 6 perks and 3 add-ons. Random survivors in SWF 2 and SWF 3 matches would receive a 5% post-match bloodpoint bonus for each SWF slot enabled by the killer (so that would be up to 10% and they wouldn't get it if the slots were left unfilled). That way the randoms get some compensation for playing against a killer with additional perks enabled. I was thinking that an additional add-on slot for SWF 4 would allow killers to ensure that strong add-ons would be used in SWF 4 matches. Another option would be to allow killers to create a SWF 4 loadout that would be activated going into a SWF 4 match, but then you would have to remind the killer what add-ons would be active going into it.

    Combining your ideas with mine, I think a good combination would be:
    SWF 2 - 3 perks each (4 perks for random solos)
    SWF 3 - 2 perks each (4 perks for random solo), additional perk for killer
    SWF 4 - 2 perks each, 6 gens, two additional perks for killer
    If SWF 4 isn't balanced enough, then they could add an extra add-on slot for killer.

  • deadwolfwalking
    deadwolfwalking Member Posts: 624

    i'm a killer. its basically all i play. i'm not a fan of swf.... BUT it is a major draw to this game. to kill it or even seriously tamper it would cause extreme damage to the main playerbase. its an annoyance. it ranges from mild to severe.... but its the number one reason we can get lobbies. i'd rather play back-to-back games with little or no hassle than wait an hour to fill a lobby....

  • The_Love_Handle
    The_Love_Handle Member Posts: 7
    I also main killers. Swf isn't the problem. The 20 pallets per map is. Catching an experienced survivor is too hard. The loops are too powerful. My solution: either get rid of 10 pallets, or change bloodlust so that it doesn't go away after a pallet break. Swf usually just means, you get gen rushed, looped, and lots of hook saves. The only thing that ever stops me from winning, are loops. Getting rid of some pallets would fix that easy. Bloodlust would help a lot, not sure if that would be enough on it's own though
  • RWoodrow
    RWoodrow Member Posts: 270
    They just need to add in an in game communication system and balance the game around the survivors being on comms.
  • projecteulogy
    projecteulogy Member Posts: 671

    People playing solo who get matched up with 2 and 3 man SWF groups would be hurt by this suggestion. There is no real fix for it outside of limiting perks/items/addons, which would break what immersion is left. You have no way of knowing outside of asking if you grouped with a SWF group while playing solo. Then most games(about 60/40) that I play with 2-3 man SWFs, i end up sandbagged.

    Its such a headache to play solo half the time.. and In real life(and on screen for that fact) you don't loop a killer. You can't. Everyone hates survivors it seems. Punish them for dodging! but not the killer who can see profiles names and if items are taken. If anything, loops need to seriously be nerfed. Or, nerf the actual RUN feature so you eventually run out of breath. Its like every survivor is a long winded Usain Bolt.

    Giving killers additional perks would seriously buff some weaker killers sure, but the would make top tier killers completely unstoppable. Personally, people should have much more incentive to play solo. Its harder and most of the time doesn't yield a mega fun experience. So why would you? I play solo because I hate hearing peoples background chatter thats not game related while i'm trying to listen. So playing SWF actually irritates me further. Allowing in-game voice comms just begs for trolls to spam sound and force people to ignore them, thus dampening the game experience even more than it already is.

    In short: Nerf Loops, make a bonus for killers and solo players, Nerf being able to run indefinitely instead.