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Could the killer vote on what maps not to play on?

Member Posts: 3,022

Just a thought. There are just some maps that are NOT killer friendly, depending on the killer. It's incredibly frustrating sometimes to actually play when these maps pop, especially when the survivors choose it. Maybe the killer can vote on one or two maps that aren't picked, unless overridden by a survivor's offering?

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  • Member Posts: 1,250

    Honestly if I have map disadvantage, like huntress on Larry's, I just farm with survivors. It sucks, but whatever right? Just one match.

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I would use offerings every game, then, but since the only offerings that spawn now are rare offerings, I can't do that. Not to mention that I don't really want to go to a particular realm, rather it's that I don't want to play with certain map-specific features (eg. corn, reeds, or bamboo with Nurse or open maps with mirror Myers).

    I would be in favor of lobbies reflecting the realm that the game is most likely to chose for that trial just to allow players to burn offerings if they didn't agree with the map. A more complex solution is needed to deal with lobby dodgers.

    Also, why do I get so many Ormond and Yamaoka offerings in my bloodwebs? They are obnoxious, and even though I avoid them on all my killers, I still have the same amount of them as of the rest of the realms. Is the bloodweb predisposed to the maps I dislike? (To be fair, I do also get quite a few Strode Keys, which is a map I do like).

  • Member Posts: 867

    I wouldn't mind a counter offering to the "please take me here" offerings. A "heck no" offering would really shake things up

  • Member Posts: 37

    Sure, if survivors have that right too.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    Some maps are so bad for certain killers that the players might as well face a corner and go AFK. Those maps probably shouldn't be playable if you're using certain killers.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    Every killer worth their salt would ban Hadnofun and Disturbed Ward 😁.

  • Member Posts: 1,379

    Yeah it's no fun playing as Ghostface and getting sent to Autohaven lodge which is one of the most open maps in the entire game so your power is practically irrelevant

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    That's another thing. If some maps are determined to be extremely problematic, they should be disabled until reworked, period. We have more than enough maps that it won't make a difference.

  • Member Posts: 1,616

    Me:"Lets have a fun round with Trappy Boy"

    Spawn on the Doc Map(Lerrys)

    Me:"For the f* sake, make traps hidden in buildings"

  • Member Posts: 763

    Yeah I'd perma ban Haddonfield and most of Coldwind Farm.

  • Member Posts: 565

    I think survivors should only have the slight and considerably map offerings, they are 4 anyway

  • Member Posts: 8,935

    A counter offering which is less rare than map offerings and only PREVENT a map would work well. Maybe I dont wanna try to stalk through corn on Myers...I can use a common offering to make sure Im sent to literally ANY other map.

  • Member Posts: 22
    edited August 2019

    One solution to this could be that the entity offers the killer x number(s) of choice(s) for map selection.

    Map offerings would trump this decision of course. This could also add incentive to do away with those pesky map offerings that clutter survivors inventory.

    As a side note, does anyone know how map selection is determined when more then one map offerings is burnt?

  • Dev Posts: 7,555

    Odds are, people would take a look at this and always vote for the maps with the highest survival rates while never voting for the ones that actually benefit them:

    (The farm maps are a little lower now that the walls are solid, this data is a little out of date.)

    Overall, you would receive less variety because there would be a meta of maps to vote against. You could always bring an offering if you want a map that favours you more.

  • Member Posts: 926

    I would pick to never go to Lampkin Lane

  • Member Posts: 495

    2 days ago i was playing as Trapper and got like 7 Haddonfields almost in a row with no offerings. Around the 4th time i started to laugh because i know many people complain about that map, but it's honestly not that bad, i like it.

  • Member Posts: 8,935

    Strangely enough, Trapper is actually one of the best killers to use on Haddonfield due to being able to block off the windows that make many of the houses incredibly strong in such a way that a survivor trying to disarm the bear trap is forced to step on it.

  • Member Posts: 495

    Yup, that is true. Like the trap on the roof outside the window.

  • Member Posts: 8,935

    Exactly. Its one of the few maps the Trapper really shines more than the majority of killers. Id even go as far as saying he's probably better than Billy on that map.

  • Member Posts: 7,187
    edited August 2019

    If killers can vote for the map you go to then there are some maps you'd barely if ever see. No thanks. Conversely there are some maps you'd probably be seeing constantly like Shelter Woods 🤮

  • Member Posts: 2,559

    I would think people would vote for maps that supported the perks, offerings, and play-styles being used rather than just pure survival. I personally do not like playing on the game as killer even though it's the lowest survival rate map for survivors.

    eg. I know I would vote for Treatment Theatre over Rotten Fields if I had OoO. I would use my more hook offerings if I knew we were going to Rotten Fields or a swamp map.

  • Member Posts: 2,047

    I can't believe Family Residence has a higher survival rate than Haddonfield.

    I really like that map 😞.

  • Member Posts: 1,520
    edited August 2019

    Fun fact: I had never destroy a survivor team more as trapper, as on this map.^^

    Just put the traps in looping-corridors where survs can't much move around and behind windows. So then they vault, that this sweet sound appears :).

    Edit: It was not a swf group, far as I remember. Just 4 together in being solos o_o.

  • Member Posts: 3,455

    I miss old map offerings, wish they'd bring them back. I don't like using new offerings because I feel like I'm just throwing away bloodpoints.

  • Member Posts: 21,675

    The old map offerings didn't guarantee you'd get your money's worth. The new ones do (assuming nobody else throws a different offering, and then it's a 50/50 split). How are the old ones better?

  • Member Posts: 2,517

    It would be interesting to implement the suggest system without it actually affecting the map selection, just to see which maps are least popular. The "Did you have fun?" goes kind of in this direction but it's too broad to get information about maps. Alternatively you could do a survey on Surveymonkey or whatever and gather data that way. It would be interesting to see what the outcome of that would be

  • Member Posts: 3,455

    They still increased the odds of getting the map you wanted but they weren't as expensive as the rare ones. I'd rather just increase the chances of getting the map I want for 3000 bloodpoints than spend 5000 for a most likely 100% chance.

  • Member Posts: 1,616

    Yes, but I still hate it.

    They will dont use this loops, but they wont run into a trap.

    Because they are not hidden in buildings.

  • Member Posts: 2,948
    edited August 2019

    The game as the trapper is hard as hell, they just see the traps EVERY time.

    EDIT: obviously "the game" is a map...

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