A few suggestions to make matchmaking more enjoyable for killers.

I had a few ideas that probably sound silly but in my eyes would improve the experience that killers have.
Firstly, as I saw in a previous thread, make it so that swf groups have an icon above their names in the lobbies so that killers know who swf are. You always find out if there are swf in your lobby because you can just check their steam accounts so this would just save time. Because you can always find out lobby dodging swf groups is always going to be a thing so why not just make it so everyone's time isn't wasted.
Secondly, swf groups should be matched against killers that are the same rank as the highest in the swf group. This is a problem that I get a lot. To be honest, I don't mind playing against swf but what I do mind is when I am against a 4 man swf that are 3 rank 5's and a rank 20 (I was rank 10 before rank reset). It just seems silly to me that it is done on the basis of an average and not the highest rank. In my opinion, even if a rank 1 queues with 3 rank 20's it should match you against a rank 1 killer because otherwise at the lower ranks it becomes nearly impossible to even get 2 kills against a coordinated 4 man.
Thirdly, and I know this is coming, but try to make queue times for killers shorter. I find that this is a problem most in the mornings as it takes me a minimum of 10 minutes to find a lobby. It isn't fun waiting 10 minutes+ for a game that goes on for 4 mins because the people you are against are a 4 man, gen rushing swf.
Tell me what you guys think about what I have said and yes, I am aware that it very quickly became a rant about swf groups in dbd.
I disagree with the icon for swf.
I would even hide the names of the survivors.
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yeah maybe i dont really know it just feels like especially from me playing at rank 10 that the games with no swf are easy and the game with 3 man+ are insanely difficult
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So you want the icon for swf to cherry pick lobbies and get easy games?
Idk for how long you've been playing DbD, but difficult matches are the ones which make you a better player. Just like any other game.
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like i mentioned i dont mind playing the harder games, the issue is when every game is one and then it just gets a bit boring having every gen done near instantly i dont really know what i want tbh
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Tbh many of those swf aren't that good and it's something you can use to your advantage sometimes. They tend to be overaltruistic.
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The icon indicating swf would create more dodge scenarios. If they wanted to add something at the tally screen that makes sense.
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I feel you have contradicted yourself here just a little. You want shorter queue times and in the same breath you want swf to have an indicator in the lobby. The latter will just lead to more lobby dodging from killers, and lobby hopping by swf who want to play with their friends without being dodged, which in turn will lead to longer queue times.
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Lol ???? What about show what killer the survivor are going to go against ?