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Pig add-ons rework Idea

Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736
edited August 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

Workshop Grease (Common)

  • Skill Checks success zones are reduced by 33%
  • Doesn't stack with other Skill Check zone reduces.

Shattered Syringe (Common)

  • Unchanged

John's Medical File (Common)

  • Unchanged

Combat Straps (Common)

  • Unchanged

Video Tape (Uncommon)

  • Unchanged

Utility Blades (Uncommon)

  • Increases the trigger odds for Skill Checks by 5%.
  • Doesn't stack with other Skill Check trigger odds.

Razor Wires (Uncommon)

  • Skill Checks success zones are reduced by 66%
  • Doesn't stack with other Skill Check zone reduces.

Last Will (Uncommon)

  • Unchanged

Face Mask (Uncommon)

  • Unchanged

Slow-Release Toxin (Rare)

  • Unchanged

Rusty Attachments (Rare)

  • Survivors damaged by Ambus Attacks suffers from Broken Status Effect for 60 seconds

Jigsaw's Annotated Plan (Rare)

  • Unchanged

Interlocking Razor (Rare)

  • Failing a Skill Check on Jigsaw Boxes will fully regress it's current progress.

Bag of Gears (Rare)

  • Increases the search time on Jigsaw Boxes by 4 seconds. (up from 1.68 seconds)
  • Doesn't stack

Tampered Timer (Very Rare)

  • Unchanged

Jigsaw's Sketch (Very Rare)

  • Unchanged

Crate of Gears (Very Rare)

  • Increases the search time on Jigsaw Boxes by 7 seconds.
  • Increases the Reverse Bear Trap death timer by 30 seconds.
  • Doesn't stack

Amanda's Secret (Very Rare)

  • Unchanged

Rules Set No.2 (Ultra Rare)

  • Disables the Survivors' ability to see Jigsaw Boxes highlighted.
  • Disables Pig's ability to see Jigsaw Boxes highlighted.
  • Increase the Reverse Bear Trap death timer by 90 seconds.

Amanda's Letter (Ultra Rare)

  • Reverse Bear Traps are active when put on Dying Survivors.
  • Decreases the time it takes to put a Reverse Bear Trap on a Survivor by 1 second.

Edit: From feedback I changed few things and I am thinking about adding some brand new add-ons as well. Thanks for feedback btw.

Post edited by Chocolate_Cosmos on


  • xxplayerjuanxx
    xxplayerjuanxx Member Posts: 18

    These ideas are really great

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    I'd add something like GF's Cinch Straps/Leather Knife Sheath in place of Workshop Grease or Interlocking Razors remaining in the game, but otherwise I love these.

    Jigsaw Box skill checks/failed checks just aren't a threat: the only times they're really relevant are when the survivor is bad enough that the survivor's ability already is a negligible threat. Contrast with faster crouch speeds just generally being awesome, and the choice seems clear.

  • AceZathura123
    AceZathura123 Member Posts: 3


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736

    Thanks a lot guys <3

  • starpilotsix
    starpilotsix Member Posts: 203

    Some decent ideas, but I don't want to get rid of the 'see survivor's auras while crouched' add-on (which is one of the few that actually alters a killer's gameplay style in a fun way), or the blindness effect from face mask (because it's one of the few blindness add-ons on any killer that actually lasts long enough that it can occasionally be of some use)

  • ElusivePukka
    ElusivePukka Member Posts: 1,599

    @starpilotsix Blindness is kinda all or nothing, Face Mask and Third Seal just aren't going to be meta as things are. Good enough survivors don't care about blindness - I am looking forward to Undetectable in Pig base kit and Blindness potentially getting replaced with Oblivious.

    I missed the aurasight loss, though, and I agree: that's a really fun addon, and it would be a mistake to lose it.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    Also kinda don't want to get rid of reading auras with crouching. It's one of unique perks of dbd that change gameplay significantly.

    But instant activation is actually feels like an ultra-rare add-on.

    Ruleset no.2 gonna have a lot of complains. On large maps that add-on gonna kill a lot of people on its own. I would stick with just "can't remove unless active", to force them run when they're actually on clock, and not earlier. Yet it doesn't feel like a super-rare add-on, more like a purple one. Might replace one of them (like Jigsaw's Sketch. One more box as very rare? Come on) and make so ruleset no.2 activates RBTs instantly.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871
    edited August 2019

    Everything is only my personal opinion and nothing more.

    Workshop Grease - Upping the Skill Check odds is actively bad IMO, and reducing the success zones is not a good trade-off.

    Utility Blades - Not worth it while Sloppy Butcher exists as it currently is.

    Razor Wire - See Workshop Grease. As an additional note, playing around with the reduced Skill Checks puts the add-on in that undesirable position of being largely useless against higher ranked players while also being problematic against lower-ranked players. This problem is upped by a lot when paired with Interlocking Razor.

    Face Mask - As-is, I assume this does not apply to Jigsaw Box searching, which would not make this worth it IMO.

    Rusty Attachment - This might be okay at Uncommon. At Rare, I think it is not worth it.

    Interlocking Razor - Not much of an upgrade in a vacuum, to be honest. Then you have the problem I mentioned earlier when talking about Razor Wire.

    Bag of Gears/Crate of Gears - You have more than doubled the stall power of these two add-ons when used together. Sure, they no longer speed up the Trap placement, but that was only a minor convenience at best. Using both together, it would take a Survivor 23 seconds to search one Box. Considering that Crate of Gears raises the timer by only 30 seconds, it is super easy to neutralize the downside of Crate of Gears by just interrupting a single box search. Even if you use Crate of Gears and Tampered Timer to neutralize the downside of Crate, the total stall power is still stronger than that of the current Bag + Crate.

    Amanda's Secret - Sure?

    RSN2 - This seems like it would just be super frustrating for Survivors, especially if you can still see the Boxes yourself.

    Amanda's Letter - Not really worth an Ultra Rare add-on slot in most cases, IMO. The only real exceptions would be pairing it with Crate of Gears or with RSN2, which I think would end up being more frustrating than anything.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    @Tag On Utility blades I would disagree. But might as well make it so mangled is not removed until healed. It's usually not a bad idea to give an add-on that cane save you a skill slot, especially when you just look for a filler.

    60 secs limit suffers from the same problem Bubba's add-ons do, those ones that add slowed down gen repair for 120s after chainsaw down. Because by the moment surv is done drying on the hook, it's almost gone. And point of chases and ambushes is usually to succefully finish the chase with a down. So why bother with 60s sloppy?

    Now, broken state can be used to counter insta heals. Sort of Franklin's demise in add-on form against medkit party.

    Face mask could be really good with my idea of RSN2 (inability to remove a mask until it's active).

    So I mostly like offered changes, because they look like a set of utility tools that you think about taking on a specific mission.

    Now, about skillcheck perks. I often use them for giggles, and it gets especially funny if survs die from failing too often. Doesn't work on higher levels. But do all add-ons really must be viable on highest ranks?

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    Why would you ever use the proposed Utility Blades over Sloppy Butcher? It is worse in just about every way.

    I don't think I'd even use Face Mask in the scenario you propose. I'd rather just slap on a Timer or a Gear add-on.

    I think add-ons should do something in higher levels. They don't have to be much, but they shouldn't risk being a DETRIMENT at higher levels.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    @tag You really prize that juicy increased bleeding, don't you? For me 90% Sloppy Butcher is just a permanent mangled effect on hits. Sometimes I wouldn't mind using "5th perk" instead of whatever current yealow or brown perks are. Except for the belt and tape, of course. But they get burned fast if you use them all the time and don't really level up pig anymore.

    Timer and gear add-ons are rare and finite, that's their downside :(

    I guess, I can understand your point, why you want ALL perks work at any level.

  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,736

    I am still playing with editing based on feedback from you guys and trying to add some new add-ons.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    I value the fact that Sloppy Butcher does not force me to use a specific niche attack in order to inflict Mangled, and I value the fact that I do not have to repeatedly spend blood points to use this weaker one-time-use version of Sloppy Butcher. The one scenario I can think of where I would rather have Utility Blades is so unbelievably contrived that I would never consider it to be a thing (successfully Ambush the Survivor, let them run off, let them heal, have them work on a gen or Jigsaw Box, grab them, hook them, let them get unhooked, and then have them try to heal again...all of this within 60 seconds).

    I would just use one of her other add-ons that are better than Face Mask, then. The proposed Face Mask idea is not worth it, IMO.

    The thing is that there is a difference between "not being useful enough at higher ranks" and "being borderline useless at higher ranks." We should really work toward eliminating the latter as best we can.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    @Tag That's why I said 60s timer shouldn't be a thing. So you don't actually have to let them go to make a use of it. I.e. mangled effect goes away only when healed. With 60s it's a pointless add-on, as I also described in my comparison with Bubba's add-ons.

    On it's own, I like an idea of adding some "initial" effects to ambush, because right now there is no point in using it as a first attack (ambush, huh?). You might as well just walk up and hit them without alerting with a roar.

    I also said that new Face Mask would work if survs would be forced to work gens with their helmet on. With current add-on set this add-on also is pointless, because survs gonna do gens with their helmet on only if they're really clueless.

  • TAG
    TAG Member Posts: 12,871

    If you make it where it is Mangled until they are healed, then there is literally zero scenarios where I would use the proposed Utility Blades over Sloppy Butcher. I like the idea of inflicting penalties through the Ambush attack, but the reality is that Sloppy Butcher renders almost every Mangled add-on pointless. Broken I'm at least okayish with.

    I am aware, but what I am saying is that I feel like it would not be a good add-on even if the Survivor is not permitted to work on the Boxes until their trap is active. The likely result of such a thing IMO would be that they will be working on the gen for a little while until a gen pops and then they just go to get the Trap off. If that takes a while to do because you were successfully defending the gens, you probably didn't need either perk to begin with. You are forcibly delaying the immediate benefit of them working on Jigsaw Boxes in exchange for a meager amount of action penalty that only affects one person.

  • avilmask
    avilmask Member Posts: 599

    @Tag Can't really understand your obsession with Sloppy, I preft to not run it on pig myself, because there'are actually perks that can improve your chase or detection, when slowing down survs you could leave to (cheap) add-ons. But that's a difference in playstyles, I guess.

    Considering the former, I guess you never faced survivors that would get gens as high as possible, but not finish them (99% percent strat against the pig). And since they're not pushed to do the objective ASAP with trap inatctive (rendering all timer add-ons useless), they can safely heal themselves or help people around (saving that one guy you left slugged for some reason), still being effective. That's where penalty with helmet on comes in handy. That's why I don't actually think that "current" face mask is unusable (blindness), since it hinders their ability to see people and be effective while they're not pressed to remove a helmet (except against SWF OFC). But it's a niche use, I have to admit that. Again, difference in playstyles.

    JAWS_BDSM Member Posts: 328

    Nice ideas, i would love to seem this changes in game