Alright..time for some perk change ideas..let's see if the devs like them
Thanantophonia: simple this one. Just increase the numbers by say..2 percent each ? Seriously I've been praying this would come back I just love this perks whole idea
Devour hope: a way to increase its potential usage, let it only spawn after two tokens gained so maybe itll last more often till it at least does something..maybe keep the haste as a permanent buff till the totem is cleansed perhaps could be fun too
Huntress' lullaby: it shouldnt be revealed to survivors bare minimum till they miss a skill check..theres no reason for it to imo
Iron maiden : honestly I feel I'd get way more use from this perk if the exposed was replaced with a 4 second aura read or perhaps inflicting injuries instead , the 15 second exposed is a total joke and will never get used in 99 percent of games
Plunderers instinct: why doesnt it open chests a bit faster instead of pharmacy? Or maybe let them both do it? Lol I just enjoy this perk tbh
Unrelenting: just a small change but maybe have it work with miss piggys dash? I feel itd be potentially useful at least for her
Furtive chase : just make the tr reduction just without the chase requirement , the setup and downsides I feel would feel less..weird this way
Tinkerer: frankly this perk is..baaaad....why not make it to where when a gen explodes, the killer loses tr instead, itd be much better and may see some use
Overwhelming presence : very gimmicky, not even useful on doctor , so why not make it give a gen speed debuff when in tr instead? Dunno really it's kinda limited as a tr perk
Cant really think of any more right off the top..thoughts ?
And that devour buff is nuts! After one token or a short timer I can see working, but after two? That'd be super strong.
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Maybe, maybe not..but itd be nice to give hexes some breathing room..especially since devour has no use till token 3 atm
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Tinkerer: frankly this perk is..baaaad....why not make it to where when a gen explodes, the killer loses tr instead, itd be much better and may see some use
Much better and see more use? I don't know at what rank do you usually play but since purple ranks is almost impossible find more than one skill chek missed per game, in red rank not even one
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Better than it procing 2 seconds before the gen pops lol
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No, it wouldn't be better, at least you know that you will use it 5 times, at high ranks it wouldn't probably be usefull once
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Youd be surprised
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If tinkerer triggered at 75% instead of 85% gen progress and increased it to 30 seconds it would be so much better, maybe even meta.
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It would still be bad because of how fast a gen can get done..I just dont think the premise is good at all..besides..imagine the shenanagins a doc could get into with this perk XD
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I have over 2000 hours in this game 40% of wich as survivor and i have never had the displeasure of facing the so called 3 gen doc. Besides its the survivors fault if he gets 3 gens close togheter :P
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Didnt mean the 3 gen strat..just use unnerving presence on doc and maybe overcharge , the nowhere and everywhere build lol
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Then i don't see why doc in particularly could be up to no good with this perk idea :P
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Ok I'll explain, docs tr can be massive, use that to force failed skill check and then..poof, whered doc go? Lol come on man it's obvious XD
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Overbuffs..? Lol seriously..? Do explain because that was poorly unconstructive
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Thanantaphobia being buffed is something that should be the time they tested it, legion was a they've fixed him so theres 0 excuse to not buff restraining a perk around a killer who's not even considered good is the most ignorant thing I've heard..they didnt balance any of the survivor perks around other survivor perks , and while we talk about anti stealth you could say the same about qaq as it's the respective opposite of iron maiden but with way more utility and usage so..cant say about 1 but not the other..and as I mentioned overwhelming is kind of restrained by being a tr perk..and once again your thoughts are around a single non top tier killer which once again makes it flimsy at best..o even said it was a rough idea, as for devour I dont see any issue with the idea as it still leaves wiggle room to find it before the killer actually gets any usage from it..I see no such constraints on any survivor perks especially the meta ones..double standards at its finest