Dead by Daylight Nostalgia 2016

Hello fellow gamers, today I've come across with some very old screenshots which dated back in 2016. I wanted to show some of them and have a little bit of taste of nostalgia. Dead by Daylight has really changed over 3 years, Hope you guys enjoy!
I'm gonna start with the Flying Bug, it was one of the funniest bugs, I must admit.
Claudette's Asylum Clothing Glitch
and Finally Claudette is inside of some... things..
Moving on to the next one, Traps under hooks and def not camping the hatch.
(I wanted my 4 man mori achievement okay?!)
Dwight getting bullied, casually.
that backflip though.
Model Glitches
Okay, this model or texture glitch was actually scary 'cause back when people didn't have the Shape or decided to use the Black Splinter offering, instead of the Shape's model survivors were seeing the last used killer's model, so that we could see Evan's face.
Also can we take a moment and appreciate how friendly the old killers were? Like really?
The famous chainsaw bug like even survivors had it LOL.
Getting Stuck in the hook/exit gate
That's what you get for saboing dem hooks.
Lobby Bugs
The Hole Glitch (don't judge my perks, i didn't touch her after i prestiged)
Jake's Unmatched skin color with the Lunar New Year Shirt
OP trap placements for the Trapper
well, at least he tried.
Really long arms
The Ketchup Ace
Never forget the farming bots!
Old UI, Bloodweb and Hooks
Rank System has always been an issue for Dead by Daylight.
As a survivor main, i cannot say I have never abused infinites
The Old Steam Matchmaking
So one thing that I've been reallng missing is the old matchmaking, which you could just change your region on Steam to wherever you want. I used to play in Toronto (it's also where most of the people used to play too). I've had/made so many streamer friends, friends etc. Wish we could go back to those days, really missing sniping people and getting moried, it was so much fun. People didn't care about the ranks either, they were mostly playing for fun!
Either ways thank you guys, enjoy some funny shots below!
Also why does Nea look like a duck? I'm so glad they fixed her face.
The OG Main Menu *insert DbD theme here*
Thank you for amazing 3 years 💜
This was a really nice post, thanks!
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Jeez, I miss those days, bugs aside. I really wish they would bring back the atmosphere and darkness. Thanks for posting!
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Imo this post should be pinned. It brings back to times that will never return. With all the downsides (infinites, Trapper impossible unhooks, facecamping [the real one], no cool down on successful attacks that hit the wall, several bugs and abuses) and yet the upsides (the darkness, atmosphere, old prestige skins, overall more fun game [also because everybody was more potato]).
Man, good times.
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Thank you guys! I miss those days too :(
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I almost miss Ketchup Ace and Jake's mismatch skin. :(
So many good memories in this post.
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The 13 survivors tho
But seeing all these screenshots... 🥺
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Everything looked like a painting. It was beautiful. I'm sad I missed out on the earlier days.
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We should really have an option to switch back to the old lighting and have it be client side in case some players like to play with the current things. :/
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I love the old perk section
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I'm pretty sure we can't, it was included with the engine update.
Post edited by elasticheart on0 -
This post was amazing I wanna see more stuff like this instead of people complaining.
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Amazing Post!
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This was very beautiful, never really got to experience it like this but amazing post! 💙
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Aww the good/bad old days :D it's changed so much ma poor baby dbd has grown so much
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Sucks the chainsaw bug wasn't around when ash came out, Killers woulda been in trouble lol. great post
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the flying bug is still current though rare.
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I know, the graphics look amazing back then too!
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There's actually a video somewhere out there where you can go back to older versions/builds of the game. But obviously you can't play with anyone that's not on the same build.
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Didn't expirence 2016 dbd but still liked this post (•‿•)
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Do you (or anyone) have pictures of all the old hooks? I remember reading that you could tell who the killer was by looking at the hooks. I'd love to see that.
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They were the same hooks you now see in different maps, except they weren't tied to the map but the killer. For example Wraith had the hooks that are now on Autohaven, Trapper the hooks in McMillan etc
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I'll see what i can dig up!
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Ah yes, the good ol times when no one knew how to play and it wasn't that competitive-toxic game at all
what went wrong?
probably balancing, because that made some people complain etc etc
for example, i loved playing against minigun myers (old Unrelenting + Save the best for last) and using it aswell, those were fun times
Still, it is undestandable that they had to change it, thus making people ask for more and more changes and well, it is a 100% competitive game now
my pc back then wasn't able to run DBD, so i had to use my brother's pc when he was sleeping
that was how i managed to get my legacy p1, playing from 6 am to 10am everyday, i miss those times :')
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Wow those screenshots haha <3
3 years of hard work, ups and downs, surprises and intense moments.
The nostalgia is real guys! And it makes me realize how much I love this game and the team who put a lot of work/effort to make this game even better every days and of course you guys (cheesy I know but who cares hehe) you made this possible by sticking with us for all these years.
It makes me happy *I think i'm having an emotion*
cheers to many more years.
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Thank you Patricia <3
We've been through a lot yet journey must continue!
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Can someone explain me why do I get a notification when anyone comments here but doesn't mention me
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Oh yes that's the problem lmao, I didn't know I bookmarked it, my mistake, thanks
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I remember back in the day Dwight was considered bad because of his perks. Turns out Bond was always a strong and fair perk. Sprint Burst, Self-Care, Botany Knowledge and Saboteur were just broken beyond belief.
I remember Billy being bottom tier because infinites and the sheer number of obstacles on the map.
I remember Nurse release day. Hexy (former SxyHxy) had orgasms on stream...LOL. And Nea was a considered a mediocre Survivor.
Remember how Trapper could keep dropping a downed Survivor directly in the bear trap? Remember double trap right below the hooked Survivor? Man, those were some trappy times.
Lots of good memories. Even looking back at some bad times, this was easily one of my most played games this gen.
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Saving against a Trapper could turn randoms into SWAT teams. One to distract him, one to disarm the trap, while the last one does the save during the 5s disarm time. Trappers basement was an automatic nope though, RIP.
Back then, Iron Grasp allowed you to walk half the map straight to the basement. Which every killer did, Straight to the basement and proxycamp :D
There was no honor code back then. Looping infinites was normal. Facecamping expected. Old DS + Instaflashlights (omg, vietnam flashbacks). Sprintburst to infinite every goddamn single chase.
shudders glad things changed
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LOL, yes, back when being a Nea or Dwight main was honestly just a bad choice. TBF, Bond was always considered really good, though not worth it since you could also just go for Empathy from Claudette and get 2 other amazing perks while you were at it. I suppose it was just Nea alone in the irredeemable bottom-tier.
The real problem with Dwight was that Bond was nearly impossible to get under the old perk system. All the Common/Uncommon/Rare perks were painful to unlock.
I never once saw Bond II in a bloodweb until after the rework.
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I love the lighting in these screenshots it's not all uniform in brightness and there's some really cool looking atmospheres in those levels
I really wish they would bring that old lighting back. In particular the extreme fog at the end game screen that looks awesome. So much better then the pretty bland dark brown background that is in now