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BP Offerings

βLAKE Member Posts: 544

Does We're Gonna Live Forever stack with BP offerings such as, Anniversary BP offerings?

Best Answers


  • βLAKE
    βLAKE Member Posts: 544

    I just had to ask because I felt that the BP distribution was odd. When I have WGLF equipped with no BP offerings I would get +30K. When I would equip WGLF and BP offerings I would get +8k and I would get the same amount of tokens. I notice the same thing during x2 BP events

  • Peanits
    Peanits Dev, Community Manager Posts: 7,390

    There's two types of bloodpoint bonuses:

    • Bonuses that apply during the trial
    • Bonuses that apply after the trial

    Anything that applies during the trial (like Distressing) is capped by the usual 8,000 point limit. Anything that applies afterwards ignores all of that; it takes your end score and multiplies it.

    The multiplier after the match is a total of all the bonuses that you have active. For example:

    • Base: 100%
    • Bloodhunt: 100%
    • Streamers: 100%
    • WGLF (3 stacks): 75%

    So in that scenario, you would end up with 375% bloodpoints (3.75 times whatever you end score is).