Keyboard and mouse support for xbox one and ps4

Dear Behaviour Interactive, Keyboard and mouse support for console should be a thing!

You don`t know how much I have wanted to play keyboard and mouse but can`t because I only have it on console! Anyway for keyboard and mouse support on console would be pretty op for normal keyboard and mouse players and also still would be op in cases. IF keyboard and mouse support was added you should HAVE to (when you first load into the game where it shows the dead by daylight logo and you have to press A or X? i think) press space-bar and it would automatically would assign you to PC servers and never would assign you to console until you close the game and press A or X with your controller instead of space-bar and it would assign you to Console servers and won`t assign you to PC servers and also if your on console servers the mouse and keyboard won`t work... oh yea and also PC can use controller! why can`t we CONSOLES use Keyboard and Mouse on console!!!

Normal people UP VOTE IF YOU WANT KEYBOARD AND MOUSE SUPPORT ON BOTH XBOX ONE AND PS4 and Behaviour forum/other employees make this an open case.

Regards Liam 😁
