Does anyone actually use the "did you have fun" rating?

@Peanits does this rating thing actually give any statistics? Also title. Out of playing dbd for a whole year I've only noticed this thing like twice
Best Answers
I use it
As survivor I use it whenever a killer camps or tunnels
As killer I use it when the map was what made me f up, like "the game" for the trapper
I use it. Especially when the game was extremely fun
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Used it when I started playing the game. Now I never use it
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I don't.
I don't use the props system either. They're seemingly useless. If there was a reason i'd probably use them but i've never even heard the devs mention these things.
Besides saying they work of course.
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Yeah when I get four Mori kills. 5 star rating ahoy!
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No because it's about as good as give props :/
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There's a rating system? Where?
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Lol no, i'll use it once it does something.
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i like to see this question after going against 5 blink nurse with an ebony mori, makes me chuckle
dID yOu hAvE FUn?
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The 4 or 5 circles right above the endmatch screen.
The more circles you click on, the more it counts as a fun match if I remember correctly.
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I'll use it once it does something for me directly.*
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I like the game especially with my trapper build
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I use it every single game
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I use it, but as if my opinion matters.
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I did at first, but I don't understand what they would do with it. Like, what is "fun"? Won't everyone have a different thought on what's "fun" for them? And even if it is being used, what can they do with a 3 circle "I had fun" rating?
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you do know that 9/10 times people leave a review or rating when they have something to be angry about right? Or do you count no vote as a 5/5?
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I give props even though they're not's like my own little high-five to that teammate 😄😄
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I use the Did you have fun feature every game. I also give props to killers I felt were pretty amazing. Idk if either works but I do it anyway because maybe it does
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Top of the scoreboard, right hand side.
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I really wish we could be shown when we're given props, especially since there's no cross console chat or even a general "good game" button to send. I props teammates and my killers loans but they never see it
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I always use it if I have an unusually fun game or a game that was especially unfun both despite the match's outcome.
I use it seldom otherwise.
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I use it when I see ruin undying builds and I didn’t have fun (which is 99% of those matches).
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I use it only for 1 or 5 ratings. No in between.
When we have an absolutely awful match against a killer with little to no counterplay such as Spirit or Freddy or just any killer that partakes in hardcore tunneling and camping and then goes out of their way to be rude in end game chat etc. I'll put a 1 / didn't have any fun because honestly it isn't fun to go up against certain killers that are SS+ tier right now or killers who are just being mean for the sake of being mean and trying to ruin everyone's fun.
I certainly hope any and all 1 ratings against Spirit, Freddy and Twins helps Behavior know that these are characters with "fun" problems and need to be looked at (Freddy is obviously getting worked on soon). I hope they work on Spirit and Twins next. Especially Twins, it sucks that they're so weak without hardcore slugging, tunneling and camping.
And yeah, on the flipside if I have a lot of fun, whether it be playing against a killer who happens to be super fun to play against (Eg. Billy) or they're a decently nice killer (Not like, let us escape but just, not mean / rude) I'll put a 5 star even if we all die. Although in that case I'll usually also give the killer a props / commend on their profile because I can't stress this enough:
We need more nice survivor and killer players. End the cycle of toxicity please.
Anyways, I'm glad Behavior confirms that they draw some feedback from this as I will continue to use it lol
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I do. Ah, so they do pay attention to it.
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Please rate your matches. I've already done a few studies that included these data.
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I use to use it when I was a noob. But than I forgot that it existed. Now I don't care.
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i usually rate them.
unless i forgot, but thats rather rare.
i also give props to people that were nice in end chat. ^^
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i want to rate it, but i always forget it exists. Maybe if they gave you a little like 1000 bloodpoint reward for rating matches it would incentivize people to use it more.
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Regardless of if I win or lose, regardless of how well the survivors cooperated or left each other to die, regardless of how obnoxious survivors were in and after the game; I ALWAYS give a 1 star rating to games where I'm up against 2-4 red ranked players and 5 stars to games where I'm actually against a group within three ranks of me.
Guess how many 5 star games I get a week.
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I use it if i remember it but i usually don't. It is kinda hidden away if you don't pay attention
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As far as I recall the "fun rating" has never been included in any public statistics (such as kill rate, survival rate, ... statistics). Could you please include the "fun rating" the next time stats are released?
For example:
- highest / lowest fun rating per map
- highest / lowest fun rating per killer
- highest / lowest fun rating per perk (based on matches where that perk was used)
It might be more well known if it gets included in the stats posts, but I don't think that has ever happened. I wonder how many people who play regularly have never even used it.
I use it every game (unless I forget). The default rating I use is 3, for games that weren't particularly noteworthy. If there is any toxic bullshit in postgame chat (in case I make the mistake of opening it) then that's an immediate 1. Same for Object Of Obsession - never fun, immediate 1. Midwich: horrible, unfun, awful FPS, gets a 1.
For games that are actually more fun than an average game I go above 3. I very rarely vote higher than 3.
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Going against Old Billy exclusively got a 5 every match and since he was changed I no longer use it.
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surely if it worked deathslinger wud be deleted by now lmao
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if for example, everyone rated twins as negative, would u change victors unreal hitbox?
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I've used it like 5 times in 4k hours.
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Should we use it to comment on how fun the other player(s) were to face, or what we think of the killer/perks/add-ons etc?
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I definitely use it, especially when the matchmaking doesn't work properly. No one should be playing against someone 10 ranks higher or lower than someone else.
Post edited by SweetTerror on0 -
Well there is no point, cause there is no fun anyways
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I do when I get stuff I find extremely unfunny and unfair, awful maps, matchmaking shenanigans or camping/proxy camping.
What qualifies for each of those categories?.
Unfunny and unfair would be stuff like Forever Freddy, Stridor Spirit, the squad of Neas with 4 flashlights that didnt came to fix gens (even if I get the 4K), I would put in this category cheese tactics IF they dont need any real effort and have close to 0 counterplay (4k as Stridor Spirit is easy, getting 4 escapes as SWF against a lower skilled Killer requires nothing too).
Awful maps are Midwich, The Game, Mother's Dwelling and Hawkins, even if I was playing a build/Killer that benefits a lot from any of those, Midwich always get 0 points and if Im Killer I go afk (sadly I cant do that as Survivor for I would be dragging 3 innocents with me).
Matchmaking and camping speak for themselves, getting paired against people way better/worse than me and getting stomped or stomping can be fun for 1 or 2 matches but it grows boring very fast.
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Maybe they should add a tick box with common reasons to explain why you did or didn’t have fun. (Ie. Difficulty too hard, don’t like the map) things like that.
Knowing why people are or aren’t enjoying a game might help isolate specific problems.
Or not. What do I know.
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It is good to see it is actually being used by you guys.
But, and I think I know the answer already, the only info you get from it is the killer being played, perks on both sides as well as items and add ons right?
But if people uses 1 pip to indicate they didn't have fun because,
A: the killer slugged right from the start and left them on the ground to die or ended the game by hooking them and there were no kobes.
B: the survivors rushed the gens as fast as possible say like within 4 or 5 minutes.
That kind of info would not be included in the info right?
If not than that would make it a bit of a incorrect info and you might even change things in perks or add ons because of the faulty info.
Just wondering here 😉
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Yeah I hit '1' most of the time - solo survivor.
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I'm doing it. When I find survivors who I wreck in 3 seconds with Bubba, I'll vote 1 because it was too ez, I'm wasting time of my life, seriously. When I find really good survivors, no matter if I lose or not I'll put 5
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Only one purpose 5/5 for every facecamp bubba gotta keep the spirt of dbd alive and well.
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I highly doubt this has any bearing on anything, whether it’s “looked at” or not
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thing is I don't see what use it is, you say it's for internal use only yet when you talk about any changes this is not referred to or even mentioned it is used. Give me a GOOD reason to use it and I'll use it, otherwise it's part of the UI that I ignore because I don't see the results in any tangible sense. I grant it is possible that it IS something that has affected me in a change or two, but I do not know so I do not use it. If you want people to use it, please show where it has affected the game AFTER the changes go in. "Well we changed this map because the majority of matches against different killers was rated as not fun so we hope that this change will change that." That's all we need to understand that this "RATING" does affect what happens and isn't just busy work for us at the end of the match.
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Ever since noticing the rating system, I've tried to remember to use it every match. As a major fan of the game, I want to do everything I can to help provide feedback for improving/maintaining the game I love.
On another note, I find it quite ironic that this fanbase is so considerably toxic, pessimistic, and demanding of improvement - yet won't provide information in the form of a rating scale that takes 2 seconds at the end of a match.