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(OUTDATED) these proposed changes wouldn't work well

Chavan Member Posts: 9
edited December 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

So since I saw people complaining about Legion, saying their ideas how to buff him, I started investigating, I have been looking around watching videos with legion, people playing as and against him, looking at some people's ideas; and I noticed that the changes people suggest the most are just reverting some of his aspects to be similar to the original one.

So I thought about this for a bit and I came up with three changes:

The first one has been actually requested by people a bit which is: Give mending skillchecks, when you miss the skillcheck you will loose 25% of your deep wound timer.

The second thing is 15% Slower generator repair while in deep wound, this is because of all the people complaining about survivors rushing gens in Legion's TR.

And the last thing I have come up with is: if you hit a survivor with killer instinct all survivor's mending will be stopped for a few seconds, it will not stop the mending action itself but it will stop the bar from progressing for a few seconds while the DW timer is still going, and if you weren't mending at that time then the ability to do so will be blocked for these few seconds

This post is (OUTDATED), back when I came up with these I didn't think about balance tbh, I just wanted something "cool" and these changes surely don't fix the Legion's problem.

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