Toxic/Salty Killer's have a serious issue

Kikki Member Posts: 536
edited August 2019 in General Discussions

I and 2 friends of me was enter a game and we got a Pig with K.O and a hex totem perk.She downed 3 of us and let them on the ground and wanted to find me.2 guys died because I think bleeding out? Then she got and downed me.We wasn't toxic and she goes over me only to want to T-bag me.Seriously why???? We wasn't T-bagging or Toxic.I think it was only because of the Killer got mobbed from a another SWF Team but why do they have to do it on other people when they hasn't nothing to do with?

Some people need a serious break from this GAME :/



  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Another way of enjoying the game, nothing wrong until they don't bodyblock you in a corner.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536
  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    Dbd youtubers literally based their channel around being toxic. Annoying other people is funny. It's the same logic why it's almost natural to laugh at somebody who slipped and fell on the floor.

  • Acesthetiic
    Acesthetiic Member Posts: 1,077

    It’s survivors and killers. A lot of people on this game are sadistic in quite honesty and that isn’t an overstatement. DBD has brought out the worst in certain people and it’s really a shame. I’ve gotten so many messages to go kill myself, that I’m trash, pathetic and have been called every name in the book. I’ve never have had an experience of a game quite like this. Recently, I’ve gotten a lot of messages that are horrible. And I’m on Xbox, so people go out of their way to tell me a bunch of #########. I never let this kind of ######### get to me, but damn is it a mood killer. It’s why I take a lot of breaks of this game.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    edited August 2019

    lmfao @Kikki are you on PS4, because tonight that's what I've been doing, and I did indeed meet a 3 man SWF and I Tbagged because you were all SWF makes for a better reaction if you chose to send me messages, also because why not, not against the rules.

    Edit: let me voice some other opinions, my fav Pig build is KO, Ruin, Thana and Surveillence, with Face Mask add-on, the purpose is to tremendously slow solo players, while also slowing altruistic SWF. However, the entire build can be countred by SWF. You can tell each downed players location, along with ruin, and when you will heal to get rid of Thana; honestly, if you're bested by a build as such while SWF you may need to reconsider your tactics.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Playing both sides helps to understand the toxicity. I'm not condoning it. But you understand the frustrations. I would suggest to every survivor main play some killer game and the same to killer mains play some survivor game. Use those "OP/GAME BREAKING PERKS"

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Thanks guys for not beeing like Survivor vs Killer^^ I play Killer too so I know how it is to go against a SWF Team.Expecially vs Toxic people but still I don't play that dirty.

    Oh and because I was on a 3 man SWF justified that? Wow... I only wanted to play with my friends and not brain dead randoms but okay.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    You could have just said 'Youtubers'. It's not just DBD.

    There's trolling for CS:S, Fortnite, TF2, CoD, PUBG...The list goes on.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    I can't understand why games like DBD or Overwatch has such Toxic Commiunities because everyone could have fun without those stupid Toxic #########.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    Then here's an idea, you can simply move onto the next game. There's nothing bad about Tbagging, it's an immature way of getting salt as such. There doesnt need to be justification, it's not against rules, nor is it an issue that affects gameplay, the only issue it causes are hurting peoples ego. If you dont like it then just move on.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Seriously you aren't better than a Toxic SWF Team if you do it.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    "brain dead randoms"

    *3 man SWF team gets slugged and bleeds out*

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695
    edited August 2019

    That's two words O_O

    The only thing truly toxic in this game is abusive chats/messages post game.

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Panda???? Ohm??? True??? Monto??? Noob??? Ok well noob a lil but he isn't messaging people calling them trash

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    Of couse we wanted to Heal them but with no terror radius and the possibility of Nurses calling?Play Survivor a while and we can talk again.

  • YaiPa
    YaiPa Member Posts: 1,929

    I'm not gonna call nobody out, also because I think it breaks forum guidelines.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    You're playing dirty yourself. "Cause I don't want to play with brain dead randoms". You're using SWF to boost your ability to survive by not risking playing with randoms and using voice comms.

    Not saying acting like a jerk off like that guy did was justified, but don't act like like you did nothing. Playing that way is fine, the tea bagging was stupid and childish though.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,695

    Getting spammed with vitriol post game is the only thing I think that's 'toxic' about this game.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    #########?! So playing with my friends is Toxic? Because I want to talk with them? That is the most stupid thing I has heard. Let me quess ... you are a Killer Main right? People who playing Survivor too wouldn't say that.

  • Awakey
    Awakey Member Posts: 3,145
    edited August 2019

    We could, but it's more fun to run Prayer Beads and see how many people I can get to DC.

    Edit: Typo

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    People should have a right to play with their friends, I hate how killers get mad at people trying to play with their friends, there are some SWF's that are solely for playing with friends.

    Some are toxic, some aren't, no need to take it out on all of them. A bit selfish really.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    So then why are you teabagging if you know it does this? It's funny?

    Nah, but I bet you can't deal with it, you said PS4? PSN is same as my account here, if you ever see me, bring it on!!

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    I didn't say it was toxic, it's unfair toward the Killer though and is playing dirty. Also, no, I play both. Solo only as Survivor.

    Here is both my accounts. On both PS4 and PC.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Again, didn't say the tea bagging was justified and that he was toxic. Just saying playing SWF was dirty too.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    He probably wanted to just play with his friends, there's nothing selfish about SWF (survive with FRIENDS!!). Killers complaining about people literally playing with their friends is stupid and childish.

    Also, most randoms are braindead on PS4, I should know, I've reached rank 1 consistently solo on PS4

  • Mis5_
    Mis5_ Member Posts: 3

    Made an account just to comment.

    I play both survivor and killer regularly before you go 'go play survivor' like you have about four times.

    One - Playing SWF does give you a significant advantage and disables certain perks. Such as Knock Out. The advantages are : communication. The game was originally made where there was no communication between the survivors, and that's why there's no text chat during the game or voice chat in it full stop. You'd also be able to give your teammates the constant location of the killer if you are being chased, or what generators are done, or how many totems have been cleansed, etc.

    Two - The killer may do that to any clear SWF because how they play - and their perks - could have been countered completely by SWF and yet they still won.

    Three (referring to your remark on how you play SWF instead of with 'brain dead randoms', even though your in a 3 man SWF so will have a random anyways) - Not all Randoms aren't brain dead, unlike how you think they are. Unless you're literally at Rank 17-20. This is on Xbox, at least. Most randoms I encounter save when they see the killer leave, or have other perks to aid them (such as Spine Chill. Amazing perk personally.), and do gens (though skill checks could be an issue due to Internet or a controller issue). The only thing they don't really do is cleanse Dull Totems.

    So personally, it was a lack of your ability to play if she got you all down, when your a SWF so could say 'pick me up' when she's gone - and before you say 'oh but KO hides their aura when your close!', you have more communication, its a lack of good communication at that point - or do gens to try and cause the hatch to spawn so you can hide by it, and then escape if the 3rd person bleeds. At least then you'd have BP.

  • Kikki
    Kikki Member Posts: 536

    I play solo too and it is just painful to watch how brain dead some people play's.I don't want to talk about 2 Killer's or Hook farmer.There are reason's why people play SWF.So playing with a SWF even we only talk about other things than DBD and we still playing dirty only because we play toghether?lol

  • venom12784
    venom12784 Member Posts: 666

    Only one person I can think of is that is toxic but there are no longer with us.

  • SovererignKing
    SovererignKing Member Posts: 1,273

    Its called game balance. The game wasn't balanced for people talking on voice comms. SWF was intended, however the developers already admitted it was rushed and put in the game before it was ready and the game wasn't balanced for it.

    The game was balanced for 4 solo randoms without voice comms. so when you play with friends you're getting an unfair advantage the game wasn't designed or balanced for. Voice comms is yet ANOTHER unfair advantage the game wasn't balance or designed for.

    So yes, you are "playing dirty". Not toxic, but you are gaining advantages you shouldn't have for free. Also, don't act like you're not sharing information and "talking about other things". I highly doubt any SWF on voice comms has nobdy saying who the killer is, one person saying he's being chased, ect.

  • katoptris
    katoptris Member Posts: 3,150

    Maybe she was annoyed by the last game and experience bad vibe from y'all and decided to be an annoyance

  • JoyfulLeader
    JoyfulLeader Member Posts: 571

    One time a survivor told me that they hope I get stabbed to death and burned in real life in really gross and gruesome detail all because I didn't unhook them. Now that's serious issues

  • lostandelirious
    lostandelirious Member Posts: 12

    So killer played the game and you as an entitled SWF think you have the authority to make this post and tell us about it and how unfair it was?

    Some killers don't care for SWF, I recommend learning to play as killer, this will hopefully make you more empathetic towards others in the game.

    I know you said you weren't acting toxic, and playing as SWF isn't toxic, but it does give you a 'boost' whether it carries you to ranks you wouldnt be able to reach solo or just makes the game easier for u and your friends. Killers need to compensate for this extra handicap, in a game that is already weighted against them (in my opinion).

    Tldr: play killer as well as survivor, realise that SWF play breaks the game balance and that the killer may play 'toxic' or have to 'try harder' to get their kills.

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146
    edited August 2019

    @Chaddad2169 oh, the challenge is on now I'll ensure to keep an eye out. But on topic, yes I Tbag because of the reaction it brings out in people; hell I dont need to Tbag to ruin somebodys match, just by design a killers fun and survivors fun are in direct conflict because both are on opposing sides with opposing objectives, and nobody likes to lose. Atop that, simply looking for salt isnt against any rules, if I Tbag in game, how am I at fault for the actions of others, i.e getting salty and sending rage mail or making a forum post to vent over a build that you dont like. There is a very, very simple solution, that's maturity, just be mature and move on, it's as simple as that. I've had my fun just playing the game, the salt is an added bonus that I go for every now and then; also, why not Tbag when a SWF gets shafted even though they can easily counter my build?

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,022
    edited August 2019

    Usually swf are toxic ######### who like to make the killers life miserable. So yeah, in general, killers few swf as selfish.

    Post edited by Rizzo on
  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    There are many reasons people are toxic:

    1. Someone who was SWFing with a Streamer tbagged the killer, streamer got mad and the person's excuse was "Because others have done it to me." So it's a cycle. People do it because others do it to them (which is no excuse, someone just needs to be the bigger person)
    2. They were possibly born that way and their brain tells them to have no emotion.
    3. They were possibly bullied as a child (or currently are being bullied) and feel stronger by taking out their pain on others over the internet (which is basically the same as 1)
    4. They hate how the game is and want to take their frustration with it out on the innocent players.


    Killers should just learn to accept SWF. Just like Survivors need to accept things such as Noed. Both sides constantly bicker about things and they don't realize stuff on their side is just as bad as stuff on the other (because biased towards the side they main).

    All I can say is people REALLY need to grow up. You find Toxicity on every single multiplayer game and it's annoying. Why does it exist? Why are Survivors/Killers like that? I couldn't tell you... And every single reason people find for why your killer was probably toxic is a reason that killer should just quit the game. If people don't like what's in the game, they could either learn to accept it or quit playing (and clearly that killer is not the learn to accept it type). Simple as that.

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    It's one thing losing, it's another thing being teabagged and losing, the OP stated that he just wanted to play with his friends and then you go and do that (not saying that the OP and his friends weren't potatoes, what they did sounded very potato).

    I hate being teabagged and I know the reaction that it can bring, because it's one of the most infuriating things about video games, I only teabag when the killer camps, tunnels or tea bags themselves (as pig or GF).

    The way you played sounded selfish, not the perks you ran or the killer you played but the way you acted was stupid and childish.

    You're telling them to be mature yet you're the one teabagging and ruining their time, and it is sometimes fun to lose, they probably didn't mind losing but they hated being teabagged for it. You won, you should move on too instead of being a prick

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    Sadly for you everyone can have fun with their way and making a thread in the forums won't do something

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Doesn't make the game fun for others though. And the only reason its fun for the person doing it is because it hurts someone else. It's just plain rude. People say they do it for fun but they just wanna screw over someone's day by acting toxic.

    No, making a forum won't make a difference but it's something that needs to be spoken about and frankly games like this need to put a stop to toxic behavior. Otherwise it encourages more and more people to do it.

  • Angelicus23
    Angelicus23 Member Posts: 2,547

    This is happening since 2016 and there are more and more toxic people, keep on the work

  • Venoxxie
    Venoxxie Member Posts: 300

    Ya know, thanks for telling me. I was totally unaware people have always been rude. Especially on games.

    On a more real note, I'm just saying. It's not cool for people to do this and there's absolutely no reason for them to do it. It really should be stopped at some point...

  • SlothGirly
    SlothGirly Member Posts: 1,146

    @Chaddad2169 Of course what I do is selfish, who else do I have to share my killer experience with? Also, ye, Tbagging is childish, but so is getting aggrevated by it; they're no better than the person they're complaining about if they can't see past the most basic of taunts. And again I have fun when I win and taunt why should I care about how the other team feel? Like somebody said on an old post I'm playing as a killer, not an entertainer. If you keep a small minded mentality you can see me as toxic, else you can look at the bigger picture and realy both partys want to have fun, only one is more likely to when they are winning or playing the way they want. So why stop when I'm winning and having fun? Your personal comfort means nothing to me in a PVP game.

  • TheUnendingNightmare
    TheUnendingNightmare Member Posts: 1,172

    Let me guess; you dead hard, pallet, juke and butt dance meanwhilst your friend was nearby with an insta heal ready to fix any mistake you'd make.

    Yeah idk if it's the killer Who was toxic...just saying...

  • Chaddad2169
    Chaddad2169 Member Posts: 748

    I swear almost every person who plays Pig is a 🤬. Don't DC if I teabag your ass 😎

This discussion has been closed.