White ward vs Franklins demise



  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    If the devs put a perk in the game that makes you immune to mori, I would guarantee all of you guys would be hear asking for it to be changed.

    PERK SHOULD NOT OVERRIDE OFFERINGS. It just shouldn't, it's dumb. As killer my only concern is preventing the item use during my game. I couldn't care less if the item wasn't removed from their inventory.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    Why don't you bring a Dev in here, ask them why it works that way, and propose your suggested change to get "an official answer" instead of rambling on?

    It's clear that your bias is so firmly set that us mere normal posters cannot dissuade you.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693
    edited August 2019

    I can count on one hand the number of mori's I've used in the past few months (3 - for 'by your own hands' dailies).

    You're talking about something that doesn't exist and your (not 'the') assumed reactions to a non-existent change.

    This is like watching a car run out of gas on a desert highway :(

    Your feelings regarding perks and offerings hold no weight in the game, out of the game, or, ultimately, to the devs.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    You are missing the point.

    The OP asks for WW to protect from losing your item against Frankie's. You guys are arguing that the offering doesn't say that, which is correct, but that's not what the OP is saying. He is asking for it to be changed.

    None of you have given a valid reason why an item should be removed from inventory if the survivor uses a WW against Frankie's. There is no reason. Make the item drop and prevent them from using it? Yes. Remove it from inventory? No.

    Also both I and the OP have made some valid points, where you guys just want to shout us down because you outnumber us. That's literally been every post here. Maybe if some of you would acknowledge our position we would stop posting, but you just insist on repeating yourselves as if that's conducive to the discussion.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    No, you've made selfish points and ignored every scrap of logic sent your way with unassailible egos that tell you you're right all the time.

    And I've not missed the point; the point is White Ward does ONE thing, and you want to change it to cater to you.

    I'm sick of the argument and it's clear you and the OP won't listen to anyone but yourselves. Maybe if the people who made the game chime in, you'll finally shut up about a change literally only 2 of you want for no reason than you need something to cater to you.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    You have valid points, sure, if the ways the offering, perk, and game work under normal conditions are all discarded.

    No one's trying to stop you from posting, much like no one is forcing you to, either.

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    BBQ only works after a hook (by the time all 3 distortion counters are done, only one MAYBE two gens should need done), the counter to a Mori is don't get hooked or just die on the hook, just pair distortion and calm spirit to counter the Dr then, and I messed up on countering the Spirit. Just take iron will.

    Don't act like removing an item from a survivor is broken when you were able to read what the offering did. It's not some secret or glitch, it says very specifically what it does. It didn't do what you wanted instead of what it says. So obviously it's broken to you.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    Also I want to make a point that, if they don't change it I don't really care. I'm just giving my opinion on the matter and defending my position, which just so happens to fall in line with the OP because it's just dumb that a perk overrides an offerings. You guys keep wanting to compare killer add-ons to this and it's not the same thing. It's PERK > OFFERING. Which is why I bring up a point about DS making you immune to mori. You can be damn sure killer mains would complain about DS if it did that. Offerings should be the penultimate thing in the game, nothing should be able to override them. As of now, Frankie's overrides WW.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Again you fail to see the points made. WW should protect the item no matter what, as in it should be changed to work that way. Not that it's broken and doesn't work.

    Furthermore, all those counters are perks countering other perks, or tactics countering perks. None of them are PERKS countering OFFERINGS. There is no other instance of this in the game. Frankie's V WW is the only time this becomes a thing. So stop making false comparisons that have nothing to do with the discussion.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    The perk is not OVERRIDING the offering.

    it's not turning the offering off. It's not PREVENTING the offering from working if you TRIGGER THE OFFERING BY HAVING AN ITEM IN YOUR HAND WHEN YOU FREAKING DIE.

    It just so happens the offering only works IF YOU HAVE AN ITEM IN YOUR HAND WHEN YOU FREAKING DIE.






  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    Again, you show an ACTUAL bias. You want the ward to function the way you think it should rather than how it actually does and playing to that. It's not a "save my best item and add-ons no matter what". It's "if I die with this item, I don't lose it."

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    So let's make a hypothetical. You use the ward on a plain, no add-on brown tool box. You drop it because you found an engineer toolbox. So instead of saving the engineers toolbox, you want the plain, brown one? Because that the exact situation you're creating.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Okay then I will mark these comments and if you ever make any sort of complaints about anything else in the game I'll just point to this and say "well this is how it does work but you want it to work another way so you are biased".

    That's not how a discussion works. You don't shut down the other side by saying "that's how it is deal with it". If someone brings up valid points for why it should be changed address those points. Otherwise no one has the right to ask for anything to be changed. MOM and DS should have been left as they are because that's what the perks say they do, so deal with it. I'm sure you both can see why that's an unhealthy way of discuss the game.

  • Raccoon
    Raccoon Member Posts: 7,693

    You're wasting your energy.

    It is time to abandon this den of bias and sadness.


    *tosses life preserver*

  • Accorn
    Accorn Member Posts: 89

    *Takes the life preserver* no point in debating when someone just refuses to see the other side.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223
    edited August 2019

    That's your choice as survivor. If you use a WW on some lame item then find a better one, oh well. No one uses a WW like that though. They use it to protect a good item.

    Frankie's isn't a choice. Again comparing apples to oranges.

  • theArashi
    theArashi Member Posts: 998

    Franklin's Demise makes you drop the item so it essentially is making you hit the button for dropping it mid-chase.

    You no longer have it, someone else can pick it up and leave the trial with it. That would duplicate it.

    People back in the day used to DC on death hook to make the item stay behind while they still kept it(because of DC things) which duplicated items.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Oh, I believe in discussing changes.

    Except tons of people have told you it's a selfish, unbalanced idea, and they have shot down every reason you had to wanting this.

    And yet you come around, ignore every sound reasoning as to why White Wars is what it is and should STAY what it is, and claim 'No one has given us any REAL reasons!'

    At that point, it stops being a discussion, since you refuse to admit any opposing viewpoints, and just stomp around ignoring everyone who disagrees and claiming 'you're biased' like the OP did.

    A discussion goes both ways, but the MOMENT people disagree, you shove them off to the side and pretend they did not say anything, or claim their viewpoints are invalid.

    So this stopped being a discussion about 2 pages ago.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    It stopped being a discussion when you resorted to calling bias because someone makes valid points, none of which you have actually addressed you just said "that's how it is deal with it" or "everyone agrees I'm right therefore we are right".

    There is nothing selfish about wanting an offering to override a perk. Which BTW, since Frankie's unwillingly knocks the item out of your hands it DOES counter a WW because the item is no longer in your hands and it wasn't your choice to use it up or drop it.

    Like this is the same thing you did in several other threads. You resort to ad hominems and never actually address points made by the other side. You just shout down and then get everyone to bandwagon with you.

    "A discussion goes both ways, but the MOMENT people disagree, you shove them off to the side and pretend they did not say anything, or claim their viewpoints are invalid."

    No I actually address the points you make and offer counter points. You guys on the other hand have not done this in the slightest. You just repeat the same points I've provided counter points and do nothing to advance the discussion beyond "that's how it is deal with it" which is exactly what someone would do to shut down the conversation.

    You don't believe in discussing changes. Literally everything someone says that is in any way shape or form benefiting survivors you have shot down in the same way. Then you call bias and all this other nonsense to hide the fact you never made any actual points of discussion.

    But whatever, like I said I don't care if it gets changed or not. I'm just providing my opinion and reasons for wanting a change to something. Unless you can offer something of more substance than "get over it that's how it is" then there is nothing to discuss here.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,953

    This discussion took an interesting turn and I can totally see both sides of the argument, however I will still stand by my feelings that the White Ward should not be changed to override it's current conditions. If an item is used or dropped the White Ward should not protect it - otherwise there would be many instances of Survivors bringing insta heals or keys into a trial and giving them to other survivors who then escape with the item - effectively duplicating the item. I don't believe that would ever be something that would be implemented in the game and nor should it.

    Franklins Demise does over ride the White Ward and it is probably the only offering that is over ridden in this way, but that doesn't mean that the offering should be changed, I always think that bringing an item into a trial is a risk (which is why I never do it and prefer to plunder personally, cos I like to hoard my items), there is no guarantee.

  • Mandy
    Mandy Administrator, Dev, Community Manager Posts: 22,953

    And I will remind all of you, please stick to the discussion - argue the point of the discussion but do not attack the person making that point please.

  • thesuicidefox
    thesuicidefox Member Posts: 8,223

    Which is a valid point, however there are already measures in place to prevent item duplication when using WW, as the item disappears on death. It could very easily be changed to prevent other survivors from taking the item at all, even if dropped, as a means to prevent duplication.

    Furthermore, while bringing an item is a risk, that risk is meant to be removed when you use WW. That's the whole point of using it, to protect your item. The fact a perk can override this offering is upsetting. Like I said before, if a perk like DS or MOM blocked a killer from performing a mori on you, there would be a great backlash from killer mains, you can't be your sweet tookus. If you come into the match without a WW, then it's fair game, but when you bring a WW it's there to specifically stop you from losing the item (except when you CHOOSE to either use the entire item or drop it, which is something entirely in your control as survivor).

    And I don't expect it to be changed, just making my voice heard that it's a bad design decision to allow a perk to beat an offering, especially when that offering's sole purpose is to protect the item.

  • mutabletiger4
    mutabletiger4 Member Posts: 185

    Item gets removed from hand, item is no longer in inventory when you die, because you were not HOLDING the item at the moment of death. And if you don't want to lose items, don't use items