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Killer Perk: Wisp/Domino Curse

Any time a Hex totem is destroyed it instead moves to any free dull totem on the map (yes, this can overwrite that last totem and block off noed. And yes, you can technically have 5 haunted ground procs) This continues until their are no more dull totems. Every time the hex moves, the new totem glows with greater intensity than the previous one (becoming more and more like a beacon with time)

Note: Notification for a destroyed totem only occurs when there is no dull totem for it to move to. Pay attention to your UI

I'd have the tiers control the intensity increase so that, t1, the first time a Hex breaks the dull that lights up is like a lighthouse. T3 that wouldn't be the case until the last dull is consumed.

I'd also like to have the broken totems subtly fall towards the new totem to signify the invisible curse moving.

The reason I'd want so much giving away the location of the new totem is because, this isn't a perk to keep your totems alive indefinitely any more than Thrill is. It's just to slow down their destruction. To make that Devour 3 stack last to the 5th stack without excess tunneling and slugging.


  • virtushda
    virtushda Member Posts: 17

    This is certainly interesting... Though I feel like 5 haunted ground procs is just bananas.

  • Ark_the_Bonsai
    Ark_the_Bonsai Member Posts: 867

    The thing is, if survs break haunted 5 times in a row it's kinda their fault. It'd be pretty obvious what you have on the build after the second time it goes off. That's also why I didn't want the explosion to go off til the last one. the killer would be forced to guess which of the two haunted totems was broken to be able to punish the one who broke it. They'd have to hope for godly timing.

    Though I realized, since Haunted takes up two totems, you'd only get 4 procs if you were lucky. Doesn't change it much, but still.

  • virtushda
    virtushda Member Posts: 17

    Breaking one Haunted Ground totem returns the other as a dull totem, so you could easily get 5 procs.