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Borrowed time not appearing in Bloodweb

I have borrowed time tier 1 on Jake Park ever since they released Bill tier 2 has not popped up in my bloodweb, do I need to unlock borrowed time from Bill in order to get tier 2 into my Bloodweb? It's rather frustrating.


Best Answer


  • meshitrash1
    meshitrash1 Member Posts: 20

    Thought the developers said if you had it unlocked you wouldn't need to re unlock it?

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    They said you’d need to unlock it again if you wanted it in future bloodwebs.

  • Crazewtboy
    Crazewtboy Member Posts: 1,259

    When Bill released, the perk did in fact lock up as one of his teachables. While you can't unlock Borrowed Time anymore until getting the teachable first, you still kept any tier of it that you had unlocked previously on other characters.

  • Wylesong
    Wylesong Member Posts: 642

    If i understand right if I buy the perk from the Shrine I can only get tier 1? If that is true I bought DS from the Shrine but never level Laurie Strode but all my characters have DS tier 2 and 3. I unlocked Borrowed Time from the Shrine and still have not once found it on any tree. Are certain perks more rare than others and show up in the bloodweb more than others?

  • Fibijean
    Fibijean Member Posts: 8,342
    edited January 2020

    Only to the extent that their colour dictates. More common (yellow or green) perks tend to spawn more at low levels in the bloodweb, and rarer (green or purple) perks tend to spawn more at higher levels. Beyond that, it's just RNG. Decisive Strike, if anything, is a rarer perk than Borrowed Time, so in your case that's just bad luck.

    Also, this topic is from several months ago. If you have a question, particularly if it's a different question from the one the OP asked, as in this case, it's best to create a new thread to ask your question rather than reviving an old one.

  • LordGlint
    LordGlint Member Posts: 8,830

    BT tier 1 works just fine imo... The difference between the ranks are kinda minimal since it only lowers the amount of time you have to mend when your standing still.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited January 2020

    Once you buy a perk from the Shrine, you can level it up in your blood-web to get tiers 1 through 3.

    That's how it works, but you can also unlock it by leveling Bill up to level 35. Once he's level 35, it'll show up as an unlockable perk in his blood-web, and once purchased it's unlocked for all your Survivors.

    In the case of how console used to work, it would unlock it for everyone AGAIN. Anyone Survivors that already have the perk can't max it out to tier 3 until it's unlocked for every Survivor again... so unless they have tier 3 already, than the other tiers won't show up in the blood-web again.

    in the case of how the perk rng works...

    As far as spawns go, it's all RNG. No perk is special over the others, and it honestly depends on how lucky you are to get it. You could level up to P3 and not get Ruin until level 40... it honestly just depends on luck.

    While the Prestiges do help with the rarity issue, it's all dictated by RNG.

    But to be basic about it...

    Once you unlock it again through Bill or the Shrine, it'll be unlocked in everyones blood-webs again. If you don't unlock it again, than you won't see it in the blood-webs anymore. This is because of Bills implementation changing how the perks are obtained.

    As far as if it'll show up again in the blood-web after you re-unlock it for every Survivor... that's all up to RNG right there.

  • ZtarShot
    ZtarShot Member Posts: 838

    The OC isn't talking about the shrine. They're talking about Bill's introduction to console.

  • FireHazard
    FireHazard Member Posts: 7,314
    edited April 2020

    I don't know if this was directed to me, since I mentioned the shrine, but I'll just assume it was and speak generally to keep on-topic with what I and others have said.

    The Shrine of Secrets was mentioned because a lot of console players got BT, Unbreakable, etc from the shrine BEFORE Bill was released to console. Since his release to console, anyone who had his perks before his release had to get those perks all over again through his Blood-Web or the Shrine of Secrets again. So that's why it's being mentioned above in the first place, since a lot of these questions related to Bill didn't really know about this issue.