Suggestion: Adrenaline Rework

So a user named WitchyKitty_ and I chatted up in SattelizerGames' twitch chat about a rework of the perk Adrenaline and this is what we came up with:
For the most part, the current effects of Adrenaline remains but only if you're not in the killer's grasp or on the hook, for those the following happens:
In the Killer's grasp: When the perk activates, you're able to struggle for 25%-30% faster (overrides Iron Grasp AND Agitation), when you get freed, you become exhausted (Extra undecided balancers: You gain a very quick sprint boost OR the Killer is stunned for 15% longer)
On the hook: When the perk activates, you immediately jump off the hook but you gain the following based on the 2 hook states:
Tier 1: You become exhausted, broken and hindered for a lengthy duration (Undecided: 30-45 seconds for highest tier).
Tier 2: You gain Deep Wound (requires you to self mend, no one can help you), mangled and exhausted (Undecided: Exhaustion last for 60 seconds for highest tier).
This rework may require a rework of Deliverance, but we're unsure about that and will leave it up for debate along with this suggestion.
Ok, a quick update for this suggestion in regards to being on the hook:
Instead of getting off the hook instantly, we came up with 2 different ideas:
Idea 1: You the Survivor have a choice on WHEN you want to pop off the hook (both Tiers), but you must pass a skill check (Difficulty: Very Tricky)
Idea 2: A new type of skill check (like an interactive one) that A) forces you to stop looking around and B) is tricky to do.
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No. I understand Adrenaline is strong, however, it is not needing a rework. Think about, in all reality, how conditional the perk requires. The perk literally requires for survivors to complete all objectives. This means it is 1 time use, and only in 30-40% of situations. On top of this, it gives exhaustion.
(Full disclosure, I have 500+ hours and am rank 1 in both survivor and killer consistently.)
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The perk could activate right before you get hooked and then it does nothing.
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Or activate just after you get on the hook and just kill you faster. Current adrenaline is completely fine in my opinion, and i don't see a reason to rework it. Is it strong? Of course it is. Is too strong? No. Not at all.
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The only issue is that most of the endgame perks are too weak for survivors (Wake Up, No one Left behind (WHY IS THAT STILL ENDGAME ONLY))
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Adrenaline is fine.
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Nerfing the meta would force all the players to choose from either crap or nothing. Let's just buff NOLB, Hope and Wake Up
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I don't want to see more perks on the same level as adrenaline. That's one of those perks that leave a killer no chance.
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So, you lose 5 gens, you didnt kill any survivor, they reach the endgame and escape, but you had no chance?
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What? No. With adrenaline you're not "have" no chance. That perk LEAVES no chance after it's activation. For most m1 killers activation of adrenaline is a heartbreaker.
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But if the survivor made it to the end game is your fault. You should kill them before it. Also not every single time a survivor has adrenaline it work because he may not be injured or in chase. There has to be a lot of things going on the get use of this perk, and it can only negate a kill if the survivor was chased injured around an exit gate.
Its a super situational scenario. I am not saying it isnt strong. Im saying that it isnt OP or impossible to deal with
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Except when it's not killers fault. You're starting the old polemic of deserving and not deserving something.
I'm not saying it's OP, it's a bad design for a perk. It encourages an unhealthy state of the game. With adrenaline, survs encouraged to finish ASAP, drag away rescues, because rescue with triggered adrenaline is (arguably) safer, ignore healing, ignore all other objectives to "seal the deal" faster. This is literally the most anti-m1 perk in the game.
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I dont want to start anything. I know where these things can go. Adrenaline shouldnt be the example of "balanced perk" for ALL the others perks. I agree with that, but it isnt even that far away. There are plenty of bad designed perks for both sides (and i dont want to nominate them since it everyone knows how fast things can get bad).
But going back to the original topic: Adrenaline.
I dont think it need any rework/nerf/buff at all. Nerfing is a thing that in my opinion is generally bad for the games, unless in some extreme cases. If only 6/7 of 64 perks are used, and the reason is because the other 56 are basically worthless, maybe is better to buff and rework a lot of stuff than nerfing the only 6/7 aviable choice (and again, this is true for both sides). I know thats is a lot more work than just destroy a few perk and call it "balancement" but is what the devs should aim for.
This community should help the devs eith that. I am not blaming them because they are overwhelmed with nerf request and as soon as they try to touch something they get another tsunami of complaint from the other side. I dont want to talk about it either, because this is not the place, but i wanted to make clear my point of view
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Wouldn't this just be a buff? Why would you let survivors unhook themselves? The survivors don't also need extra benefits when they're being carried.
Adrenaline is already a very powerful win more perk, we don't need to buff it.