So... About NOED...



  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    Really? Because doing bones takes time, there's no counter? 🙄

    That's not how it works, man. Being able to turn off NoED for the rest of the match is a counter. It literally counters NoED.

    Just because you don't want to do it does not make it any less of a counter.

    The whole point of Totems, regardless of which totem it is, is to slow down the match and force Survivors to sneak around looking for them, which is dangerous.

    By your logic, 'totems are dangerous and slow, so they have no counter', the only balance would be to put every totem next to a Survivor at the start of the match so they're not so 'unfairly' risking a hook to break them.

  • Frozen
    Frozen Member Posts: 30

    what is point of this "counter" if you lose because of such a huge timewaste? technically it's counter, but in fact it not reliable and make you and your team dead, so it's not really counter. its just stupid statement like as "instaheals/old DS/old MOM is fine just hit one more time", by your logic no matter how much time it takes

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    The point of Totems is to WASTE TIME.

    They exist to make you wonder 'Does the Killer have an Hex perks?' and 'If I don't do Totems, will I get NoED'd?' and 'Can we win if we ignore Hex: Ruin?'

    They exist for the sole purpose of forcing Survivors off of Gens. So you're whining about something working as intended.

    May as well say 'Killers hitting Survivors is OP because it prevents us from doing Generators!'

    They exist so you can't Genrush. But, once again, Survivors think anything that stops a 2 minute win is OP.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,246

    NOED isn't this mythical crutch that survivors think it is. The onlt people struggling against it are green and yellows. I run NOED for my endgame builds and the dulls get cleansed most of the time. It is very much feasible. If it does happen to go off, I usually get one down before the NOED totem gets cleansed. It's not a great perk, and it really handicaps you until endgame.

  • Hiralex
    Hiralex Member Posts: 10

    You don't want any second chance perk for killers? Okay, remove NOED.

    But, remove adrenaline, ds, borrowed time, dead hard, deliverance and every instaheal.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    No, no! What you don't understand is second chance perks are only unfair for KILLERS.

    Everyone who complains about NoED being 'unfair' 'OP' or 'crutch' operates on the same 1 thought: 'Anything that keeps ME from winning is OP. Anything that HELPS me win is clearly in need of buffs.'

  • Mindcraft57
    Mindcraft57 Member Posts: 6

    Sure that’s fun, but I feel like this is one of the more balanced changes, there could even be a sort of tinkerer side to it, where it would curse the survivors when a gen hits 75%, so they’ll still have a bit of a surprise

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    May I also remind you that they are 3 other survivors in the game ? you're putting it like if you were the only survivor, but they are at least 2 survivors doing gens at the minimum and 1 survivor looping the daylights out of the killer. Going back to what you said, 15 min per totem, while 2 are doing gens and let's go to a maximum 30 secs to find each totem. Game would really only last for 2-3 minutes longer than the usual 5 minutes.

    So at best we're looking at an 8 miminute game and with that being said 8 minutes games aren't as bad as you claim they are. I usually go in a 2 man swf for the purpose to have my friend do all the looping while I focus on gens and totems I find along the way. don't bother giving me the solo survivor excuse because others here who do solo survivor in this comment section don't find a problem either. I might not be a rank 1 survivor but I'm also not stupid.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    NoED is fine. The ones that get salty over NoED are the ones who are too lazy to do bones, or get unlucky and can't find the right one, & assume anything that they don't like should change.

  • Frozen
    Frozen Member Posts: 30

    8-10 minutes enough for experienced killer to win. i already said if killer don't know what he doing it easy to cleanse 5 totems, in your example killer tunnel vision on your friend, who good at looping, but good killer just will not take such an obvious bait, he just rotate for somebody else, he disrespect pallets so at 5 minutes there no many pallets left and survivors screwed cuz you waste time on totems. your excuses, examples how you easy cleanse all totems contains one big problem - you playing vs boostedlord killer, but you always assume that survivors are optimal genrushers(5 minutes games), this is no good for compare

  • HawkAyeTheNoo
    HawkAyeTheNoo Member Posts: 731

    As a solo survivor main i have no issue with NOED, sure its tilting if i get downed by it but sh*t happens. I usually use my teammates as guinea pigs once gens popped to see if they have NOED. I then teabag and leave as theyre popped on the hook. If you aint doing totems during the match i aint doing them after.

    If my fellow survivors cant take a few seconds to pop a totem and just walk by it then they cant really moan about it, plus it gives 1000bp now.

    NOED isnt the problem, you being sh*t and lazy at the game is.

    As you can tell, im a great teammate. ggs.

  • Coriander
    Coriander Member Posts: 1,119

    I cleanse religiously now, and I see more people doing the same, which is good. It also helps with TotH protecting some other Hex, as each successive Cleanse gets faster. Your teammate will have an easier time getting that hex with less dull totems in the map.

  • DoomOrb
    DoomOrb Member Posts: 170

    You know what I'm reading from you? Excuses, excuses and excuses.

    Little man may I remind you that NOED is more commonly seen in the Low Mid-High Mid. Because I don't often see NOED in the low ranks, because don't get me wrong I play survivor too, and while I haven't reached High ranks (mainly because wait times are bad as survivor and I'm not patient enough to wait just to have like a 5 minute game on a 20 minute wait time.)

    But even then in those ranks, especially high mid (purple) I never find any sort of problem against NOED. Other people at that rank cleanse dulls just like me, and the game still ends almost exactly the same as any normal gen rush game.

    Everyone does their part to stop NOED in the case that there is NOED. So do your part or stay like you are. Because the way your complaining is one of a baby would do. With all do respect that's what you are right now. A full grown adult baby.

    We're done here. After this, your comments will not be even valued but toss away like trash. Because that's what your excuses are worth here.

  • Locker_Monster
    Locker_Monster Member Posts: 496

    I love that people whine NoED is OP because 'What if I do totems & he was NOT running NoED? No fair!'


    Either you do them, which means you slow down on Gens & move around the map, risking the Killer finding you.

    Or you ignore them, and risk being NoED'd.

    It's not unfair, broken, or OP. This is literally WHY totems spawn even if the Killer does not run ANY Hex perks; So you always wonder if he has a late-game hex/a hex not readily apparent (like Huntress Lullaby).

    Those of you complaining won't be happy until the game holds your hand and outright says, in bold letters at the start of every round 'THIS KILLER HAS NoED! DO ALL THE TOTEMS!' or 'HE DOES NOT HAVE NoED! GENRUSH!'