Spoilers/leaks of stranger things chapter

Oh ######### oh ######### oh ######### oh ######### oh #########!!!!
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Hmmmn… The images aren't too specific, but it seems like there might be a probability the Demogorgon can travel between tears in the Entity's reality. Meaning this might be the same Demogorgon Eleven accidentally brought into our world.
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What the heck?...
He has something survivors interact with like Pig/Plague. He does something with it too.
I wonder what he will do 🤔
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Steam dlc page
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Plague's power is literally fine lol, people heavily overreact over that one. From these pictures, looks like demogorgon can create upsidedown tunnels, that he can possibly use to travel around. It also looks like survivors can either also go through them, or destroy them.
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the main question is "what upside-downs servs for".
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very likely just to allow him to travel, but we dont know.
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It can put your frens in the hole and you have to get them out . Plus traveling maybe. Idk
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What if when the demogorgan enters the portal he doesn't teleport but goes on the flip side of the map. The upside down
He can interact with survivors from the upside down and can only come out from a portal which can be blocked off temporarily by survivors.
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Why would Demogorgon want to hole the survivors instead of hook them?
Are you picturing some kind of super slugging?
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IDK to stall time or something in some way. I just know they drag people into their burrows in the show so it's a possibility.
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It looks like the Upside Down is gonna be another level of game slow down! So, the Demogorgon will bring people into the Upside Down to cause some extra pain for everyone.
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Thats , not really how they work in the show at all?
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Itll be a massive loss imo if it is a hard counter to the killer.... this chapter has massive potential the last thing they want is the demogorgon being a laughing stock in the game
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How does it work? I know people ended up in the burrows twice and the second time was a rescue mission to get one of the kids or some #########. I'm just going from what I remember.
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Not leaks, these are from the official steam page. If you want to see better versions just check there.
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@Jesya, in case of plague - its win or win situation. Or you are going to play all the match broken, which is aint good for you in mean of stealth AND chase, or you are going to face quite powerfull vomit (aka minigun hatchets), which is also bad for survivors. Also, if you want to controll the game, you may take apples, so you basically have something ready. Just saying, cuz i have a friend Plague main on red ranks
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Maybe the generators will be split between the regular world and The Upside Down, and you'll have to enter The Upside Down to complete one or more generators to escape.
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It's going to look really, really, weird seeing this Demogorgon hook survivors
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I'm actually thinking whether it will even be hooks, it could just be dragging Survivors to the portal and Survivors have to dig them out.
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We actually dont know that it does, there seems to be an absence of hooks in any of the screenshots, plus this Demogorgon seems like its more of a rabid beast loose in the entities realm, than a direct servant like the other killers.
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@Catbucket There's a hook right here in screenshot 3
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You are absolutely right.
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You say that till you face a swf squad that knows how to loop her..her gens get done faster than any killer because her pressure is negated by essentially having no power unless you force a cleans..it isnt fun to have survivors dictate when your power works-_-
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It's always about the hypothetical A Team SWF squad. They're an outlier.
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Ah ah ah, not that big an outlier..and the devs are trying to boost solos to their level. So they'll be the common occurence eventually
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4 man SWF squads aren't particularly common. A Team unbeatable ones that are god tier loopers are extremely rare. It's just easier to assume you got beat by 4 God tier players than by a group of average skill players that simply outplayed the killer.
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As I said. They wont be rare before long..its clear your not getting what I'm saying to you..you cannot pretend these are a 1 and 100 match occurence be cause they are not...I've seen it from both ends of the isle
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No, the God tier SWF group is extremely rare. The ones you're thinking of are average players that just outplay you. And closing the gap between solo and swf doesn't mean there's going to be more god tier SWF players. But you know what, you do you. Blame your losses on someone else all you like.
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A really good swf group is probably 15% of the time in my opinion. It varies depending certain things. But this is my rough estimate.
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Lol someone is upset..I take it your a survivor player...it would explain your bitter attitude towards the thought that swf needs to be taken into account in balancing..but hey man..your not worth the time needed to spell it out if your going to act like a moody teenager
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Maybe..but the amount doesnt matter when the fact is they do exist and need to be accounted for
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That's all skill levels, not just top tier SWF groups. 4 man's alone are closer to 7% overall. Only a very very small portion of that are the god tier survivors everyone blames.
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Nah I'm a hag main. Nice try tho, I just don't see SWF as a big problem. But if you do then hey, good luck to you.
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I'm sure you are hmhm, but as I said..your clearly getting upset so I'll bid you adieu
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Someone's not too good at reading emotions then it seems. But you do you.
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Guys, this thread is for discussing any leaks regarding the new chapter. No beef here, please.
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I mean even 2 or 3 man swf are really strong if they can do basic things well. 47% play in groups about 15% of overall games have pretty strong swf groups of varying sizes.
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Average survival rate is around the same regardless of group size though. A little higher for 4 man's but not by as much as you'd expect.
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Because they're more likely to ditch the solo players which also skews the data. Also swf disconnecting skews the data.