End of game hooking.

Okay, i have had this situation and i am sure all of you have too, you haven't been hooked all game, you are the last one, hatch is locked or not locked but you are on a hook. Why is it fair that the last survs just die? what if they have deliverence or what if they can use that small, 4% chance to get off the hook, and to give the last person, some chance? Just a thought, it may not happen with the 4% chance, but with deliverence, gives them a glimpse of hope maybe? Yes some killers do camp at the end, some go trotting off, some hit trees with their weapons. It is just an idea, it sort of is a bummer.
Because there is no point in making the killer wait 2 minutes unless you want to be toxic.
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Tell your teammates to stop leaving you high and dry...very team oriented game, start to finish...not just start to gens done, now Everyman for himself!!
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Well if the hatch isn't closed and no door open, just never know? there wouldn't be the 2 minutes, but it's like been slugged, and having to wait that two minutes until you die lol.
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I understand the drive to speed things along if I'm the last survivor left, and loss is inevitable. But if I haven't been hooked all game, at least let me live through the first phase so I can pop Deliverance. And would it be too much to ask that they just give me the full +893 struggle BP if they're gonna auto-kill me?
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@IMhereRUN lol sadly not all team mates, solo ones are team oriented, i just feel perhaps it may help the poor soul at the end lol
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Speaking of slugging, would you rather that happened?
Because if your idea gets implemented, the killer will just stay at the hook in case of Deliverance. Then, if you Deliverance yourself, you can bet your ass that you are just going to stay there on the ground because of DS.
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@Tzeentchling9 true but that happens IN GAME too :) and sometimes all throughout it's a small chance but never know.
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Yes, I would rather that happen because I get points for those actions
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What if you get hooked and they go away to close the hatch for their points? a chance to get off the hook?
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Here's the thing; deliverence & the 4% don't matter if you're the last one alive. The Killer will just watch you get off the hook, hit you, and put you back on.
You literally cannot escape.
'But Locker! The Killer walks away after hooking me as the final Kill!'
Yes..because you are going to die. If they changed it to allow escape attempts, 99% of Killers would just stare at you since they no longer need to find other Survivors, the Hatch, or Gens.
So you promptly die, since there's no way you will get away. It speeds things along.
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@Locker_Monster i thought people wanted for the game to slow down not speed along, yes they can just stare at you, what if you have adrenaline? campers will stop and stare too throughtout the game
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People want to slow down the gen speed, not the time it takes for the last person to die.
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They want the MATCH to slow down. Not wait 2 minutes on the final, guarenteed kill.
Adren would only proc when the Exit gates are powered, which means you are either not alone at that point/were hooked prior to the final gen (and thus can try to escape) or you got hit to be hooked afterwards.
Either way; Adren would be a moot point.
There's literally no point to force a 2 minute wait on Killers when you're the last one dead, except for spite. You won't get away. Adren will not matter, you'll jump into the Killer's arms with the 4% or Deliverence as well.
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@TAG ah okay well mori's will sure speed up any last person dying lol
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@Locker_Monster it's not out of spite but what about killers who wait that 2 minutes keeping the last person alive by picking them up and dropping them? survs have to wait sadly if the killer decides to just keep picking them up until the entity has them for breakfast.....
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They could force use to attempt escape and force us to die if we didn’t escape.
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That's a form of spite. 'If Killers can force Survivors to bleed out, Survivors should be able to make Killers wait.'
Yeah; it sucks. Survivors need a 'RIP' button that activates:
1) If they have been slugged longer than 60 seconds (it de-activates if they are picked up, hooked, or healed back to Injured/Healthy)
2) If they are picked up and dropped more than 3 times in a short period of time.
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@Locker_Monster the RIP button sounds a good idea
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Because it's over. You're done. GG.
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Should this change be implemented it'd be redundant as hell. At that point the game is over, no one is coming to save you since they are all dead.
Killers already camp a first hooked survivor if they happen to hook them before the other person could be registered as 'Scarified' while they were hooked. Bloodpoints awarded for missed struggle points on first hook would be nice, but that is rewarding failure.
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Basically because the killer could just stand there and wait for you to unhook yourself and instantly down you. The amount of situations where it would actually make a difference and lead to an escape would be incredibly slim and it's not worth wasting everyone's time just in case the stars align and you get away.
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The last chance for the last Survivor was the situation before being hooked.
Once the last one is hooked, the devs have deemed that to be game over.
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Why not just make them auto attempt escape so they can’t prolong it? I’ve been hooked next to an open gate with deliverance and Ds ready to go but just because my teammates left, two of my perks get negated? Doesn’t seem fair.
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You ran out of last chances, is all. The devs don't need to keep giving Survivors every single last chance possible.
You already have a plethora of perks (Adren, DS, Deliv, etc), plus the hatch, plus keys to open the hatch early, or after the Killer closes it. Not mentioning perks to open the gates quicker, or perks to sprint faster in a chase..
If you're the last one on the map & get caught; you lose.
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Exactly this.
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This doesn’t even make sense. How can I run out of last chances if I didn’t even get to use them? If I’ve played well enough to not get hooked all game and still have my perks left why shouldn’t I be able to use them?
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Is it game's fault that your teammates left you alone? D:
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Yes because the game is punishing me for something that I have no control over. As a solo player I have no way of telling my teammates to stay, and often more than not the killer will just chase them out first.
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It used to be the whole point of the game, until swf was introduced.
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Swf has always been an intended feature of this game. And even if it wasn’t, what’s your point? Punishing solo survivors isn’t the way to balance this game lol.
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I think there's a difference between the game being over when you're hooked and the game being over when you're downed. What about survivors who have DS, Boil Over, Flip Flop, Unbreakable, or the hook is far away? I feel like built in cypress is just hand holding, personally.
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It's not punishing solo players. You die if you're a last person even if you're in SWF. It punishes lack of teamplay. They didn't care so you died. Blame them for letting you die. Teamplay in SWF is better than in random, there is that.
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If the killer is already there then unbreakable is gonna be useless, flip-flop will likely only work if you’re in a corner but the killer can just slug camp you, boil over is a wasted perk slot. DS is the only one that could really help you there.
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There are situations where perks could save you, though. Especially if you get downed running to the open exit and the hook closest to the exit has been used. Boil Over being weak is not a good reason to remove one of the few situations where it could help you.
Adding built in cypress Mori would close off a bunch of potential hail Mary plays but it would realistically only make the game end like 5 to 15 seconds sooner. I don't think it's a good trade off.
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Well yeah that’s my point. Swf groups will know not to leave their teammate behind if they have deliverance Ds etc. but as a solo you just have to pray that your teammates don’t leave you behind. This mechanic of sacrificing a survivor automatically if they are the last one punishes solos more than swf, and there has been a solution suggested that would allow survivors their last chance while not being a waste of time for killers.
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Let me just say that: there is nothing more lore friendly than to kill the last survivor with them knowing that they lost their last chance because their teammates left them.
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You shouldn’t be using lore to balance a game lol. Besides don’t the final girls usually live?
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Well, you wanting to get more points is nothing about balance, so lore can be used there :P Also the last girl usually the one that everyone agrees to never talk about because she was the only one left behind so everyone else could escape.
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I don’t really understand what you mean in your first sentence. But usually the final girl/protagonist manage to overcome great odds and escape the killers grasp even when all Hope seems lost. But this is getting off-topic anyways.
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My point was that lore doesn't matter only if it's a balance issue. And it doesn't look like what you're complaining about is a balance issue.
Only if she is the only one survived. Not when everyone else left her. In that case it's opposite, she probably would become a next killer. Yeah, off-topic, I know.
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My original post was 100% about game balance. You are the one who brought up lore?
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Your first post was about fairness, not balance. All opposing posts stated that only thing it would do is drag out the game. Seriously, it's the same as not letting the game end quickly to give the killer some more teabags at exit gate. Look at me, you can't pick me up for more 60 seconds or I'll escape! Haha. Your suggestion with auto-escaping also forces killers to facecamp the last survivor even harder. So nothing, but bad things about that balance wise.
Anyway, that's just my point of view. I just happen to not agree with you.
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Ummm what?? Balance and fairness go hand in hand; If something is unbalanced it’s obviously not fair for one side. What a weird argument to make. And it’s okay to disagree with me, I happen to disagree with you too lol. That’s what having a forum discussion is for.
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Is a locker monster an angry Dwight with head on?
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Well, yes, bat also no. In asymmetric games fairness and balance are very different things. In those games balance is reached with counterbalance of unfair things on both sides.
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1) I'm always angry.
2) I'm always Dwight
3) I don't have any teachable Survivor perks yet :P
But no, I was just pointing out that it's basically futile to have a hook escape of you're the last one alive. The killer will be 2 feet away when you unhook.
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Because of the ~95% of games where it's just a waste of everyone's time.
You're the last survivor, you got caught, you lost. Move on.