Oblivious effect will make stealth killers useless

The effect will actually inform survivors that the killer is using its power or perk to hide himself.
As much as i like the undetectable effect for killers, having survivors knowing whenever im gonna use pig's,warith or ghostfaces power will make them less usefull.
i'm glad i'm not the only one who noticed that these 2 status effects cancel each other, i really hope that's not the case though...
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@Peanits @not_Queen are you guys aware of this? The new effect will actually hinder killers because it straight out tells survivors that the killer either used its power to remove its terror radius or the perk is active.
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I dont uderstand anything on this post. Do you think that being stealthy with wrait will make the survivors oblivious?? Because thats not the point at all.
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this is from the new post from devs : https://forum.deadbydaylight.com/en/discussion/82749/designer-notes-new-status-effects-and-bloodweb-changes/p1?new=1
Oblivious is a status effect applied to unfortunate Survivors that have no understanding that a Killer is nearby.
When a Survivor is Oblivious, the following effects are applied:
- The Survivor does not hear The Killer’s terror radius.
- The Survivor is not affected by any effects that are conditional to being inside of a terror radius.
Being Oblivious makes a Survivor completely ignorant of a Killer in close proximity, but at the same time, they also ignore the effects of Coulrophobia, Unnerving Presence, Infectious Fright, and other terror radius perks.
As with the Undetectable status, Survivors will have the opportunity to experience this effect when playing against the new Killer in the upcoming chapter release. Following this, we will include Oblivious in other powers, perks, and add-ons in later patches. "
they will get the notification that the killer used either his power (pig crouch, GF nightshroud or wraiths bell) thus eliminating the stealth.
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it's about telling the survivors when a stealth killer is using his stealth, thus making them look around even more than usual. Which isn't very stealth-like now is it?
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Nope. Not how that works.
Oblivious is not linked with undetectable.
Want proof? Note the difference in these 2 lines:
"We intend to roll out this status effect to other existing powers, perks and add-ons, where relevant, in upcoming chapter / mid-chapter releases."
"Following this, we will include Oblivious in other powers, perks, and add-ons in later patches. "
The first says they are putting in the next patch where applicable.
The second says that besides the new Killer there will be new stuff in future patches for the status. AKA: Not the next patch.
Currently the only confirmed use of the Oblivious status is when a Survivor is interacting with the Demegorgon portals. The difference is that Oblivious effects a Survivor while Undetectable effects the Killer.
Undetectable is the one for stealth Killers.
Oblivious is a status that would go on things like 3rd seal or be applied to Survivors via attacks + addons like other statuses.
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This needs more clarification, from a dev would be better.. :/
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No yu are wrong. Those are 2 separate status effects
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These new effects might only go off if you spot the killer while they are stealthy
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Those effects are separate. Stealth killers gonna get undetectable, and oblivious is a separate effect that will be applicable with perks or add-ons.
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I don't believe they are related.
Oblivious would apply to closing the demogorgon's sphincters, and something already in the game, Hag's Disfigured Ear. Ie, survivors do something and receive the debuff which tells them "you don't know what's going on." Notably, this doesn't include the stain or auras where Undetectable does. It's basically deafness.
Stealth killers however would activate their power and recieve the Undetectable buff, hiding their terror radius and stain, and being unaffected by aura reading. This is a killer buff, and would not apply the Oblivious debuff to survivors. So, the same as it occurs now, survivors would have no clue that you are Undetectable.
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I believe people have a misunderstanding of this. The point of this status effect isn't for stealth killers. This is for killers like Demogorgon where the survivor willingly removes the ability to hear the killer while dismantling his traps based on what they said yesterday. It is something the survivor voluntarily gives up to be able to complete something. An interesting concept for a status effect if you ask me so long as it is something the killer doesn't manually apply to them letting them know.
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Stealth killers will use the killer specific status effect for removing auras, TR, red stain, etc. I believe they are doing this to make all stealth equivalent and consistent across all stealth killers from Pig's crouch to Michael T1 (slight buff to the TR decrease to fully make it zero now I am guessing)
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Obviously it is the killers who are, based on this thread.
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Oblivious is applied while survivors are doing specific actions, nothing to do with input from the killer. The current example, is survivors are oblivious while cleansing portals. Undetectable is the status that would be applied to killers, via stealth abilities. Current example is when the demogorgon passes through its portals.
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oblivious isnt really a heads up, its a status applied while survivors are doing specific tasks. You want to break that demogorgan portal? You have to risk the fact that you will have no idea how close he is to you while doing so.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.1
wasnt just OoO, there are other perks aswell, and other general problems with stealth killers that are being entirely resolved by these two statuses.
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The user and all related content has been deleted.0
They never said the survivors will get a notification that they are oblivious.
These effects are just away to clean up some interactions.
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They did, its a new status, it'll pop up like any other status, but it is NOT tied to undetectable like some people seem to think, its a seperate status, caused by seperate things. Currently caused while survivors are working on sabotaging demogorgon portals.
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A Stealth killer who goes into Undetectable does not give Oblivious to Survivors, there are two totally different effects. Oblivious is applied by certain instances, like touching the Demogorgon Portal, not by the killer being Undetectable.
The killer doesnt know either if Survivors are actually affected by Oblivious.
Hope that clarifies your issues...
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Thank you for explanation that <3
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Do survivors still know if they're oblivious or not?
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Yes, they will get a status effect icon for it on the right.
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FFS... Yes.
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Yeah, I was just curious if it was like Noed where it isn't revealed straight away. Could already think of perk ideas for it but they could still work but just be less effective as the survivors know whats happening.
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Don't need to be so rude. Was just asking a simple question.
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Noeds hiding of exposed, is more a feature of noed than anything else. We could end up getting a perk that secretly inflicts oblivious aswell, but as a general rule, statuses are always made clear to those affected by them.
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I thought undetectable was just a way to inform killers. Like when you are crouching with pig. You are suppose to know that now your TR is gone. But with undetectable you will know exactly when your TR is gone when you crouch cause of undetectable. It will just appear in the corner. Right? Not really a buff but just a quality of life for stealth killers.
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its a pretty considerable buff, it also blocks aura reading.
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As a Wraith main, this is a big relief.
Many thanks for addressing it.
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To summarize because the explanation is getting buried: stealth killers don't put Oblivious on the survivors, they put Undetectable on themselves. Oblivious comes from interactions, like Deafness or Blindness does.
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Undetectable is a huge QOL for stealth killers. OoO shall be no more.
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No spine chill makes stealth killers useless
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They only get oblivious from certain thing, for instance the portals. Which means at that point, you would already know your obivuslius.
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It's necessary to stop overbuffing of stealth killers.
In this game, Killers are now stealthier than survivors. BHVR can't add more Killer Stealth buffs without doing at least this.
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Can't thank you enough for the answer, i was really not expecting one when i made this thread!
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"killers are more stealthier than survivors"
Ok then rank 1 killer , please tell me how to move stealthly around in Blood Lodge.