Looping and the generators.

TL;DR:Looping is really strong ATM and killers are not a threat at all, this is rather 1v1 game atm then 1v4.
Hello, because this is closest you can get to devs, i would like to share my experience.
First i share my experience from a killer side, then from a Survivor one.
My GF got me into this game and i enjoy every bit of it. However, as i play more and more, i noticed that more and more people just walk around me, like i am no threat as a killer. So if i started chase someone, even around a car, they been faster and easily outrun me, or looped me for like 6 loops. Which in meantime, makes me regret my life choices, as three generators get completed. And i only damaged one survivor in a meantime.
Now you can say i can use Ruin or go for another survivor. Which yes is correct, but the next survivor is doing exactly the same as a first one. And when you find out you have ruin, you are without totem faster then you can know it.
From playing all the killers (I bought ALL the DLCs to support devs, now i am not saying that to take some weight to my words, but state that i have AND played everyone) to my observation, Nurse and The Spirit are only killers which can end loops in seconds. And my winrate littelary SPIKED! When i started to play those two killers, why? From my personal opinion, looping is huge issue in the game. Chases should be fast and swift. And i believe (It might be just me) that this game should be more about hiding and not getting spotted by a killer. Which is not necessary ... Because why would you hide when you can outrun him and buy time for other survivors to finish generators? Or you can just do both, hide and if spotted just run.
I feel like this game lost its horror appeal and is more like action packed game, which i find odd and the atmosphere is really weak. And i love this game, but playing killer gets really frustrating. And when survivors play with friends, its even worse. You put someone on the hook, and minute you do that, they are off it.
I try to play as a good decent killer, i am not camping, and as long as there is another survivor which is not hurt i go after the healthy one. So i try not to tunnel, but its sometimes necessary, i hope you pardon me.
As from survivors side.
I find this Ridiculously easy! Even without items and perks, if we have one good looper in our team, he can buy us enough time to finish all the generators. And they have no chance unless they dont camp (And because i am playing mostly solo, the survivors dont know how to deal with that) But if the killer is playing straight and fair, its not hard to survive at all, You only need to find good looping position and be aware of your surrounding and that it.
You either:
A)Buy enough time to win the game
B)Which i find is more common, you outrun a killer. Unless its spirit or nurse.
So from my perspective, playing Hag, Wraith, The Pig, Trapper ... Is almost certain lose on all the levels.
Could it be possible to nerf looping or make game more favourable for the killer?
I feel like survivor can 1v1 me basicaly. And i feel like its not okay, and we talk about survivors which are even random.
And look for survivors mains, i get it, you dont want to lose because of some new people in the game etc. But this game is for survivors about cooperation, and i believe killer should be a threat, and if he finds you, you should feel like you just made huge mistake, not be super safe because you can outrun them. Thats are at least my feelings. And my observation from playing the game. What do you guys think?
looping is just a thing you deal with as a killer. the thing is.. dont get baited into a loop. learn the maps, learn the loops and know when to cut your losses, play against the objective and put pressure on gens . never let a survivor tell you where to go. they will punish you.
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Man if only, if you let on loopers, they will start looping you again. YOU NEED to get a kill and hits, otherwise you will lose eventualy. You cant endlessly push on generators, because you cant protect them all at the same time thats the issue.
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Just play billy
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Why the game should be balanced about playing just certain killers to have chance? It does not sound fair or even fun.
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Then learn how to mindgames survivors if a survivor just loop you 6 times thats bad you have bloodlust you have addons you have perk builds to think whats the good 1s
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I made a similar post and also got "Play Billy" like this is suppose to be okay...
Although you are mistaken about the Hag. Her ability to set up traps that triggers when someone run over is insanely powerful during loops. Especially big toxic ones.
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I find it is rather useful, and alread yused the tactics, but the time it takes to put Hag trap down make it kinda counterproductive. I put traps infrom of everyloop i find while guarding a generators, but thats the best i can personaly do. But i still find it difficult to master this. But i belive i get there. So i hope you are alright on me being wrong :P
Well ... This is definetly not okay. FFS, after game with all 2-3 rank survivors, i got flamed post lobby as total looser and to unistal the game, how do you think i felt? I did my best, yet when survivors can litelary circle around me, something feels really off.
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From playing her a lot don't even bother protecting gens. Use your traps around your totems so ppl can't cleanse them, put some on the outer side of the pallets they would run to if you started a chase, try to remember sometimes your height can help you deceive a survivor and of course put some traps around hooks as most survivors are too dumb to crouch when getting unhooked.
Also, this is new for me but the add-on which cause collision for traps can literally block certain areas. Even when they're not deployed they block a certain space. Although it takes away the ability to teleport to the traps. It can be insane during chases when the survivors become trap in a room when they expected to jump of a window or balcony.
It really helps for those stupid toxic loops...and again that's a tip for the Hag but idk for other killers that cannot set up traps or teleport.
Finally, if you do not really like the trap setting up speed, although from a post rework Hag this is much better since the buff (it use to take a lot longer, a long time ago, to set up traps.) There are add-ons that makes it faster.
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Thats some REALLY amazing tips thank you! Will put some of them in use latter.
But we still have a lot of probles with other killers. To name few Wraith, Trapper, The Shape, Clown etc ...
This game simply needs to get some of the things together. Killers overall feel really weak at this very moment. At least again thats my personal opinion as in OP.
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That's np and I definetly agree.
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i disagree, with the right slowdown perks, you can postpone gates for awhile and kill off the weaker survivors. then you can mess around with the loopers by this time its typically you vs 2 survs, and ill happily take the 3k if i can catch one of these loopers slipping.
i will admit, outcomes may vary against a 4player swf.. played one today that was just awful. theyd break hooks with me feet away and flash light me into oblivion lol. still got a kill and a pip tho
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I respect your opinion sir. Now to counter-argument if you allow. The slowing down perks are Overcharge and Ruin, ruin can be EASILY countered by any good team. And it still dont slow game much. Problem is not in slowing generators. Problem is in killers being so slow especialy in the looping againts survivors. Increasing the generator repair time, just would make it much more tedious and annoying.
Survivors have windows, pallets, smaller hitboxes then killers so they can loop a bit faster then Killers can ... Thats the issue. At least in my point of view.
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Thats a fair arguement, and the counter to that would be noed and blood warden.
But you're not going to win every game, you're going to run into teams that stomp you every now and again. Its just part of playing.
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Not every tile on the map is the same. Switch targets. All survivors have different skill levels and many loops have plenty mind game potential.
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I agree, that odds should be even. My idea behind all this is just that, if Killer spots you, you simply messed up. When killer spots you, he should not chase you ALL around just to HAVE A CHANCE to catch you up. Thats non-sensical in my opinion.
We need a bit more balance, and killer being actual threat. This game turned into action, for both sides, not a horor genre.
What i would like in the future is more hiding spots like was in Friday 13th ... Beds, Stables, curtains etc. etc. The survivors should not outrun you, but outsmart you. Thats in my opinion the main issue. And having "CORE PERKS" to win is not ideal for me ... I like variety and experiment, this disallows it and make future balanicng super hard.
Also NOED is bad :P
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i like your idea.. but noed isnt bad, its a means to counter but i digress lol
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Thank you man!
Also NOED is bad from survivor stance, and i think Devour hope is way supperior perk which makes you earn it.
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After i saw this disscusion i knew most of the poeple will say "play nurse" or "learn too loop" it's alwasy the same <Badword>.
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I feel like most people agree though. Which is nice.
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Yeah but there was some comments like "Much pallets are mindgamebal" and that is not true.
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Ah thats something i can agree on. The thing is, most people dont know how to play survivor good or cooperate. Also they dont need to because playing as killer is really rather EASY ... At least in my opinion, its much less relaxing and frustrating then playing for a killer.
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Okay i feel like i am oficialy ending with this game. Looping and survivors being faster then me as a killer, thats okay i am willing to deal with this. But Survivors using glitches to be invurable like Combine on a wheat fields map ... This is simply too much. This is too strestfull and i need a serious break.
This game as a killer is really frustrating rather than fun, and SFW survivors are the most toxic things i ever meet in my gaming career ,,, (11 years of Service on Steam)