Time to end this

This incredibly stupid fantasy that there's less survivors than killers CauSE kIlLeR lObBy iS lOnGeR
As of RIGHT NOW there is: 120 killers and 406 survivors waiting in lobbies.
I'm not sure if I can link the website showing this, but you can probably google it. There's NEVER less survivors than there is killers. It's always MINIMUM the double up
it fluctuates, and for the most part killer lobby times are longer :/
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It NEVER fluctuates to be more killers than survivors.
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So there are only 526 people currently playing the game?
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Do you know that 120 killers need 4*120=480 survivors? So, only 101 killers can start the game and the other 19 have to wait
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Dead by Daylight is dead. Rip
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Your wrong.
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I'm always surprised how people in the dbd forums can be so oblivious.
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That's not possible because Oblivious hasn't been added to the game yet.
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HAHAH So funny.
Maybe if you actually played the game instead of being a forum warrior you'd know a thing or two about it.
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I agree, I am absolutely sure it is a matchmaking move not a question of numbers.
I think the matchmaking is rigged against killer to favour survivors and reduce lobby dodging.
Survivors didn't like lobby dodge?
Devs acted in a way where killer have to wait before creating a lobby to reduce dodging.
That's my opinion
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Alright, I'll go boot up the game now. Where can I find the Oblivious status effect in-game?
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Isn't the long que time for high rank Killers because there aren't many high rank Survivors so it takes longer to find people near your level?
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The devs themselves told us that recently. Guess why they increased BP gain for survivors.
Also that website what you mentioned isn't accurate and is only regional (in case you took the information from the same website which also shows Playerstats and a leaderboard.
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Yes, and also sometimes more people want to play killer rather than survivor and vice versa
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He listed the amount of ppl waiting in lobbys atm, not the number of ppl playing. This doesnt take into account the people who are already in a game, and probably is only keeping track of a single platform.
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25,406 players currently playing dbd
Something is off about those numbers
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Sooo what website is it that? Is that PC, PS4, Xbox One?
I don't think anyone says there's more killers than survivors. Because if the number of killers and the number of survivors gets even close, that would be a huge problem.
120 killers need 480 survivors to play with.
Sooo in your example they are short 74 survivor players.
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It's just a system more similar to what they would've put in once dedicated servers are implemented regardless. Personally the fact it has MASSIVELY reduced how often I end up in lobbies where there's 3 survivors and a 4th survivor never ever joins makes it pretty great in my eyes.
Not everything is some evil survivor bias scheme lmao.
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Delete this post you're making yourself look like a Jackass
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I always let off a little chuckle when a survivor crash during loading as my queue is instant but that killer prob waited 5-10 mins and have to do it all over again.
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It's not often, but there have been times when this has been the case (mainly hallowed blight, where to get all the cosmetics you can get you had to play killer. People who main survivor all went killer at the beginning of the event to get it out of the way).
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If I know the website you’re using, which I’m pretty sure I do, it counts the people actually IN lobbies. Not waiting to get a lobby. I know this because I see my own name on there when I get into a lobby, not when I’m waiting on the previous screen where you can hit the button to start searching.
Thats the part that takes longer, usually my lobbies fill up fast when it’s my turn in queue.