Gen tap while in chase
Why survivors can tap a gens and then regression of generators goes off?
Killer finds a survivor, who has the gen almost finished and then killer kick the gen (3 sec kick animation)
The survivor keeps looping killer near the gen and tap it (0.1 sec animation) and then all the gen regression goes off. Then killer must to kick it again and the survivor can keep looping with 3 sec head start again.
I think it would be fair, if regression goes off by survivor after 3 sec repairing.
2 seconds actually.
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- Yes
- why are you allowing them to do it in 1st place. Just hit them to force them out of that loop then kick the gen!
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Use overcharge and this won't be a problem.
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2 seconds will be fine
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No one use this perk becose he work only 1 time next time every one know what to expect.
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I totally agree! Especially when looping is so heavily in the survivor's favor, then they can just "drive by" and undo 3 seconds work with less than .25 seconds of animation? Doesn't add up.
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I already suggested this on another thread, but I think they should add a little animation for the survivors, similar to when they go to unhook someone, where they look both ways before unhooking.
So, a short half second or 1 whole second animation of the surv looking right and left before leaning down to work on a gen. And the progression of the gen is affected after the animation is done.
This will discourage survs from gen tapping so its not so easy to gen tap during chases or avoiding ruin or activating overcharge quickly.