A quickplay or unrank mode for new players

So a friend of mine just bought Dead by Daylight and had obviously no clue how to play that game, even after the toturial. So I started to play with him a few games "as rank 1 sadly" and bring a insta heal for him so he sees more of this game^^.
We played I think 10 games and all of these games were full leveled killers with mostly op addons or moris or with a awful connection where you cant even walk normal. The killers were in yellow ranks and were not good at looping and mingames, thats for sure. I know its unfair that I kind of bully a killer that is starting to learn this game, I mean a billy chased me for 5 gens and then dcd at the gate. I had kind of alot of these games but these killers tunneled my poor newbie friend mostly when they had the chance and he never was longer then a few 1-2min alife. I tried my best to help him out but its almost impossible to protect him alone with 2 other ppl that are just crouching around the map because they are scared of the killer or not doing gens.
My friend honestly didnt had alot of fun after these games and i can totally agree and understand him. He dont has the chance to learn how to loop or avoid a killer.
So what my point is a unranked mode for new player can play against other low experienced player could help this game alot for newer comers. So there is one big question, what if high rank ppl just join to troll around or want to bully baby killers?
Just put in an devotion level lock and you get less bloodpoints because this mode is then for players who just want to learn this game right? For an example instead of having a 20-30k bp game reduce it down to 10k. And you are not allowed to join these unranked games when you are over devotion 1 or something. Obviously ppl who didnt play for a long time before the devotion levels came into this game or ppl who just buy this game on an second account can still join in but i am pretty sure if you get that less bloodpoints you will not be staying long into this mode.
I hope ppl understand what i mean with that and thanks for reading!
All game is unranked. Rank doesnt exist.
Your "rank" is a matchmaking tool.
Does nobody understand this still? It's not a hard concept.
Also, if you think lowering bp will stop people from going into "unraked" to SPECIFICALLY troll new players, you're crazy. If their interest t is to troll, they dont care about the points at all.
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You are right that rank doesnt mean anything in dead by daylight. But there are alot of killers who tryhard for there life just to get pips or bloodpoints. I´ve seen alot of ppl that told me after a game like "atleast a pip" or "enjoy your black pip with this mori" and with that fact i would tell that if you dont have this pip system, new players will have a easier time to learn this game and will not get matched with full leveled killers with op addons.
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I agree that a casual mode should be present where you filter out the toxic people who want to win no matter what.
But in your case, why would you run am inferior killer for five gens? You were clearly superior, what was the point of humiliating an inferior opponent?
I am not a king looper, I am OK and still when I see I am running a killer who is clearly less skilled I make some mistakes to be caught.
It is a horrible experience to be bullied by someone better than you or with more experience. If you play at lower ranks try to adapt your plsystyle to the level of skill of your opponent so they won't have a terrible time.
Behind the killer there's a human being, once it's clear that you have thr upper hand be a gentleman.
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I agree what you mean and I am not supporting toxic gameplay but this billy for an example had a ebony mori and already moried someone and he tried to tunnel my newbie friend right after the unhook (thanks to borrowed time he survived the tunnel and could hide). He even ignored me when I bodyblocked him for over a min because he was so focused on my friend. Thats not how to "learn or adept" if you bring a ebony mori and instantly tunnel everyone from the hook.
So i decided to be toxic aswell. I am not usually toxic but if a killer wants to be toxic then I dont mind to bully him back. Thats my opinion atleast^^
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Yes, if that's the case I think your reaction was legit.
My point was not to destroy someone weaker because it's really frustrating when you are in the receiving end
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devotion lock sounds amazing.
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By a mode for newbie players do you mean levels 20-18 where people who have gone past these levels can't go back down.
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No need, if they just fix the ranking and emblem system this wouldn't be an issue.
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@venom12784 Actually, we can, indeed, go back down to those beginning gray ranks. When I last played, I was Rank 12 killer. I haven't played in many months, and logged in this weekend (alas, I didn't last long) and had deranked all the way back down to Rank 20 due to all the rank resets that happened while I was away.
All anyone who plays has to do is derank back down to Rank 15 by throwing enough matches, and come rank reset their Rank 15 will be dropped down to Rank 17 and back in the gray-newbie ranks.
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Honestly I've had a similar experience recently. Got my friend into the game and when he's chased, he goes down almost instantly. He gets hit once and then doesn't know what to do and ends up still near the killer and just gets smacked again and downed. He's also usually the first person found EVERY game, which I don't even know how that's possible...
To be honest, I think it's part of the game. Everybody has to be a sucky noob at some point, and with each failure you learn.
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Biggest issue if you SWF with him at the start. It automatically places him against higher ranked killers then he is ready for. Normally you play against or close to a rank above your first few games.
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Interesting thing I heard the other day. Whoever is the host of the SWF lobby is the one whose rank gets matchmaking. I played with my Rank 18 friend all day yesterday and kept getting Rank 19 and 20 killers. It also helps if you SWF with multiple low rank friends and you're the only high rank survivor. You'll literally only see baby killers, and just don't be a toxic ######### to the new killers and just try to help your friends learn the game.
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Odd when I pair with friends we usually get someone more Middle grounds, but I have noticed something similar to what u mention so I feel there is validity in it.
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Waiting for...
iT wOuLd SpLiT tHe PlAyEr BaSe
The response to anything that revolves around separate queues/different game modes.
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They could do what League of Legends does, and introduce alternate game modes that are available for a couple weeks and then go away, and then another one comes around a couple weeks after that.
They could have a Vanilla game mode, where there's older perks and killers only.
A casual game mode for low ranks or non try-hards
A game mode with randomly selected match modifiers.
And just cycle them weekly or biweekly.
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I'm always down for completely new stuff and changes.
But this community is very picky when it comes to that. And unless its some "change" I.E. events for example, within the original game mode.
The vast majority would flip out w/o giving it a second thought or trying to be reasonable. There will always be some supposed problem. Even if it's no perks no addons for everyone. Someones gonna complain.
Which is unfortunate.
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True. This community has really chill members but also a lot of toxics boys and girls. Whiny babies.
But I would LOVE to see a vanilla game mode. Basically just old killers and old perks. It would be an entirely different experience and would be a good change of pace from the stale meta perks.
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Just watch noob 3 and copy paste if your a noob
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Taking months off will put you back down there. So you can get back into the groove of the game. You don't stay there long if you know how to play.
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And this still pushes away the people who are so new that they have 1 or 2 perks or don't even know how to equip a perk. Going up against someone fully loaded when you have no idea what the hell is going on even if a match or 2 can really make people second guess if the game is for them.
I get there needs to be a grind and progression, but this game really isn't newbie friendly - even with the upcoming bloodweb rework.
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@BenZ0 I've taught a few new players how to play the game. What I do I go into a 1v1 Kill your friends game, go through the concepts of the game. Such as looking behind them to see where the killer is, basics to looping, shack, and other game-play mechanics.
When they feel they have a basic understanding of the game, I'll duo with them whilst giving them advice and pointers throughout the game.
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I know what you mean, I already did that 2 hourse with him but he couldnt keep everything in mind because it was too much information in a short time, so I thought he should play a few games to get slowly used to this game you know :)
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@venom12784 Or you can stay long, and simply farm easy BP, especially with BBQ slotted. Dead by Daylight has the most broken and amateur "rank system" I have ever seen in a game. It's one of the reasons I warn many new players away from it.
The ranking system means nothing as far as skill placement, and means even less as far as being the matchmaking element. It is far, far too easily manipulated on the player end.
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It'd not be necessary is Behavior just implemented something that actually rewarded players to climb ranks, instead of bullying low rankers for fun.
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They already have this. Ranks 16-20 are going to almost always be new players. Once you hit 15 you can't rank back down to 20. And you can't lose ranks until you but 15. So players are going to automatically be at rank 15 after playing for a short amount of time. Queue times would be horrible if they added another mode to queue for.
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I personally don't understand the ranks, i'm a level 13 killer. Yesterday while i was playing i went into a match where the survivors were ranked 2,3,7, and 14. How is that fair. After being looped into oblivion by the rank 2 & 3 during the match i finally found the 14 and hooked him. When the rescued him i tunneled the ######### outta him cause if i went for the other survivors i knew i wouldn't catch them and everyone would escape. Of course i got messaged by the level 2 that I'm trash for tunnelling and " it's not fun for the survivors if they get tunneled" but i responded you think it's fun getting tunneled into oblivion by a survivor that's 11 ranks higher than me. He just responded git gud....😒
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I cant agree with that because when I que with my friend we got rank 18-15 killers and all of them had all 4 perks such as bbq, ruin, noed, pop goes the weasel on rank 3 and we had 4 mori games out of these 10. So you cant tell me these killers were "new" when they alread had alot of teachables.
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I think there should also be a "coaching mode" where experienced killers agree to play against new survivors following a code of conduct decided by bhvr.
I mainly play killer and try to help everyone having a good time and earn lots of BP.
Imagine a game mode where you are a newbie learning the maps and loops and the killer agrees to rules like:
No camping
No tunnelling
No slugging
Always try to double hook people so everyone can make saves
When you see you are winning too hard move away and let them recover a bit
And so on
I mainly play like this anyway and I would be down to help with some training wheels before survivors are released in the real world.
I'm sure other killers would agree too.
Obviously this game mode would be limited to let's say 30 exp levels of a new account or so.
@Peanits would this be doable?
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It wouldn't be enforceable. I could say, "Yeah, I'll play nice." and then camp and tunnel people game after game. You would need someone to monitor each game and make sure that nobody's breaking the rules, which just isn't realistic. Beyond that, I do feel like it would be a little degrading for the new players. They would know that the only reason why they're winning is because the killer's going easy on them.
RE: A casual mode.
It's a lot more complicated than it seems. Most games have a hidden rank behind the scenes in their quickplay/casual modes (e.g. Overwatch). This is so even if you don't want to take the game super seriously, you at least have a close match. To put it bluntly, sticking anyone against anyone wouldn't work. If I'm a new player and I click casual instead of competitive (as you would likely do) only to get matched up against a really good killer or really good survivors, that's a fast way to turn people off of the game for good.
And as a result, that's more than likely what would happen. Good players who want to bully new players for easy wins would play that mode, new players would pick it thinking that's the place for them, then leave the game with a bad taste in their mouth.
You would need some sort of ranking system- even if it is behind the scenes- to make sure that the matches are at least somewhat fair. But at that point it's no different than what the game is now.
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they should have a beginner playlist like siege but then again it'd be plagued by smurfs
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CS:GO's system would be better. Casual mode without ranks. You get to taste everything AND learn the basics before starting competitive..
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I don't know about you but I see a significant difference in play style between brown ranks and say purple or red.
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You could not play with him, so that he plays with rank 20 killers
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Only thing I'd change is the Devotion lock.
Don't let anyone in who's Devotion 1 or higher. Just at all. No amount of "reduced bp" is going to keep them away so it's better to just make a "beginners only" mode.
Even then, the Devotion lock can still have consequences. What if a player is a killer main who wants to try survivor? In this case, it shouldn't be based on Devotion level but instead hours invested into either the killer or survivor role. If needed, I wouldn't mind changing Devotions levels so that you have 3 of them: 1 for killer, 1 for survivor, and 1 for overall. Where only your overall Devotion level provides bloodshards upon level up while the other two are strictly for statistics.
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Thank you for your answer, although I don't see the situation in a "coaching mode" to be difficult to pull off. The moment you sign in as a killer you are presented with a list of rules and you need to click accept to join the mode. Once that is done if you break the rules you can be reported and punished.
As for players feeling offended of an easy win, this would be a training mode, they are supposed to win or at least perform well.
An alternative could be having killers apply for a fair killer badge which allows them to help new players get into the game.
I understand all of this require work on your part but it is currently so hard for new players to pick up the game. Something is needed
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Its simple really just hide the rank from the players. Similar to how you can't see what rank people are in lobbies do that also for killers and Survivors.
Either that or only, signify rank with a color instead of numbers.
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But you played with them... Being a rank 1...
So if the Devs have changed it back to taking the average of the SWF lobby, you put him in rank 10 matches.
Maybe don't play with them.... so they can play against new players.
We all had to learn... so they have to go through the learning steps, which means they will be tunneled and camped by low skilled players.
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Thats true but he dont wants to play it alone, he want to play with me :D
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Just remember that the lower ranked person should make the lobby for SWF. That's what determines lobby level, not the average of the members anymore.
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Doesn't really matter though when you are new....
The mid ranks are full of killer climbing the ladder.. so they tunnel...
Then the low ranks, new killer player allot of times tunnels and camps cause they don't know any better.
New people are kind of screwed either way.